Would you go for an ipad or a samsung tablet? How many tables can you play on them? Also the volume doesnt work on the app on a samsung tablet that ive tried can anyone help?
The samsung one does run abit slow and I think i have the opposite problem to you kob because the sound doesnt work at all haha, maybe the sound is bugged on samsungs
I use a kindle fire ,only cost £40 and sky poker works fine on it,only one table at a time,though other night I joined 2 by mistake,and was able to play both.
Personal preference having tried both, Apple products > samsung. Apple (IOS) seems to run alot smoother than the Samsung's (android). Seems to have more apps, and IMO gets the newer apps before android devices do. I would 100% recommend an Ipad you will not regret it. Also you don't need to spend alot on a normal size ipad, you can get the ipad mini which is cheaper and runs just as good
I use an iPad and can only play one table.
Also I can only run one table on the samsung