Last night I was in the middle of a heads up game with an opponent I had been re-matching for a couple hours, at 4am the client kicked me off for an update. This both lost me £21 directly, but also I was not (and couldn't myself) deregistered from the other 4 games (£105 worth) I was regged for, luckily they were plo8 so when I logged on at 11 this morning to check, none of them had been played.
Usually the updates deregister you from all sngs 1 hour before, also I was not warned within client at all that there was an update last night, would have not rematched again if I had known.
Will I be able to get the £21 back form the last game I couldn't play? (I was slightly trailing in chips so the blind increases meant oppo got the win)
Is being locked out of the client while still being registered for games something that I will need to look out for in the future?
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Apologies for that, you should have been refunded the full £21, no arguments, hands-up job.
You will be fully refunded, but it won't be until the morning due to technical constraints. *
* Technical constraints = they have gone home tonight.
May also be true, though @Sky_James is not old enough to drink.
Do you know if future outages will automatically deregister us as they used to?
Think it was the first time this has ever happened, the reason is known, & I'd be extremely surprised if it ever happened again.