Morning all.
Apologies for my tardiness, what with this & that (but not the other) I forgot to post this yesterday.
This is up to Midnight on SATURDAY, so at this point, there was still a full day to go.
These are the top 100, if you wish to see the full list, go to the Promo Page, here;
1 @TimmyRaRa 21428
2 @bigfatfish 15016
3 @Cammykaze 13126
4 @MIKEY802 10797
5 @VlalIlia 8755
6 @mondo1985 6200
7 @edrich 5390
8 @TIMBER 4110
9 @Jac35 3369
10 @Fogul 2952
11 @The_Reflex 2885
12 @Jacquelyn 2821
13 @TommyD 2795
14 @bibs16 2275
15 @twirley 2010
16 @The_Chris 1923
17 @Mayhem357 1823
18 @phillips58 1780
19 @terrell08 1684
20 @lMARKl 1639
21 @heddoh18 1585
22 @SJspanky1 1310
23 @Whizzewky 1301
24 @Amarie 1224
25 @JackSN 1089
26 @HAYSIE 1000
27 @mkgunner 981
28 @rocketm92 940
29 @eon1961 930
30 @jd44 830
31 @chiggypig 813
32 @jimchipz 748
33 @adzbo 719
34 @ZZBORT 715
35 @alig1234 690
36 @xcv 589
37 @denty765 568
38 @pat041279 523
39 @elfwizzard 517
40 @SkyIsSoft 510
41 @ansharai 509
42 @Perceptive 506
43 @BearOfAces 495
43 @chrisdboy 495
45 @natstar1 490
46 @THECHIMP 475
46 @Mylo77 475
48 @poshcole 466
49 @Burger306 461
51 @Danbo406 439
52 @GARETH26 436
53 @dinger6 410
54 @TOOTRUE 408
55 @hayleyc2 403
56 @antoinette 385
56 @ubeenpwned 385
58 @safc71 358
59 @brinna12 344
60 @wynne1938 338
61 @JordyAA 334
62 @RobStone 322
63 @pokerghost 320
63 @jonnyrkd 320
65 @1ali1 312
65 @MrJoeBlogs 312
67 @Aran 295
68 @p_blase 287
68 @dudan1 287
70 @LLufc84 285
70 @AJE222 285
70 @dragon1964 285
73 @Enut 275
73 @Dotti 275
75 @Allan23 264
76 @pcwmtc 260
76 @HENDRIK62 260
78 @VespaPX 252
79 @LuckyLukas 240
80 @kevg14 238
81 @johnfish1 237
82 @goldnballz 225
83 @Wilton 218
84 @newtopoker 214
85 @kevinboli 210
86 @Kennett 209
88 @SJH1591 207
89 @churchy18 206
90 @GREGSTER 205
91 @chrisbhoy 200
92 @AcesSuited 190
92 @LiamRynn 190
92 @Draper_ 190
95 @m4rk 187
96 @Hamsteady 182
97 @cooolc 176
98 @stuart477 175
98 @darryl1976 175
100 @CHIZ 174
Usually, today, as per the T & C's;
"8. Cash prizes will be credited by 6pm the next working day after each Promotional week ends".
First step though is for the data to be run and Day 7 Leaderboard to be Finalised to bring Week 1 to a close, (the Leaderboard above is to end of Day 6), that then gets checked, after which it will be published, & paid.
So, all being well, any monies due to you from this promo will be in your Account before C-O-B today.