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Moving up in stakes (MTT)



  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Yeah I want to give it a try and at least consistently play some £11 games and add them to my schedule.

    Downswings are I guess just part of the game and come with variance. I have a decent amount of experience and the low stakes so I recon I should move up and play higher buy ins more often, it is so much fun playing the £33BH.

    Keep going though Dean and you never know where it will take you! It must feel nice having a shiny star next to your name on Sharkscope :smile:

    Good luck

  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178

    Yeah I want to give it a try and at least consistently play some £11 games and add them to my schedule.

    Downswings are I guess just part of the game and come with variance. I have a decent amount of experience and the low stakes so I recon I should move up and play higher buy ins more often, it is so much fun playing the £33BH.

    Keep going though Dean and you never know where it will take you! It must feel nice having a shiny star next to your name on Sharkscope :smile:

    Good luck


    Best of luck in the £11's i'm sure i'll see you there!

    I find that the £33's are among the spewiest games on sky, well early game anyway,
    most of my wtf tilt moments have come from it.

    The most recent was getting AA AIP against 74o and losing within the first level of play, some players will go to the ends of the earth for your £11.25 bounty. they are a lot of fun to go deep in.

    Haha yeah I actually had the chrome star for one whole day :sunglasses: will be interesting to see how long I can maintain the gold one.
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Thank you @Ironpump1!

    Yes £33 are indeed spewy!

    Good luck to you too and see you at the tables.
  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178
    Good afternoon,

    Its been two months since I last reported on my progress with my challenge and to be 100% honest this has been because I have had my two most difficult months to date in poker and I have not been very motivated.

    As you will see my volume is no where near where I want it to be, mainly because I don't have the set up to play more tables but motivation has been a pretty big factor as well. Looking back at February it wasn't that bad really as I made 1k profit in the end but the 1k downswing in the middle really got to me, I was tilting easily and playing badly.

    When I had a look at my stats on sharkscope I seen that for the month my ABI had risen to around £18 so I figure a 1k swing isn't all that bad. moseying around at the top regs graphs I see much longer and more severe swings at this AbI so I carry on with same schedule into march....

    There were some positives from February.

    - Made the FT Jackpot 5th and 5th I'm very pleased to have achieved this
    - In a sort of twisted way the 1k loss was good in that it is a reality check, I'm still playing with a healthy roll and I feel much stronger for it.
    - I effectively moved up in stakes and made profit.

    Ok on to March.

    On paper a bad month... well it is a bad month, much like February running awful for the most part and not managing tilt very well and playing bad has led to a losing month.

    I kicked things of with a -£600 losing stretch then had a +£700 day then a -£500 losing stretch you can see the trend. Then again I am playing a slightly higher ABI again of over £19 I am playing some of the toughest fields and as @chicknMelt said to me before when I first ventured out of my comfort zone almost a year ago the reason I have these swings is because my edge is lower in these fields. I am much more comfortable playing these games now more than I ever have and I don't see my last two months as a negative as I type this now, I am actually quite happy all things considered. I have made a slight profit, my graph, although it looks like ski slopes is still going up slowly. I am slightly winning over a 450 game sample at these stakes. progress is progress and I will continue to work on narrowing the edge gap in these fields.

    March highlights

    - First time winning a mini
    - My hair still has colour

    My overall graph for the year.

    I very happy with my year so far, I always knew the rough stretch would come and it may continue for a while yet I'm only 400 games break even. I need to stay sharp, keep focused, and push on. I set myself a pretty steep goal, I don't think its impossible, who know's what the coming months will bring.

    My volume goal is looking bleak thus far, I will look to increase.

    Massive thanks to @Itsover4u and the group for the all help, support and reassurance. when my motivation has been withered after a testing session railing deep runs has been a great motivator.


    Targets: £20,000 profit +4000 MTT's

    Current Profit: £6,606
    MTT's played: 698

  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    edited April 2019
    Enjoyed the honest update, sure things will keep going in the right direction :)

    Have you picked some UKOPS events to play?
  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178

    Enjoyed the honest update, sure things will keep going in the right direction :)

    Have you picked some UKOPS events to play?

    Rough with the smooth and all that, I started this for some sort of accountability It wouldn't be worthwhile if I wasn't honest with myself.

    Yeah I'm playing all games up to £55 I will only play the nightly £110's if I sat in I will be playing the main event regardless.

    I will play sats for the £220 and £530 I'm not sure if I'd actually play the £530 if I did get a seat, I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.

    how about yourself? we haven't shared a table in ages.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited April 2019

    Great Update, & well worth the wait.

    Even started with my favourite 2 words - good afternoon. Are you quite elderly, or just unusually well-mannered? ;)

    Well done on progress so far, too. Those downswings can be so brutal, but everyone has them.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Ironpump1 said:

    Enjoyed the honest update, sure things will keep going in the right direction :)

    Have you picked some UKOPS events to play?

    Rough with the smooth and all that, I started this for some sort of accountability It wouldn't be worthwhile if I wasn't honest with myself.

    Yeah I'm playing all games up to £55 I will only play the nightly £110's if I sat in I will be playing the main event regardless.

    I will play sats for the £220 and £530 I'm not sure if I'd actually play the £530 if I did get a seat, I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.

    how about yourself? we haven't shared a table in ages.
    Sounds good to me glgl! :)

    Short cliff notes of where I've been:

    -Never ending stream of being busy with work
    -Got fed up of the swings of high ABI MTTs (sound familiar?) so decided to 'start again' (again...) from low stakes for some lower variance winning
    -Got rekt at low stakes :D
    -Started a cash game bankroll challenge last week which so far is going well :) Never really played cash so it's been a pretty useful learning experience so far!
    -Will be back for UKOPS don't you worry!
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Ironpump1 said:

    Targets: £20,000 profit +4000 MTT's

    You'll beat that target before the end of UKOPS

  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178
    Tikay10 said:

    @Tikay10 said:

    Great Update, & well worth the wait.

    Even started with my favourite 2 words - good afternoon. Are you quite elderly, or just unusually well-mannered? ;)

    Well done on progress so far, too. Those downswings can be so brutal, but everyone has them.

    Thanks @Tikay10 I'm not that old at 33, perhaps working as a wine merchant encouraged the use of good manners its easier to sell fancy stuff if you're polite and charming.

    @Angmar2626 said:

    Sounds good to me glgl! :)

    Short cliff notes of where I've been:

    -Never ending stream of being busy with work
    -Got fed up of the swings of high ABI MTTs (sound familiar?) so decided to 'start again' (again...) from low stakes for some lower variance winning
    -Got rekt at low stakes :D
    -Started a cash game bankroll challenge last week which so far is going well :) Never really played cash so it's been a pretty useful learning experience so far!
    -Will be back for UKOPS don't you worry!

    Great to hear that your busy with work, you work in music right? Yes I have become very familiar with those swings recently, they are going to happen and there's no escaping that Imagine being a reg in the games that C darwin, Lena and all that mob play... suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.

    Are you planning on documenting your cash endeavour at all? I very rarely play cash games but I have been flirting with spins recently purely to try and make priority each month but the swings are frightening. I had planned to spend a couple hours per session playing a few tables to rack up the points I need on top my MTT's starting this month but with the announcement of UKOPS I think i'll be putting it off until next month in favour of a couple hours study instead (and a healthy bankroll)

    Best of luck on the cash grind.

    Itsover4u said:

    @Itsover4u said:

    You'll beat that target before the end of UKOPS

    I appreciate your confidence :)
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Wasn't planning on blogging it or anything but, yeah why not :)

    Eurgh spins - rather you than me!
  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178
    Good afternoon folks,

    A month has gone by (rather swiftly) since my last update, and what a month indeed. To say I was excited to play UKOPS was an understatement this is the first time I have had a bankroll to play all of the events excluding the £530.

    In the two weeks prior to UKOPS I was enjoying some run-good and had a fair few nice cashes and found myself up almost £2000 for the month, I also had a nice run at the FT jackpot on the sunday before it all kicked off finishing 4th in the mini major and 9th in the major. I chose to take the Monday off as I had planned on playing everything for the next six days.

    UKOPS day 1 pretty rough session played the lot zero cashes zero bounties, my biggest losing day in MTT's to date. it was one of these sessions where I felt like I was constantly running into the top end of everyones ranges, losing all my flips, most of my 70/30's etc... just the way it goes sometimes.

    UKOPS day 2 See day 1.... Another brutal session, I managed a head in the £110 here so it was only my second biggest losing session. its important to find the positives I suppose.

    UKOPS day 3 See day 2... I actually managed a min cash! hurrah, it was however in the £11 turbo so this qualifies as my 3 biggest losing MTT session.

    Ok I'm sure you get the picture by now It was a disaster. Ive lost over 1k in three sessions, I am most definitely tilted, I had a actually been losing sleep after day 2 and feeling very stressed going into day 3

    On the morning of day 4 decided to call it there and then. I was to anxious to play. I fled to Scotland to see family and friends and ended up having a massive blowout for 3 days I really needed it all the worry and stress had lifted so I was content to miss all the remaining events and return to my regular schedule after 6 days off from poker.

    I had put myself under to much pressure prior to ukops, I think I had mentioned it in a previous post that I have had some spinal problems and I am unable to work as a PT and spin instructor, this has been the case since December last year so poker has been helping me pay some bills these last few months whilst I get myself back on my feet.

    Even though I technically have the roll to play this high I have to consider that it may be a couple of months before I am fit and well enough to return to working part time as I was before so I am glad I managed to find the willpower to take myself away from tables. the last thing I want to do is be forced to move down in stake.

    Enough waffle lets have a look at some graphs.


    No prizes for guessing when UKOPS started :smile:

    Year to date:

    Not crushing it by any means but i'm not losing, in fact i'm slightly winning over the last 650 games, I'm pretty happy all things considered last month.

    I know many great players who have had slightly losing/break-even stretched beyond 650 games on here and they alway seem to come out of the hole, hopefully I can gain some momentum and get get closer to my target.

    I think between now and year end I can realistically play somewhere between 2600 and 3200 MTTs as I want to spend some time playing a bit of cash and spins. I have also put off buying a better set up to play on because of my car being a money sponge recently. so the 9 year old macbook pro will have to struggle on for another couple of months at least.

    Targets: £20,000 profit +4000 MTT's

    Current Profit: £7159
    MTT's played: 858

  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Nice to see the diary return and well done on keeping your sh*t together during a rather trying Ukops!

    A 47% ROI with an ABI of £17.50 is a mighty impressive return on the year so far, so you have plenty of reasons to remain very confident in your game.

    Good luck out there :)
  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178

    Nice to see the diary return and well done on keeping your sh*t together during a rather trying Ukops!

    A 47% ROI with an ABI of £17.50 is a mighty impressive return on the year so far, so you have plenty of reasons to remain very confident in your game.

    Good luck out there :)

    Thank you man, it means a lot. Was fun playing a bit of 20nl last week with you even if I did misclick a good chunk your way.

  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    I'm trying to gee myself up to play a few more tourneys at the moment so between that and you venturing on to the cash tables a bit, I've no doubt I'll be donating it back soon enough :)
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Nice update as per usual :) Thanks for the honesty. Hope you manage to find your sweet spot for profitability. What does your schedule look like these days?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659

    Most enjoyable read that Mr Pump, thank you.

    You are almost exactly on schedule for the £20,000 in 12 months, am pretty sure you will get there with a bit to spare.
  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178

    I'm trying to gee myself up to play a few more tourneys at the moment so between that and you venturing on to the cash tables a bit, I've no doubt I'll be donating it back soon enough :)

    Cash players always seem to do very well tournys if I only it worked the other way around, I'm rubbish playing all those big blinds for a long period of time.

    Nice update as per usual :) Thanks for the honesty. Hope you manage to find your sweet spot for profitability. What does your schedule look like these days?

    Cheers dude, most days I'm starting at 6pm late reg-ing the £11rebuy and £11 games then playing everything £11 and up till late (hopefully) even though I hate it play 7at7 just because I have space on my screen, I'm probably better of playing sat's instead of it. I don't often play the quickdraw unless I start my session late. I play the summit most weeks and the Major on the rare instance I'm free on a sunday.

    How about yourself, still on the cash grind?
    Tikay10 said:

    Most enjoyable read that Mr Pump, thank you.

    You are almost exactly on schedule for the £20,000 in 12 months, am pretty sure you will get there with a bit to spare.

    Your very welcome Tikay, I do read your daily results posts and I often see you egging me on to update this.

    As you have seen I have often been the bridesmaid most nights, especially in the main I have a silly amount of 14th place finishes this year, its quite extraordinary really.

    It will be interesting to see how it pans out, I really need to increase my volume if i'm in with a chance to make the 20k mark.

    There are a few decent games late on I often skip because I'm tired, I'll try and make some changes to my day so I feeling fresh enough to play them this month to see how it affects my May results.

    I find the work ethic of the top mtt'rs on here outstanding I'm sure come 11pm they are tired too but still, night in night out there battling in the late turbo's getting great results each month.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659


    "As you have seen I have often been the bridesmaid most nights......."

    Not last night.

    Ironpump1 125000 1 £437.50 + £167.95 Head Prizes 3

    Well done.

  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178
    Tikay10 said:


    "As you have seen I have often been the bridesmaid most nights......."

    Not last night.

    Ironpump1 125000 1 £437.50 + £167.95 Head Prizes 3

    Well done.

    Quite a subtle case of moaning it in there.
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