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Fun hand from Last nights UKOP £15000

devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
edited December 2021 in Strategy
I don't normally post hands, but this was an interesting one when thinking about ranges, particularly on the river. I think the play is +ev but would be interested to hear opinions.

player1Small blind600.00600.0074108.62
devil_tearBig blind1200.001800.0053648.50
Your hole cards
  • 3
  • 2
  • 5
  • 6
  • 8
  • 8
  • 8
  • 3
  • 2


  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    The hand is super spewy, would you use this sizing on the river with aces and kings?

    Pre flop is quite bad.

    Try and avoid pressing the half pot button.

    Are you just posting this as some kind of ego trip, presumably the player in the hand is a reg and you want them to see it?
  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    edited April 2018
    Haha, I ignore your b.s. in chat box so you come here. Thanks for the classy feedback one liners. Saying something is bad without a reason is futile.

    The player is anonymous. I genuinely wanted constructive criticism WITH explanations.

    Seeing as you really enjoy mud slinging...When I want to go from an roi of 50% to 16% i'll come to you for coaching.

    p.s. this is my last reply to you, I have better things to do that listen to negative ppl without an ounce of respect for what I do.

    Peace out.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2018
    I try this and get snapped by K6o like always ;)

    While I do think the flop sizing could and should either be smaller or larger (depending on the limp/call>call flop tendencies of player1) by the time we shove the river we are repping QQ+ very well. Overpairs would nearly always check back that turn as would all give ups so the story does make sense.

    However there's a massive difference between yes the story makes sense and player1 reading the little text under the board that says 'Full House Eights full of fives' and clicking call. So opponent selection is vital in this sort of bluff, you need them to be folding 5x and 6x most of the time to be profitable imo and I am not completely convinced you will do across a broad player spectrum.

    Now if we're in the other seat what are we putting in the b/c range OTR? TBH probably not too much, quads and flatting JJ+ pre somehow but we can pretty much cap out all of the later after the pre action. So yeah we have a massive advantage in perceived ranges and I like the bluff in principal as they will be b/f a lot of 5x and 6x and they look like they have a ton of 5x and 6x here.

    But like I said at the start, I try this and I get snapped by K6o. Not only does what we represent matter but even more so is the fact if or not that makes a blind bit of difference to the other player in the hand.


    Sorry, I should also talk about choosing this hand to do this with. I don't overly mind using this one to squeeze pre v the SB, it doesn't flop well and again, depending on tendencies of player1 and if they ever fold after limping, I don't hate the raise. The flop though is just disgusting for our range v their range. I am assuming you were one and done after the flop call and then got the nut best run out? I might even just give up OTF knowing they are nearly always calling one, calling two lots and sometimes calling all three too wide for us to make this work, let alone the times they flop it/hit the draw which with their range on this flop is more than you'd think.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2018
    Agree with Tommy on all postflop.

    Wouldn't iso this pre w/o some serious reads on limp/folding wayyy too much or l/c and x/f tons of flops. Pick stuff that at least flops half decent and gives us some spots we can barrel postflop with at least some equity as opposed to just having 3 high.

    Alternatively need favourable ICM - guessing from blinds it'll be near ITM if it's from one of the £110 mains, which could work in our favour throughout.

    Need more info though tbh.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    "Seeing as you really enjoy mud slinging...When I want to go from an roi of 50% to 16% i'll come to you for coaching."

    You really shouldn't be insulting players based on information from sharkscope.

    If you want to quote figures at the very least get them correct, on sharkscope you would need to select "scheduled" to filter out Sit and Gos.

  • RogueCellRogueCell Member Posts: 535
    Nice advertising, nit. You probably had to take beta blockers to get that through.
  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    RogueCell said:

    Nice advertising, nit. You probably had to take beta blockers to get that through.

    So many negative Nancys. You, Larsson and clock123 should get a cosy little flat together somewhere like, I dunno Jersey.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,064
    I'm with Tommy on this one.

    Delicate mixture of bravery/madness pre/flop/turn. Shove on river is logical.
    Think there are always going to be better spots to do this-as an example, you are drawing dead on the turn to the might of 7 5 off.

    It would have been more interesting (IMO) on those cards if you had been holding, say 10 7, when I would have been wondering if you spiked the 9. Can see why you liked it, though.
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