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Review of Mini UKOPS Day FIVE (Sunday)

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

Finally, the last day of all these UKOPS write-ups.

What a day yesterday was, one way and another.

The Arsenal laboured to a narrow win over Southampton, enlivened only by a late spate of red cards, then, for once, we were able to watch a F1 GP where the result was in doubt to the very end.

All of which was a mere hors d'ouevre to the main course of Masters Golf. I must have watched well over 50 Masters Golf final rounds, but I doubt any were as thoroughly exciting & drama-filled as yesterday.

Tremendous stuff.

Alongside The Masters, I had one eye on the numbers for the inaugural Mega Mini, more on which in due course.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Before we leave the Golf, any of our golfers care to comment on Reed's finishing position in his "helicopter swing"?

    Shades of Arnold Palmer there, though how he ends up in that position suggests he is a contortionist in his spare time. Amazing stuff.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    So, the final day of Mini UKOPS.

    Think it's been a success overall, a few of them missed Guarantee, but it's not all about numbers, and the players seemed to enjoy it for the most part.

    I've had to be a little guarded in some of what I write, those of you who peruse the forum will be able to read between the lines, I'm sure.

    Off we go then.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited April 2018

    Mini UKOPS 17, 6.30pm Sunday, £2.20 entry £500 Guaranteed Deepstack

    If the data is correct, once again @HENDRIK62 snuck into the money, that's twice now, but congrats anyway on what must be his biggest MTT cash ever.

    Minor monies too for @TENTENTEN and @Toffeeandy, whilst the Final Table bubbler was none other than tough to beat plopper @pompeynic.

    Sheffield United fan @bornablade was 6th - I imagine he was unlucky, he usually is - with consonant bloke @hhyftrftdr 5th who was lucky, as usual. After Man City - who used to be very good - squandered a 2 goal lead at home v Team Maureen, he deserved a smidgeon of luck to brighten his day. @dubmaster was 4th.

    Runner-up was @Gooner1961, with the win going to @Topdogfish to start off what was later to prove a very long but good evening indeed for him.

    I had no idea what "TopDogFish" could possibly mean, so I went to my faithful friend Mr Wikipidea, & he came up with this'

    "The Top Dogfish is an enemy in Mother 3, and a more difficult version of the Dogfish. It very rarely jumps out of the pond by the Club Titiboo Ropeway. While it can be difficult to defeat, it drops a lot of money and experience points, as well as always dropping a Meteotite".

    WTF is that all about?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Mini UKOPS 18, 7.30pm Sunday, £10.00 entry £20,0000 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter (Rake Free)

    Did any of you expect this to cover Guarantee, and not only cover, but beat it with a good bit to spare? I never did, for sure, but as the day wore on it became clear that the numbers would be, at worst, respectable. In fact it proved to be a splendid success, with 1,480 Unique entries and 828 rebuys, so a £23,080 Prize Pool. Normally, that'd be £2,308 of Reg Fees in Sky Poker's pocket, but they got zilch-all last night.

    Unfortunately, Sod's Law came into play, & I don't have access to the full results, so you'll have to make do with the Final Table.

    6th went to @idtent, just behind @Thewaasp who has been a busy bee putting in decent volume here lately.

    @Zola63 is more usually seen in £1 & £2 games but the step up in class was rewarded with a splendid 4th place.

    3rd went to confirmed hotpot @GFKIJKLL who has way too many spinning stars on Sharky.

    Runner-up @Topdogfish - who you'll recall (or you should) won the Mini UKOPS opener tonight - so not a bad night for him as long as he never dropped too many meteotites.

    The winner was @LitlGenral who must like UKOPS, as he had 2 Final Tables (6th and 2nd) in the Xmas UKOPS.

    Really pleased this went so well. The software behaved itself all evening too, despite the site being really busy.

    Same place next Sunday. Same time, too, right?


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Mini UKOPS 19, 8.30pm Sunday, £5.50 entry £2,500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter

    @goonerjay who has done so well lately was out of this almost before it begun, plum last in 353rd place. Swings gonna swing, swongs gonna swong.

    @cowhead was 38th, which does not sound great, but it's a better finishing position than his team, Sunderland will manage in the Championship. Great fanzine though;


    @idtent, 6th in the Mega, was 20th here, with @Essexphil, with one eye on his crossword, 13th.

    Good result for @RedEight in 6th, with @CU180 5th and @tyler85 in 4th.

    3rd placed @jane1217 has enjoyed a decent run of late, whilst the highly-rated @GREGSTER just came up short of the win.

    The winner's garland went to @stuart477 who plays a shed load of £5 DYM's, so his £490 win produced a remarkable uptick in his results graph.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Mini UKOPS 20, 9.30pm Sunday, £3.30 entry £1,500 Guaranteed Turbo Rebuy Bounty Hunter

    This was the Mini UKOPS closer, rather like the Grand Annual always closes the Cheltenham Festival. Just as much carnage, too.

    @GREGSTER was too busy coming 2nd in UKOPS 19 to bother much about this, so 18th was a bonus, @phuse blew out in 15th, @Tsaaaar - who can't stop cashing - 13th, and @Toffeeandy just missing the final in 7th.

    6th went to @oldgolf, who graces us with his presence on the PL08 DYM tables from time to time, with my old mate from G-Luton, @extraman a spot better.

    4th went to @steve1312 with Forum regular @thisltedu in 3rd spot.

    Runner-up @whogoes does OK here, but it was a great win for @THEHOFF07 who ended a lengthy losing streak here, & who only returned to Sky Poker MTT's recently after a long sabbatical.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    Yay, we are done.

    Big UKOPS had 37 (?) Events and ran for 5 days, and Mini UKOPS another 20 events over 5 days, so nearly 60 UKOPS MTT's have been run in the last week or two, and I'm just about out of creative juice, not that I started with much.

    I hope you've enjoyed UKOPS, and at least some of the write ups.

    I'm outa here.

  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,922
    Thanks for the write-ups Tikay.

    Good to see the Mega Mini do well, let's hope that continues. There must have been some tasty bounties up for grabs on the final table.

    That was a gutsy round by Reed with Spieth, then Fowler challenging, especially that putt from off the green on the twelfth. :o

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    Cheers for all your time and effort with the write ups. Always a cracking read, much appreciated.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    Good write ups sir thanks for the effort time to chill out now
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Many thanks for all the write-ups Tikay, thoroughly appreciated.

    As I'm finally starting to come round to all this tournament malarkey, does anyone know when we might expect the next Ukops to happen?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Thanks for the feedback lads, appreciated.

    @edrich - I thought the back nine was just wonderful sport, entertainment and drama in every way. Such a different feel about it, & the "patrons", to what we see in football.

    I'm not a fan of Reed, though I don't dislike him as such, would just have preferred Speith, Fowler or Rham to be wearing Green today.

    Was a shame to see Rory and Tommy fall away as they did, especially as Rory started Day 4 so well and at one point could have taken or shared the lead.

    Fair play to Reed and the other septics though, what tremendous bottle they showed when it really mattered. Serious money to the winner, nearly $2 milly, plus all the endorsements, sponsorships, exemptions & the like.

    Hard to imagine a better life than a Major-winning Pro golfer.

    That's what I plan to be in my next life, oh yes.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Many thanks for all the write-ups Tikay, thoroughly appreciated.

    As I'm finally starting to come round to all this tournament malarkey, does anyone know when we might expect the next Ukops to happen?

    Hi Guitar Bloke @Duesenberg

    Usually, they take a summer break now and return late October or early November, when the new "season" has begun. Traffic dips in the summer months of course, so Guarantees come under pressure.

    You never know though, Sky Poker sometimes produce rabbits out of hats, such as last night's Mega Mini.

    Little secret for you now, an inside story.

    There was a bit of nervousness as to whether Mega Mini would cover, & everyone in the Office - James, Kirsty, Mark and Sam (see how careful I have to be? - I listed them alphabetically), was pointing fingers at each other.

    It was your idea, not mine.

    No no, YOU suggested it first.

    Then, this morning, after it left the Guarantee in the rear-view mirror, they have all changed their tune.

    It was my idea.

    What? I suggested it first.

    Oh no you didn't.

    And so on.

    Obv, Sam gets the credit from me, because a) I have a deep man-love for him, & b) he signs my timesheets.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Obv, Sam gets the credit from me, because a) I have a deep man-love for him, & b) he signs my timesheets.

    Some solid reasoning that, especially point A :).

    Thanks again Tikay.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Cheers for the updates, is good to get some banter going on the forum with them.
  • GREGSTERGREGSTER Member Posts: 386
    Excellent write up's throughout Tikay and especially nice to get a couple of mentions. Not sure where you got the 'highly-rated' part from though.

    Was a pleasant surprise to see the Mega Mini do so well, I expected it to get about £15K. Was surprised there weren't any sats through the week, but obviously weren't required (unless I just didn't notice them).
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    It's not gonna win any prizes for literacy, but the sentence structure was decent.

    I'll give you that.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240

    It's not gonna win any prizes for literacy, but the sentence structure was decent.

    I'll give you that.

    The irony in the misuse of 'literacy' whilst scripting a critique is not lost on us.....up your game Kebablad.
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Great write ups Tikay, I only managed to play 1 event throughout the week but still read your updates every day.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    HENDRIK62 said:

    It's not gonna win any prizes for literacy, but the sentence structure was decent.

    I'll give you that.

    The irony in the misuse of 'literacy' whilst scripting a critique is not lost on us.....up your game Kebablad.
    Was a deliberate error to see which draining fud would pick up on it first.

    Looks like you won.
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