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playing for fun

iceman969iceman969 Member Posts: 2
where can I play on site for play money ?


  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Cash games > filters at the top > Free play
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Hi Iceman969 I popped into free play on your table to explain how things work. You did not have chat on so unable to help. I see you are not new to Sky Poker and surprised having never played in free play or familiar with how to get chips. The low tables give you chips auto, when you log, but these tables are never full, if you log in from time to time you will see only Miranda is the table most used. To play on Miranda you need 10 / 20 thousand chips and you only get them by working your way up the tables gaining chips along the way. If there are few players in the low tables you will struggle to gain chips.
    I have enough chips over the years being on Sky Poker and playing in free play so can pop into Miranda anytime when low on money or just to have fun. If you're having bad patch on the tables it's good to let off steam in free play. Should you like to play on Miranda pop in log on the table click chat and ask them how to gain chips .... they will save you the struggle by giving you start. If nobody on Miranda helps come back to this thread and I will arrange this for you. gl
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