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Review of Easter UKOPS, Day Two (Friday)

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

UKOPS 08, 7pm Friday, £22 entry £3,000 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter

What a thoroughly dreadful day it was weather-wise down South yesterday, with over an inch of rain falling in some parts. How is it that Good Friday always has such dreadful weather? In truth, it's not the case at all, it's a fine example of how our minds work - remembering bad things, forgetting good things - & something called "recency bias". And that's why you see all these poor souls coming on to Forum almost daily & chuntering that the RNG is bad or the cards are dealt facing in the wrong direction or whatever. Because they lost.

Gill & I went up to London yesterday, & the tourist areas were deserted due to the appalling weather. Meanwhile, Online Poker Sites were loving life. Bad weather is the best thing ever for Online Poker sites, business booms. Snow, storms & tempest at Easter? Yes please.

So what displeases some, pleases others, whether it's weather, or our Aces being beaten. For every player who gets Aces beaten & has a curly lip, some happy soul is delighted to have beaten them with his 7-2 or whatever. And Aces bloke will come on the Forum & have a moan, claiming Sky Poker is Sky Joker or whatever, but 7-2 man won't say a word. There's always 2 sides to every story, for every loser there's a winner, but you'll only read the bad side on a poker forum. Funny old game.

Anyway, UKOPS Day 2 got underway with an exact repeat of the opener on Day 1, and Sky Poker had high hopes that they could repeat the Day 1 numbers, when all 7 UKOPS events covered Guarantee. Last night's opener needed 150, & got 211, so beat G'tee by some 40%. The opener on Day 1 was 49% over, so not quite as good, but good enough. As Gary Barlow might say, we'll Take That.

If you were paying attention yesterday, you'll have read that @laurak64 finished 2nd on this, a very fine effort. Last night, @laurak64 finished 209th of 211 in the identical event. Such is poker, eh?

@BarrattG1, who won the closing event on Day 1, sneaked into 35th place, with hotpot @Curt360x27 32nd, @hhamza162 (will he/won't he quit the spin ups?) 31st, Tennis Bloke @F_Ivanovic 29th (good to see him back), & @Omm in 27th.

@chiggypig chugged into 18th, with @Sharki0, who does so well in UKOPS 15th, with Day 1 £22 Rebuy winner @Kawaii420 13th.

In 12th was hotpot @memfno, with @Itsover4u 10th, & @peiratis88, which sounds like an illness, in 8th.

First exit on the Final Table was @bnana & I have no idea if that is a fruit or a spelling error but he had been peeling a lot, @Vskyshark was 5th, and @Tsaaaar (not to be confused with @TTayseer) 4th.

Easily a best ever result for @poundspoke in 3rd, ditto for @Shire41 in 2nd, who only began playing MTT's on Sky Poker in January & is going along nicely.

Winner? @lundie, who is one of the most profitable MTT'ers on Sky Poker in 2018. The rich get richer, & the poor get poorer. Such is life, and poker.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 09, 7.30pm Friday, £220 entry £15,000 Guaranteed Rebuy High Roller

    We can be pretty sure the Sky Poker Suits were sweating this one, a £220 Rebuy is a good way north of the usual buy-ins here, & @Sky__James was bricking it.

    It needed 75 entries, but only 70 entered. Oh dear. Look closely though, & there were 5 Rebuys, so it came in bang on the number. Never in doubt, right?

    In some ways, this was the day's Main Event, and the hotshots in an elite field all fancied their chance of taking this one down.

    First exit was @mattprawn - how do you account for that? - with @Kawaii420 departing shortly after in 68th, @rspca12 aka Dog Bloke 66th, @macapaca (not to be confused with @macapac) 65th.

    @beefheart1 - a very fine 3rd in the Day One Main - saw the brutal side of variance this time in 61st place, a spot behind Sticky Solly, aka @SoLack. Another to bear witness to the power of variance was Day One Main Event winner @smallpete who could only manage 59th here.

    54th was @NChanning who took defeat well, as always. I was having a shave when he rung me to tell me about his exit and by the time he'd told me his tale of woe I'd grown a beard.

    @loololollo who is not having a great UKOPS - yet - was 43rd, 10 spots behind the Day 1 PLO8 winner @ash066pts.

    The payouts went down to 10th, & with @Super_Oli the bubbler, @humberfish sneaked (should that be "snuck?) into the money.

    Bearded Easter Egg @MattBates was 9th, long-time chip leader @TONY509 8th, with the Final Table bubbler @Froozle.

    I railed most of the Final, and a fine Final it was, with the chip lead chopping & changing all the time. First out of the door was @boulton016, followed by @SenorBegs who had looked like the winner at one point, with 4th place going to another who had the chip lead for a while, @munchkin00.

    The very impressive @stack_u was 3rd, boy oh boy the boy can play.

    Surprise of the night - or even month, or year - was Frinton-on-Sea's finest, @Essexphil who finished 2nd. He was in a spot of bother 5 handed with 10 Bigs & a really bad seat between @SenorBegs and @Sharki0, but these old boys are nothing if not persistent & he somehow outlasted all bar one. Well done Phil, not bad for an ABC-geriatric and a rotund roffler.

    Many congrats go to @Sharki0 who collected over £4,000 in 1st place. He finished runner-up in the £55 Turbo BH on Day One after which I described him as a "UKOPS specialist". Sometimes I call it right. Sometimes.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 10, 8pm Friday, £22 entry £15,000 Guaranteed Rebuy Bounty Hunter

    This - the official Day 2 Main Event - needed 750 entries, rebuys & add-ons, & fell across the line with 781. Phew. Counts as a win though, oh yes.

    23rd place went to @The_Reflex who I had the pleasure of meeting at the Road to Manchester thing, & is a lovely fella. @ash066pts was 15th, @scotty77 13th, & good old @Direwolf - what a Guy he is - 12th.

    9th place went to the delightfully named @piemaster, and I'm pretty sure @hhyftrftdr has his photo on his bedroom wall.

    @gollyrod was 6th, @TheFLUSH 5th and @Hayc, who won the Sky Poker Sharpshooter just a fortnight ago was 4th. Note that @Hayc is not to be confused with @HAYSIE. The latter has played every UKOPS event so far but has yet to trouble the judges, & frankly, I doubt he will. "Gone at the game" as the saying goes.

    I have no idea how I know nothing on third placed @lerky, he's played over 11,000 games on Sky Poker & made plenty of money, but somehow has flown under my radar. No matter, well done @lerky.

    We know plenty about the runner-up though, well done @Curt360x27.

    Winner was a real UKOPS hotpot in @RAKKKI. If that name rings a bell with you - & it should, if you've been paying attention - it's because in the November 2016 UKOPS he managed no less than THREE outright wins. That'll take some beating.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 11, 8.30pm Friday, £5.50 entry £5,000 Guaranteed Mini Rebuy Bounty Hunter

    Needing a round 1,000 entries rebuys & add-ons it beat that by a comfy 17%, and you'll need a good memory to remember the Mini not covering in UKOPS.

    Deep runs from @Sharki0 (23rd), @The_Reflex (22nd) @neenio (21st) and @henners10 (20th).

    @HOLLYWHIT was 17th, with @EASYFIX who is a very loyal & big fan of Sky Poker and won't have a word said against this site, in 14th.

    @F_Ivanovic was a fine 12th & the boy @devil_tear, owner of one of those lovely spinning Sharky gold stars, 8th.

    Hotpot @jubb was 6th, @ianjude 5th, and @dylan07 4th.

    8 year Sky Poker veteran @colburto27 was 3rd, and runner-up @B_Bot just failed to take down the win.

    Winner was the consistent @jordz16 who has a veritable galaxy of spinning Sharkscope stars, and at this rate, he'll have a few more soon. Good guy, too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 12, 9pm Friday, £22 entry £5,000 Guaranteed Megastack Bounty Hunter

    Megastacks evoke much discussion on Sky Poker, some love them, some hate them, but it crept across the line by 7%.

    @lyonsbob06 managed 25th, and there were further Easter UKOPS cashes for @hhamza162 (22nd), @Direwolf (20th), @Curt360x27 (13th), @Froozle (12th) and @macapaca (8th).

    First to depart the Final was @SMIFEEEE followed by @ForeSight and in 4th place the mightily profitable @DEKKER5207.

    10 years and a week from his first MTT on Sky Poker the ever-improving @IRONZ finished 3rd.

    In the "how do these things happen?" department @HAYSIE was runner-up, the geriatric Welsh serial chunterer taking advantage, one assumes, of some serious run-good. Sky Poker are lucky to have Haysie, as he tells the site what they are doing wrong. How would Sky Poker cope without the lovable yet annoying old boy?

    Winner, & securing his 2nd biggest result ever on Sky Poker, was @Draw4Flush, well done him, and I. for one, am muchly grateful he deprived @Haysie of the victory, as we'd never have heard the end of the chirping.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited March 2018

    UKOPS 13, 9.30pm Friday, £11 entry £2,000 Guaranteed Turbo Bounty Hunter

    This one generally does OK against Guarantee, & last night was no exception, easing home hard-held by 24%.

    We don't see much of @DOHHHHHHH on the forum these days, sadly, but he still plays a decent amount here & snuck (sneaked/snucked?) into 20th in this.

    11th & 10th respectively were @devil_tear and @Itsover4u.

    8th place went to the delightfully-aliased @EatMyMuck2. There is also an @EATMYMUCK but not, as far as I can see, an EatMyMuck1. Why would you choose the 2 appendix when 1 is available? Such wondrous mysteries keep me awake at night.

    @Zublu celebrated his 1,000th MTT on Sky Poker with a fine 6th, @ritchie76 had a well overdue change of fortune in 5th place, with @tuckaif13 4th.

    @K_dur4nt, who was 3rd in the Day 1 PLO8 added another 3rd place here, with the ever-improving @mcg899 runner-up.

    Performance of the day, though - maybe best effort of this UKOPS so far - was by @Sharki0 who collected his 2nd win of the evening in this, adding it to his High Roller success earlier in the evening. Some player, & he might not be done yet, the fella has game and some.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 14, 10pm Friday, £55 entry £4,000 Guaranteed Turbo Bounty Hunter

    This is the traditional closer on UKOPS evenings, and always a worry as to Guarantee, but it crept over the line with 6 runners to spare, so that's 14 from 14 now, & @Sky__James gets to keep his job for another day.

    It's today's last write up, too, I'm very relieved to say, though probably not as relieved as the hardy souls still reading. I share your pain guys, I share your pain.

    It's not often we feel sympathy for the crusher @loololollo but his 82nd place here added to a miserable run in this UKOPS. So far. Never turn your backs on these lads though, thy can bounce back at any time.

    @Eyeman, so-named because he is an optometrist (that's a posh optician to you & me) was playing only his third MTT on Sky Poker in 2018, so good to see Graham pinching a bit of bounty money in 23rd.

    High-volume @nickd49931 was 16th, @kapowblamz 11th, @MattBates who could use a win, 11th, Folkestone's finest @GREGHOGG 10th & @Itsover4u - who is overdue a big result - 9th.

    @K_Dur4nt, with a brace of 3rd places to his name this UKOPS, netted 6th this time, @jerseyjock was 5th, & it was a 2nd successive Final for @mcg899 in 4th.

    3rd went to a player who does very well here, @5Kind, with @ChrisLang, who has taken no less than 8 years on Sky Poker to play 136 MTT's secured his biggest ever cash in 2nd.

    Last man standing was @jakescol who took 10 years on Sky Poker to win his first UKOPS at Xmas, & has now won another. Rather like buses, you wait all day then 2 come along. Well done @jakescol

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    So that's Day 2 done & dusted, but don't be going away, three more nights yet, starting tonight with this little lot;

    UKOPS 15 £2,000 Bounty Hunter 6.30pm £11 £2,000 10 3,000

    UKOPS 16 £3,000 Bounty Hunter 7:00pm £22 £3,000 10 3,000

    UKOPS 17 £1,000 PLO 7:30pm £22 £1,000 10 4,000

    UKOPS 18 £15,000 Bounty Hunter 8:00pm £110 £15,000 12 10,000

    UKOPS 19 £2,500 Mini Bounty Hunter 8:30pm £5.50 £2,500 10 3,000

    UKOPS 20 £5,000 Bounty Hunter 9:00pm £22 £5,000 10 3,000

    UKOPS 21 £2,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 9:30pm £11 £2,000 7 3,000

    UKOPS 22 £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10:00pm £55 £4,000 7 5,000
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    edited March 2018
    Although it is a very great honour for you to describe me as annoying on this forum Mr Kendall, to calmly slip geriatric into the same sentence is surely a bit pots and kettles?
    I will still be in my prime when you get your telegram.
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    Yeah, nice(ish) summary TK.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    Thanks (ish) Dragon.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    As always love the reviews.
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