"Big Blind Antes" seem to elicit a sharp divide of opinion. In truth, it's 6 of 1, half dozen of another, but the WSOP will be trialling it in a few events this year.
Big Blind Ante: There will be eight events at the 49th Annual World Series of Poker that will use the big blind ante format. This format is new to the WSOP and is designed to help speed up the game. In this format, instead of each player anteing before the hand, only the player in the big blind will ante. For this format, the ante will be equal the big blind for all tournaments and all levels that an ante is in play. In addition to the eight gold bracelet events that will use the big blind ante format, the 4 p.m. $200 deep stack and 10 p.m. $150 deep stack will also use big blind antes.
They really need to stop calling it an ante. Not sure what it says about me but I watched much of the TDA Summit on Twitch (last year I believe) where these were proposed. Speeding up the game was pretty low on the concerns and not the smoke screen reasoning being thrown up to justify these all the time now. What seemed to make everyone happy were brick and mortar casinos wouldn't have to buy so many 25 and 100 value chips anymore. Apparently they do spend a ton on 25 chips (which I can see because they are always the ones that get mashed up more, used more and lost more).
Now the button ante, that I can see more pros for in both speeding up the game and help make the game more skill based while maintaining a balance as we now have three people investing in the pot before we begin, the bill per hand is spread. But when the 'ante' is the same price regardless of if we are playing 9 handed, 8 handed etc etc, it's not an ante and you've got one player paying 4/5 of the bill pre. You've just doubled the BB which will lead to tighter games and hurt more recreational players in the long run imo. It will be interesting seeing 4x pre make it's triumphant return though.
The worst reasoning I hear for the Double BB is 'just imagine you're anting every turn so it's the same.' Yeah poker sure works like that.....
To not end this post on a negative, the shot clock is clearly a great idea and I think they made some changes for Hand for Hand (clock is stopped but each hand takes a set amount off the clock, a minute iirc, while in H4H) which is a great step forward imo.
"Big Blind Antes" seem to elicit a sharp divide of opinion. In truth, it's 6 of 1, half dozen of another, but the WSOP will be trialling it in a few events this year.
Big Blind Ante: There will be eight events at the 49th Annual World Series of Poker that will use the big blind ante format. This format is new to the WSOP and is designed to help speed up the game. In this format, instead of each player anteing before the hand, only the player in the big blind will ante. For this format, the ante will be equal the big blind for all tournaments and all levels that an ante is in play. In addition to the eight gold bracelet events that will use the big blind ante format, the 4 p.m. $200 deep stack and 10 p.m. $150 deep stack will also use big blind antes.
They really need to stop calling it an ante. Not sure what it says about me but I watched much of the TDA Summit on Twitch (last year I believe) where these were proposed. Speeding up the game was pretty low on the concerns and not the smoke screen reasoning being thrown up to justify these all the time now. What seemed to make everyone happy were brick and mortar casinos wouldn't have to buy so many 25 and 100 value chips anymore. Apparently they do spend a ton on 25 chips (which I can see because they are always the ones that get mashed up more, used more and lost more).
Now the button ante, that I can see more pros for in both speeding up the game and help make the game more skill based while maintaining a balance as we now have three people investing in the pot before we begin, the bill per hand is spread. But when the 'ante' is the same price regardless of if we are playing 9 handed, 8 handed etc etc, it's not an ante and you've got one player paying 4/5 of the bill pre. You've just doubled the BB which will lead to tighter games and hurt more recreational players in the long run imo. It will be interesting seeing 4x pre make it's triumphant return though.
The worst reasoning I hear for the Double BB is 'just imagine you're anting every turn so it's the same.' Yeah poker sure works like that.....
To not end this post on a negative, the shot clock is clearly a great idea and I think they made some changes for Hand for Hand (clock is stopped but each hand takes a set amount off the clock, a minute iirc, while in H4H) which is a great step forward imo.
Excellent post Tommy, especially the emboldened parts. (IMO).
As per usual, the recreational players will be the ones to suffer, for sure. There does not appear to be much representation for recreational players on the TDA, it's all about looking after the Pros.
Now the button ante, that I can see more pros for in both speeding up the game and help make the game more skill based while maintaining a balance as we now have three people investing in the pot before we begin, the bill per hand is spread. But when the 'ante' is the same price regardless of if we are playing 9 handed, 8 handed etc etc, it's not an ante and you've got one player paying 4/5 of the bill pre. You've just doubled the BB which will lead to tighter games and hurt more recreational players in the long run imo. It will be interesting seeing 4x pre make it's triumphant return though.
Button ante >>>>>> BB ante AINEC.
No idea how anyone decided BB ante should ever be a thing.
Can't say I've ever seen Esfandiari wearing a jacket, so I'm just not sure on that one. Brightly coloured t-shirts are his bag, & he generally has a masseuse in attendance.
I actually though the guy with his back to us in the jacket was Esfandiari just based on the hair and the ears
WSOP starts, by tradition, with the Casino Employees thing, which does not elicit much by way of interest.
Next up is - wait for it - a $10,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter. Jeez, the mind boggles. Each bounty is worth $3,000. Crazy times, fancy paying $10k for a Turbo NH.
Last year, this was a Tag Team Event, which, to my mind, was a bit of a circus, I'm inclined to the view that poker is a solo pursuit not a team affair.
Still, it got the Brits a Bracelet, or half of one, as Miss Boeree was half of the winning duo.
Here's Miss Boeree with yet another conquest. (The bracelet, not the fella. Obv. )
Then comes a real whopper, the $100,000 NL High Roller.
The WSOP try to schedule a High Roller early in the Series as it gets the big players in town earlier than otherwise.
Last year this was the One-Drop High Roller, & it went to Dog Polk, who collected some $3.6 milly. Very nice too.
Here's Mr Polk, looking pretty pleased with himself, as well he might. I'm not sure if I like him or not, it sort of depends on my mood. Mostly I think I do. At least he's not one of those serious heads who think smiling is not cool. Jeez, I don't like those sorts.
For any Brits playing any WSOP events, please note this;
ID Verification Requirements: Any person providing a U.S. Passport for identification must provide a secondary, unexpired governmental ID verifying their physical address such as a valid driver’s license. (No changes from previous for International Passport holders, meaning separate address documentation still required).
Stupid question @Tikay10, what separate address ID is needed to play a WSOP event (just in case)
Ideally, I always have 3 things with me when I buy into a WSOP event:
1) Passport. (Mandatory)
2) Players Card, aka Rewards Card. Also mandatory. You can get a Rewards/Players Card in the Rio Corridor right next to the room where you buy-in.
3) Drivers licence. Rarely needed, but always worth having to hand.
If you need help buying in, come see me (am usually in the Media Centre most mornings) and we can soon get you sorted.
Great stuff, will do. I’m sure some more noob questions will pop up. I’ve been scanning the very good Vegas thread next door for a while. I imagine some bits of advice can go out of date as things change.
I was amused to see the picture of the first one table sat of the summer (it was $175 to enter...winner takes all). I sort of pictured those guys camping outside rather like people waiting for the Royal Wedding.
I was amused to see the picture of the first one table sat of the summer (it was $175 to enter...winner takes all). I sort of pictured those guys camping outside rather like people waiting for the Royal Wedding.
The "crime" reference refers to Charlie's self-proclaimed suggestion that he was, at one point, a drug dealer. Allegedly.
Now the button ante, that I can see more pros for in both speeding up the game and help make the game more skill based while maintaining a balance as we now have three people investing in the pot before we begin, the bill per hand is spread. But when the 'ante' is the same price regardless of if we are playing 9 handed, 8 handed etc etc, it's not an ante and you've got one player paying 4/5 of the bill pre. You've just doubled the BB which will lead to tighter games and hurt more recreational players in the long run imo. It will be interesting seeing 4x pre make it's triumphant return though.
The worst reasoning I hear for the Double BB is 'just imagine you're anting every turn so it's the same.' Yeah poker sure works like that.....
To not end this post on a negative, the shot clock is clearly a great idea and I think they made some changes for Hand for Hand (clock is stopped but each hand takes a set amount off the clock, a minute iirc, while in H4H) which is a great step forward imo.
As per usual, the recreational players will be the ones to suffer, for sure. There does not appear to be much representation for recreational players on the TDA, it's all about looking after the Pros.
No idea how anyone decided BB ante should ever be a thing.
WSOP starts, by tradition, with the Casino Employees thing, which does not elicit much by way of interest.
Next up is - wait for it - a $10,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter. Jeez, the mind boggles. Each bounty is worth $3,000. Crazy times, fancy paying $10k for a Turbo NH.
Last year, this was a Tag Team Event, which, to my mind, was a bit of a circus, I'm inclined to the view that poker is a solo pursuit not a team affair.
Still, it got the Brits a Bracelet, or half of one, as Miss Boeree was half of the winning duo.
Here's Miss Boeree with yet another conquest. (The bracelet, not the fella. Obv. )
As kisses go, it looks a little forced to me.
Then comes a $3,000 Shootout, which is, in effect, a series of full ring SNG's.
Last year's equivelant was won by the awkwardly named Upeshka De Silva who pocketed a little shy of a quarter of a milly.
Event 4 is the $1,500 Limit O8, a weird format if ever there was one in 08, & very hard to play well.
Last year's winner was Benjamin Zamani, who also ended up with just shy of a quarter of a milly.
Then comes a real whopper, the $100,000 NL High Roller.
The WSOP try to schedule a High Roller early in the Series as it gets the big players in town earlier than otherwise.
Last year this was the One-Drop High Roller, & it went to Dog Polk, who collected some $3.6 milly. Very nice too.
Here's Mr Polk, looking pretty pleased with himself, as well he might. I'm not sure if I like him or not, it sort of depends on my mood. Mostly I think I do. At least he's not one of those serious heads who think smiling is not cool. Jeez, I don't like those sorts.
Here's Neil Channing at the WSOP, breaking the world record for speaking without drawing breath.
I'd not mind, but all I asked him was what the time was.
Today's little question;
Here's Mr Channing in his Black Belt days.
What was he playing, when, & how did it end up?
The WSOP has begun.
Here's where the Poker Tables will be;
Miranda: 25
Pavilion: 236 (Includes 15 in King’s Room)
Brasilia: 92 + 1 streaming table
Amazon: 135 + 3 Feature tables (The Mothership returns to the Amazon Room)
Rio Poker Room: 16
El Burro: 12
Spotted on Twitter this afternoon, Tweeted by Kevin Mathers, aka KevMath;
"I’m in the media room, but there’s no @Tony_Kendall"
Ideally, I always have 3 things with me when I buy into a WSOP event:
1) Passport. (Mandatory)
2) Players Card, aka Rewards Card. Also mandatory. You can get a Rewards/Players Card in the Rio Corridor right next to the room where you buy-in.
3) Drivers licence. Rarely needed, but always worth having to hand.
If you need help buying in, come see me (am usually in the Media Centre most mornings) and we can soon get you sorted.
Meanwhile, this also appeared yesterday from the WSOP. (It was shown sideways exactly as below).
Anyone know what that is all about?