this spot annoys me with 0 antes in MTTs
We open in HJ AQs 20bb deep 2.1x
the button shoves for 25bb
20bb deep raise folding hands like AQs seem weak on that stack size with antes I would insta get it in
but can we raise fold when no antes are in play.
It seems very exploitable if we are raise folding hands like AQs though at 20bb deep.
open shoving has got to be +ev especially with short stacks/bounties at stake.
hmmm, with 15bb I would shove AJs so guess 20bb AQs has got to be correct or very close.
bubble play and also ICM plays a roll though.
Think im just moaning as ive ran into the goods a few times

God, you can see my thought process to find the correct answer in each sentence
My push fold game is strong
just an annoying spot say on the bubble which sucks with our stack size.
I basically broke it down with thought process.....hate sky doesnt have antes....creates less action.