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meesage for all

bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
edited August 2018 in Poker Chat
hello all,

as most of you know i am chatted banned yes again.However i feel in some ways i have been stitched up,not only by certain players who i will name but by sky also. i was chatted banned for using a certain phrase window licker and yes i hold my hands up not good at all and for that i apologise and i deserved the ban. but my point is when you have the like of xxxxxx ,xxxxxx,xxxxxx xxxxxx making such comments as had i been fiddled by my dead father yes you xxxxx and xxxxx asking if my tweleve year old daughter any good in bed do i need to go on. i dont so when i call them peadophiles they go running to the sky police.seriously how am i suppose to react to such remarks. i have no voice now but i just needed to put it out there to the commuinty to give my standing on the true facts.i didnt ever go running to sky crying but as soon as i give the verbel b ack they cry foul play.

anyway ive made my point and if i have any friends out there i am hoping you will back me up on this situation.



  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    People say stuff they wouldnt in reality on the internet, does not make it right but it certainly is a bit of a backwards step on the general evolution of humans being civil.

    Iv been guilty of saying stuff I should’ve as I am sure have many others... it’s also much easier for people to press out buttons online and trigger a response especially in a situation where we are winning and losing money.

    Take however long of the ban is left on the chin and try to hold your temper in future, take pride in being the bigger man.

    Hope it gets sorted best of luck at the tables
  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    wow thank you for your reply and may i say what an amazing reply it have summed up totally with such clarity and honesty.of course i take my punishment on the chin i deserved it.but when provoked as i was sorry but you are getting both barrels.i truly am thankful for your message and take on board everything you have said.

  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2018
    interesting that sky has now deleted the persons i named from my orginal post namley xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx and xxxxxx i dare say sky if they really wanted to back up my statement by using the high technolgy to prove theses people made such comments.

    i trust sky will do the right thing

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745


    I deleted the aliases.

    I will forward the aliases to the office on the morning & they can investigate it properly, and take whatever action necessary.

    For now, DO NOT identify the aliases on the Forum please.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited August 2018

    You need to stop with this right now. I have deleted your last post. I do have some sympathy with the situation, but I'm not having these accusations on the Forum. They need to be - & will be dealt with properly, by the office.

    The last thing we need is you to be forum banned as well, so do NOT repeat the aliases again on the Forum. TIA.

    The Office will be sent all the info in the morning, & they will deal with it.

    Do NOT keep posting the aliases on this Forum.
  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    thats fine sir i have made my point theres no need to take action.what gets me is i got the real abuse but i didnt report it i believe in the saying if you can not take it do not give it/i have taken my punishment and i deserved it but when i am sitting at a cash table and continue to get the the verbel from you know who .... well i find it hard to take.its okay tikay i have made my point. i wish you well.

  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    sir i am not after sympathy or any action to be taken although like i said sky have the tech to prove not my claim but my facts.but i am happy now to have been allowed to air my thoughts.i love this site and i do have mates on here and miss the banter,so im not having ago at sky but at individuals that think they are clever.

    my last post on this matter tikay promise.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited August 2018
    Guys, the weather's hot, & so it seems are tempers. We need to cool it.

    We can "mute" the chat of other players if we so wish.

    I received PM's from at least one of those accused last night (I deleted all the aliases, which included one or two of the usual suspects) strenuously denying the allegations of improper table chat. Truth is, we'll never know the truth, & "he said/she said" serves no purpose.

    This is a recreational poker site, & almost all of the players log on each evening after they have finished work to enjoy some fun, recreational poker.

    If we turn the clock back 10 or 15 years, it was normal to see players described as "fish" by their opponents, but then common sense prevailed, & to those with even a modicum of common-sense realised it was self-defeating. The term is almost defunct now except amongst adolescents. If I sit at a cash table, chances are I'm going to lose my money, which I can live with, but I sure don't want to share tables with some guy who wants to run his mouth all night. So you lose my money instead of winning it.

    "window licker"

    "had i been fiddled by my dead father"

    "asking if my tweleve year old daughter any good in bed"

    "mon g"

    "reta rd"

    For crying out loud, what IS the matter with you guys?

    Retaliation is understandable, yes, of course, but turning the other cheek makes more sense & works far better.

    There are any number of players on this site who have a child or relative afflicted with Downs Syndrome. Society, at last, is starting to realise mental illness is not something to mock. It's all very well apologising after, but that's too late - the hurt & anguish you cause by trivialising something so tragic does not go away any time soon. We really need to look at ourselves if we think that's fine & dandy over a game of poker for beer money. It's not.

    We all - or most of us - swear from time to time, but there's a time & place for it. In front of people we know will not be offended, that's cool, in open convo with strangers, not so much. A little tolerance towards others would do no harm at all, & costs nothing.

    Come on guys, let's cool it & behave like grown-ups.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    bonzodan said:

    sir i am not after sympathy or any action to be taken although like i said sky have the tech to prove not my claim but my facts.but i am happy now to have been allowed to air my thoughts.i love this site and i do have mates on here and miss the banter,so im not having ago at sky but at individuals that think they are clever.

    my last post on this matter tikay promise.


    It's fine to discuss the topic, @bonzodan , but no aliases please.

    My advice to you, FWIW, is to mute the players & rise above it. There seems to be no limit to how low some players will stoop over a 10 bob game of poker.
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    Hi bonzodan, i would not name players in the forum for abuse, but can see why you want it off your chest. When the ban is lifted best to think before you type...and any abuse you get that is over the top, take a note of the time..table, name and report to customer service.
    I do not mind poker players questioning my ( limited )ability ...Donk etc, but racist
    or other heavy abuse is always reported.
    This is partly to let the other players learn this is not the way to behave, learn a lesson and grow up. Good luck at the tables, and stay cool !
  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    thank you for getting back like i said i am guilty for my sins and deserve the chat ban,and i agree things get heated but the said people are guilty of those comments and i am some what surprised the tech team can not prove this.even this morning two or three players on line had witnessed such comments and supported my claim. still it is done now and it is time to move on,but like i said there is line and it was crossed.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    bonzodan said:

    thank you for getting back like i said i am guilty for my sins and deserve the chat ban,and i agree things get heated but the said people are guilty of those comments and i am some what surprised the tech team can not prove this.even this morning two or three players on line had witnessed such comments and supported my claim. still it is done now and it is time to move on,but like i said there is line and it was crossed.


    Everything typed in the chat box is permanently recorded in a Chat Log, so all comments by all players CAN be seen. As @glencoelad noted, if you see anything ott, just report it to CC, & it will be dealt with.

    Not sure we gain anything by raking over the coals, let's move forward & just enjoy our poker.

  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    glencolad,many thanks for your comment and i will certainly take your advice,but me now thinks i will certainly now not get my chat ban lifted but it needed to be put out there and here ends the matter.

    be lucky friend

  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    bonzodan i do not know you and i do not think i have ever played you. but if they are talking abuse in the chat i would report it to cc. i would also think that the only reason they are doing it is to get a rise from you so you tilt as it must be the only way they can beat you. i know it will be hard to ignore the nasty comments but just think you are better than them ( including on the table ) and use that to your advantage to take everything they have. good luck at the tables
  • bonzodanbonzodan Member Posts: 17
    many thanks ckd and given the feedback from other friends as well yes i must ignore such vile,but it was difficult not to react but it is done now time to move on.

    be lucky ckd

    bonzodan x
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    cheers mate be me and luck do not get on very well at the moment ( think luck is a bit of a donk right now ) do not tell it though. lol
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