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Yikes my M.D.F is what ????

TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
Just finished playing a cash session on another site (one i normally wouldn't touch with a very poo ridden stick, but i've got some free money, courtesy of a popular training site) and I'm putting some micro 6 max training theories to the test.

All is well and good and tbh I'm running over the table when a villain shows up who quite clearly is either a much better than the average player on this site for this level inc. me. Or a complete lunatic as he proceeds to shove 90% of hands from every position.

I try to do a quick MDF calculation as its obvious that there's +EV if I get it right and I'm looking at a poss 30 - 40 buy in profit before he either gives up or I get it wrong and dump a dozen buy ins @ 4 euros a time.

However I only know river MDF calcs which say the bet divided by the pot plus the bet = MDF% which in this case was typically
sb 0.02 bb 0.04 villain 4.00 so that's 400 / 406 =0.9852 so i should be defending with 98.5% of my range.

Surely I'm wrong. I usually am.

Yours in poker



  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    To reach the MDF% you also need to add the value of your potential call to the total pot before dividing the bet you facing by that total.

    Therefore, in your case, it would be 400/806 = 0.4962 (49.6%). This assumes neither you or the villain are one of the blinds.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Thanks again Duesenberg.

    TBH I left the game with my 3 buy in profit until I could get some clarification because I didn't want to start defending with 74o and the like. I shall update my flash card immediately (yeah I know I sound like a little child but hey, if it works) to include the potential call.

    Yours in poker

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