I have been using this site for many years and find the the vast majority on here good decent people,however, there is one long term regular who resorts to personal abuse everytime he/she is outdrawn or not played as Phil Ivey would play it. I am not going to name names but really puts me off when I come on here for a friendly game of poker and get called names like 'muppet' from some halfwit who should learn some manners. The person in question posts on this forum so probably recognises who he/she is by this post. I will refrain from reporting it in this instance but any more abuse from this person and it will be reported.
Rant over
1 ·
Agree that it's a problem in Poker, can't stand the 'coach regs' myself and it's 10x worse when they're rude about it too, which they usually are.
But if you don't report it, then they'll just keep doing it.
As I recently wrote in my borderline-dormant diary:
Player A: Player C, you are so bad.
Player B: I agree. How are you even calling there? Terrible. Lol.
Player C: *silence*
Player A and Player B are both winning regulars at low stakes. They make money from players like Player C, players who sit down to try and enjoy the game and hopefully, sometimes, make a bit of money. If it wasn’t for Players like Player C (players who will make bad calls and do things that they perhaps shouldn’t do) then Players A and B would not make any money. Yet here they are openly criticising him for doing the exact thing that is profitable for them.
After the above exchange Player C clammed up and stopped playing hands. I imagine he didn’t feel like being attacked any more in the chatbox. Eventually the game fizzled out.
Is this the future of online poker? Recreational players being hounded out by the pros and semi-pros? It is certainly possible. According to a pro on a blog I was reading this week, “We couldn’t just win and shut up. We had to let our egos run rampant all over the casinos and the internet. How often do you go to the casino and see some young, arrogant kid blatantly telling (or modestly showing) the table how much better he is from everyone else or how bad they are. We have not only told and showed the fish that they are fish...we have rammed it down their throats.
Scant consolation, perhaps, but in my experience it's the weaker, less creative regs who get up to this sort of stuff. You could outplay them, report them (especially if the abuse gets nasty), humour them, ignore them, rise above it or some combination of the above. I've been abused a ton on here over the years and actually don't mind it/find it funny/find that it helps but the only time I've been tempted to report someone was when they were (pretty horribly) abusing someone else at the table. When I mentioned they were going to be reported, they replied along the lines of, "Oooh, your (sic) hard, going running to teacher..." etc etc which I actually didn't mind/found funny/ found that it helped.
I'm rambling, best of luck out there.
Someone's post written at 12:59 disappeared once I clicked back on the link to read Binks' post a minute later. Was a good post, too
If you wouldn't do it in person on a live table then why pretend to have balls and do it online?
p.s go !&@ %^$#^
If I'm getting a bit of pie I just dish it back usually using words of several syllables with a lofty disdain which makes the ill educated bozo feel inadequate, foolish and totally out of his depth. Also I really want to tilt him.
An example would be I get called a stupid fat moron. My reply is "I don't suffer with the medical affliction responsible for the label moronic. Equally my education prevents my induction into the stupid society, however Yes I am fat and that's the fault of your Mum. Every time we finish our copulation she gives me a cake."
Yours in banter
I'm sorry if you have a chip on your shoulder JJ. Victim-complex is it? Bullied at school? It's ok if you were. I can be your shoulder to cry on ;-) ;-)
That's brilliant!! :-D I've been laughing at that for about the last hour....Kind of put me off my game to be honest ;-) lol
embrace the banter tilt the fish
Thanks Andy.
You were correct, and I have now reinstated the post which had disappeared. And yes, it's a good post.
I get it from one player and have tried the "thanks, but no thanks" approach which just doesn't sink in. Find it disrespectful when they encroach thereafter.
In my experience its the better than average player but not great player that does this. Good/very good players know when to shut up and just play given it hurts them long term by driving people away while changing the atmosphere of the game. It's probably an inferiority/ego thing that they need to paint themselves as the best player at the table. Not the type of people you wanna be stuck in an elevator with!