UKOPS 01, 7pm Thursday, £22 entry £3,000 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter
Morning all.
I cut my tournament poker teeth in the Live Arena, over 2 decades ago, & one of my strongest memories is that every live MTT - & I do mean EVERY - started 30, 45 or 60 minutes late, sometimes more. If a player was not seated when the very first hand was dealt, that's it, you were out. So the organisers - well intended, but wrongly - delayed the start until Fred, Bert, Bill and Susan had arrived. And the late arrivals would ring the cardroom -
"I'll be there in 20 minutes" - so all of us who had bothered to leave in plenty of time would waste another 20 minutes of our life. Actually, make that 40 minutes, as Fred, Bert, Bill & Susan were all telling porkies.
It's a wonder Tournament Poker survived the shambolic organisation we endured those days.
Now, 20 years on, the Internet has been invented, every MTT starts smack on time, & if we happen to be late, we can Late Reg.
Poker is full of Negative Ninnies (peruse the Sky Poker Forum each morning, you'll soon suss the coup), but really we live in THE most wonderful times. When I see all these moaners I feel like smacking them in the gob, but, sitting where I do, I have to utter soothing platitudes & leave it to others to tell Mr & Mrs Moanalot what I think. Thank the Lord for
@Jac35. Sometimes.
Anyway, that was by way of a preamble, but at 7pm last night - 7pm to the second - it was shuffle up & deal, & another UKOPS - rumoured to be the 22nd - was under way.
From the perspective of the Site, the first question is always - "did we cover the Guarantee?"
Well yes, UKOPS was off to a flyer, with Event # 1 beating G'tee by a very handsome 49%. 1 down, 36 to go then.
All the great & good of Sky Poker seemed to be in this, however it was very much
"nearly, but no cigar". Mean-Machine
@GSmith13 was down in 46th,
@Limp2Lose 41st, PLO8 whizzkid
@conorshay1 36th, a spot behind Sky Poker veteran & all round great guy
33rd was Sky Poker Fat Club member
@Essexphil, a member of the "1 stone club", which means he has lost over a stone in weight since Xmas. I try not to be nice to Phil, he's an annoying so & so, but dropping a stone in 3 months is a great effort by the rotund roffler.
32nd was
@TTayseer, 30th was
@LmfaoAllin & in 29th was Bedroom Poster Boy
@MattBates. Poster Boy? Yes yes, look at this - he's the one on the right doing an imitation of a bearded Easter Egg;

Into the Top 25, but missing the Final, were the likes of
@devil_tear, and
6th place went to
@DrDad, who tomorrow, amazingly, celebrates 10 years to the day playing on Sky Poker. Not exactly high-volume, but that's proper loyalty. Not sure I've ever known an Online Cardroom where so many players are so loyal for so long.
5th was
@add2002001, which sounds like a maths question. Sharky tells us that over a 5,000 sample size, he makes an average of 1p (ONE PENNY) per game. And 90% of us would swap with him in a heartbeat.
In 4th was
@spitfire10 who has a resume that includes winning the Sunday Major for over 4 large a year or so ago.
The profitable
@Makaka was 3rd, and
@laurak64 just missed her (or his) first UKOPs win.
Winner, & gaining his 1st UKOPS win as well as his biggest Sky Poker success was
@tom_mull who I vaguely recognize from the PLO8 tables. We can readily assume that if you put a PLO8 player in a 2 card game, he or she will win every time, simply because PLO8 is so much more skilful than Texas Hold 'Em.
Next up, the PLO8 affair, & we can confidently predict the 2 card boys are wasting their money entering this, as they have no chance. Trust me, I know these things.
UKOPS 02, 7.30pm Thursday, £22 entry £1,000 Guaranteed PLO8
Guarantees are always a worry in PLO8, but not this time, coming in 52% over, oioi.
The PLO8 boys don't 'arf lobby for more Omaha High-Low events in UKOPS, but this was the only PLO8 jobbie this time round, so we can expect them to brush aside the brawn not brain 2 card boys.
And so they did, with high volume PLO8 specialists @mistymast 74th of 76, @Essexphil 73rd, LUCKBOX @markycash 71st, serial PLO8 League winner @safc71 70th, @conorshay1 47th, @eon1961 43rd, @tomgoodun 41st, @adzbo 36th, @VespaPX 26th, & @ajmilton 24th. That's called putting the 2 card boys in their place.
@BIGSHANN fared no better, and he was a spot behind UKOPs specialist @Sharki0, with @notbrook1, who had a little chunter about the structure exiting in 57th. The structure was my excuse, too, or would have been if I'd played. Thank the Lord for bad structures.
@penguin7 (17th) & @Whizzewky (7th) were easily the best efforts by the PLO8 regulars.
NLH hotshot @FeelGroggy was 13th, the puntastically named @hughjarse2 11th, and Sky Poker veteran @GREGHOGG 9th.
Decent final table, with @dryiceja27 6th, @mcg899 5th, and @Lovey87 4th.
3rd place was netted by @K_Dur4nt - was that the the Golden State Warrior who was later ejected from the court last night against the Bucks? - with @N3mesis 2nd.
Winner was @ash066pts, and the last time he played a PLO8 MTT I was a young man, so he must have got very lucky to beat all those PLO8 experts.
Sample size, that's always a good get out.
UKOPS 03, 8pm Thursday, £110 entry £15,000 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter
This was the Main Event of Day 1, and at £110 on a Thursday evening, good cause to worry if it would cover, but with 190 entrants, it sailed over by 27%. Yay.Poster Boy @MattBates was 35th, @Sharki0 33rd @lovejunky 31st & @BIGSHANN cashing again in 28th.
2nd cashes of the evening went to @cpfc_2010 and @devil_tear.
Scary Bloke @loololollo was 15th.
6th place @Z1 seems to have had a good March, as he took down the Sky Poker Marksman a few weeks back.
@bigby was 5th, with the oddly-named @Yodakenobi 4th.
Good result for @beefheart1 in 3rd place, just touched off by runner-up @gac123.
A spectacular result for the winner, @smallpete who has been playing MTT's on Sky Poker for over 10 years but has never had a result anything like as big as this. He collected a most pleasing £4,000 bar a few bob. Very nice too. Oh, & one of these beauts, too;
UKOPS 04, 8.30pm Thursday, £5.50 entry £2,500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter
This was the UKOPS badged Mini, and I doubt a UKOPS Mini has ever missed it's Guarantee. This was no exception, & with 688 runners it covered by 38%. In poker, if you look after the £5 boys everything else will look after itself.
The only problem with close to 700 runners is name-checking enough of them, & I'm afraid that's beyond my limited skills & available time.
I did notice @thisltedu (17th) and Man United fan @lyonsbob06 in 14th though.
The deliciously named @mmmpizza was 6th.
Did you know that on Sky Poker, the "mmm" aliases include @mmchips, @mmmpizza, @mmmmdonuts &, of course, @MmmmmmBeer.
For sheer originality though the prize goes to @mmmmmmmmmm. Wonder what blinding flash of inspiration made him or her choose that alias?
5th went to @ROBINAYR, and 4th was @dartslad87 who should have been watching last night's Premier League Darts.
3rd was @md2k8 with @bujcztk runner-up, neither of whom I can tell you much about.
Delighted for the winner though, @chrisdboy who has been GIQ here for 9 years now. A very well-deserved UKOPS win.
UKOPS 05, 9pm Thursday, £22 entry £5,000 Guaranteed Rebuy
Another Guarantee easily beaten, this one by 25%. That'll do.For a bit of degen gambling fun, not much beats a score Rebuy, I used to love these back in the day. Unforch, with increasing age, you lose the urge to gamble. You also lose the urge & indeed ability to do some other things, I am sad to report, but I'll spare you the detail, that comes under TMI.
A 3rd cash of the night for young @cpfc_2010, 16th was @BooBooTheB - what a great alias that is - Poster Boy @MattBates 14th and in 11th place, Scary Bloke @loololollo.
6th place went to @heddoh18 who has more of those shiny spinning Sharky stars than enough, with Forum regular @KOBAYASHI a very good 5th. Tournament report please Koby.
At-It-Merchant @stack_u was 4th, I shared a table with him at an SPT, man oh man, you do not wanna be OOP to that boy.
3rd place went to @macapaca, with @Viking25 runner up for an even bag.
The Sharkscope graph of the winner is extraordinary, after being flat for 2 years it's gone near vertical in the last 6 months during which he has won over £10,000, so many congrats to the talented @Kawaii420.
UKOPS 06, 9.30pm Thursday, £11 entry £2,000 Guaranteed Turbo BH
The first of 2 Turbo BH's, & no problem on the Guarantee with this one, coming in with 293 runners which beats Guarantee by a handsome 47%.Good to see @TheThug, aka @tomgoodun in 14th place, @ash066pts, fresh from winning the PLO8 earlier in the evening, in 13th, & @MacMonster who I saw last weekend at the Sky Poker Road to Manchester thing was 10th.
The talented @TTayseer was 6th, with 5th place going to @tom_mull who won UKOPS 01 earlier in the evening, and in 4th place, another cash for @kapowblamz.
My good friend & sports bettor par excellence @Doooobs was 3rd, well done David.
@BrayCorp83 - what a strange alias that is, anyone know what it represents? - was runner-up.
Winner was the consistently profitable @b_oakdave, well done Mr Oakdave. Can I call you b?
It's always a bit of a worry if this one, the traditional end of night UKOPs affair, will cover or not, and although it did not exactly crush, it fell over the Guarantee line by 12.5%. 7 out of 7?UKOPS 07, 10pm Thursday, £55 entry £4,000 Guaranteed Turbo BH
The Suits will take that, & @Sky__James gets to keep his job for at least another 24 hours.
In 13th place, after an evening of near-misses, it was @loololollo again. Scary Bloke? I don't think so, he's a spent force, trust me, & I'll take him on HU for rollz any time he wants. T & C's apply.
@scotty77 was a place ahead in 12tj, & that man @BooBooTheB 11th.
Delighted to see Sticky Solly, aka @SoLack in 6th, @T0mCairns was 5th & @Monty15 was 4th.
3rd went to the uber-profitable @Max_Bear, who plays a lot of the high roller - well, relative high roller - stuff here on Sky Poker.
UKOPS specialist @Sharki0 was runner-up.
Winner, & not his first UKOPs win if my memory serves correct, was @BarrattG1.
So that was that for Day 1 of UKOPS. Not a bad evening one way & another.
Here you go.
UKOPS 08 £3,000 Bounty Hunter 7:00pm £22 £3,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 09 £15,000 High Roller* 7:30pm £220 £15,000 15 10,000
UKOPS 10 £15,000 Rebuy B/Hunter 8:00pm £22 £15,000 12 2,000
UKOPS 11 £5,000 Mini Rebuy B/Hunter 8:30pm £5.50 £3,000 10 2,000
UKOPS 12 £5,000 Mega Stack Bounty Hunter 9:00pm £22 £5,000 10 10,000
UKOPS 13 £2,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 9:30pm £11 £2,000 7 3,000
UKOPS 14 £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10:00pm £55 £4,000 7 5,000
The big question for tonight - can that £220 entry, £15k Guaranteed High Roller cover?
Please buy in - or get in via a satellite. Sky__James job depends on that one covering.
As for the poor showing in the plo8... I am blaming the rum!
Well I say played, what I mean is I misread a table, shoved 72o and lost, for no other reason that I had 77 on a ak7 flop on another table and clicked wrong button. Oh well, onto the next one!
In 4 hands:
AJo > AA to knockout 4th place short stack
K8s > Ax aipf. He flops an ace and it goes runner runner to give me a straight.
Then A5o > KJo. He jams ~15BB and I hold to win the tournament.
Normal service should be resumed tonight.
Started off really slow to be honest. Managed to find a double up b4 the add on period, i found my self with Mattbates 2 to my right about half way through. Thankfully they soon moved me! I decided not to add on at the add on break even tho 4 players at the table did. So i stuck with my 4.5k.
Mananged to get a nice double up to take me to 6/26. Then was just nice and steady to the final 12, i found my self on a table of 3 while the other table had 4 and a short stack. So was trying to take blinds but not put my tourney life at risk either.
Eventually got to FT and we lost 1 quite quick. My exit hand i was 4/5 and was UTG +1 when kawaii420 min raised utg to 18k, i shoved for 80k with 77 and he looked me up with kj and J on flop. Very deserved win though as he played excellent from when i started watching from last 3 tables.
Congrats also to @K0BAYASHl. Not a bad return that for £3.30
You should be on the stage. The next one leaves at noon