Jeezuz H. ok forget Murdoch i'm sure the present boss holds children's parties ... a BALLOON CLOWN in his spare time...I'm sure he's so skint he has to rush to get more coin and in the process destroy an old favourite-i'm sure there's many who agree but they are not party to 'the usual suspects' so their opinion will remain unknown. Why do the 'usual suspects'all have to disagree with a perfectly normal question and behave like pack rats
You've had a perfectly normal response, the 7 @ 7 always had 7 min blinds so it hasn't changed, you have an increase in Guarantee and more chips now so effectively its got slightly slower.
But you then waffled on about money grabbing totally ignoring the facts;
''yeah and turbos don't half turbo that £ TURBO MONEY MACHINE. It s the oldest trick in the book =fasterfaster increase prize a smidgeon and watch that money turbo into the coffers.You guys must be deficient if you cant work out that simple equation''
I assume this is some sort of troll/level but quite honestlly its just boring.
should of stayed there 55th......after the reg limit was up there were 113 players active guarantee up 300quid format and snake oil this way folks
i don't remember 113 players at the START of the old 7, and it was **** difficult field but at least you had a marginally better chance. That was one of my poker ambitions to win the SKY 7 at 7 Now it's a far more difficult prospect, more elusive with all these players in. Still rake it in, spoil the game for the punters as long as you RAKE it in! A DISGRACE! You 'usual suspects'; will come up with anything; from statistics, name calling and pathetic attempts at humour to defend a massive corporation against the ordinary punter. You all must be employees, arserimmers, or just plain stupid.
'SR23SR23 Posts: 714Member October 8 Toffeeandy said: It's the same format as normal, except:
1) The starting stack has increased from 2000 to 3000 2) The late reg has been extended from 35 minutes to 42 minutes 3) The guarantee has increased from £700 to £1000
The 7-minute blind level is unchanged.
All positive steps I'd have thought? '
All positive steps for SKY .... how much rake did they take at last nights game 113 still in... after 42 minutes of knockouts 70 p a head guarantee increase of 300, quite a haul i would imagine. Poker is supposed to be about enjoyment as well as profit ...'STOP when the fun stops.' Well, guess wot i had FUN playing the 7 at 7 , it was a little quirky and hard and ENJOYABLE How much was the rake for last nights turbo compared to the rake at the last 7 at 7 played. Come on TIkAY what's the numbers they're bound to be accessible if not to you, to some other employee of this wonderful corporation. CAHMON FIGURES !
Hi Zen. This 113 you quote, what number of players would you say is the right amount for you to play against? Would you agree that all poker sites have rake ( some more percentage than others) and that’s what pays the running of the sites? Would it be best if less players played hence lower guarantees? Do you think a guarantee is the final prize pool however many players ?
I was the one who made the "disgraceful" decision to increase the guarantee and rename the 7 at 7 during the Podium Series. You will be pleased to hear I will revert back to the old name after this promo but I can't guarantee I will reduce the guarantee. Apologies
Hi Zen. This 113 you quote, what number of players would you say is the right amount for you to play against? Would you agree that all poker sites have rake ( some more percentage than others) and that’s what pays the running of the sites? Would it be best if less players played hence lower guarantees? Do you think a guarantee is the final prize pool however many players ?
113 was the number left at the end of the increased late reg, who knows who'd been knocked out and replaced previously the old 7 at 7 had nothing like these numbers
I was the one who made the "disgraceful" decision to increase the guarantee and rename the 7 at 7 during the Podium Series. You will be pleased to hear I will revert back to the old name after this promo but I can't guarantee I will reduce the guarantee. Apologies
SR23SR23 Posts: 714Member October 8 How much was the rake for last nights turbo compared to the rake at the last 7 at 7 played. Come on SkyJAMES what's the numbers they're bound to be accessible if not to you, to some other employee of this wonderful corporation. CAHMON FIGURES !
You're very proud of your increased guarantee, and probably rubbing yourself with glee at the increased profit. YOU CANT CALL A GAME 7 AT 7 if the guarantee is not 700! And that's from an employee advocating the plain stupid.
i don't remember 113 players at the START of the old 7, and it was **** difficult field but at least you had a marginally better chance. That was one of my poker ambitions to win the SKY 7 at 7 Now it's a far more difficult prospect, more elusive with all these players in. Still rake it in, spoil the game for the punters as long as you RAKE it in! A DISGRACE! You 'usual suspects'; will come up with anything; from statistics, name calling and pathetic attempts at humour to defend a massive corporation against the ordinary punter. You all must be employees, arserimmers, or just plain stupid.
To still be this angry at 7:50am about an increase in the guarantee for a tournament is quite a feat. Good rant, would read again.
But you then waffled on about money grabbing totally ignoring the facts;
''yeah and turbos don't half turbo that £ TURBO MONEY MACHINE. It s the oldest trick in the book =fasterfaster increase prize a smidgeon and watch that money turbo into the coffers.You guys must be deficient if you cant work out that simple equation''
I assume this is some sort of troll/level but quite honestlly its just boring.
guarantee up 300quid format and snake oil this way folks
You 'usual suspects'; will come up with anything; from statistics, name calling and pathetic attempts at humour to defend a massive corporation against the ordinary punter. You all must be employees, arserimmers, or just plain stupid.
October 8
Toffeeandy said:
It's the same format as normal, except:
1) The starting stack has increased from 2000 to 3000
2) The late reg has been extended from 35 minutes to 42 minutes
3) The guarantee has increased from £700 to £1000
The 7-minute blind level is unchanged.
All positive steps I'd have thought?
All positive steps for SKY .... how much rake did they take at last nights game 113 still in... after 42 minutes of knockouts 70 p a head guarantee increase of 300, quite a haul i would imagine. Poker is supposed to be about enjoyment as well as profit ...'STOP when the fun stops.' Well, guess wot i had FUN playing the 7 at 7 , it was a little quirky and hard and ENJOYABLE
How much was the rake for last nights turbo compared to the rake at the last 7 at 7 played. Come on TIkAY what's the numbers they're bound to be accessible if not to you, to some other employee of this wonderful corporation.
This 113 you quote, what number of players would you say is the right amount for you to play against?
Would you agree that all poker sites have rake ( some more percentage than others) and that’s what pays the running of the sites?
Would it be best if less players played hence lower guarantees?
Do you think a guarantee is the final prize pool however many players ?
October 8
How much was the rake for last nights turbo compared to the rake at the last 7 at 7 played. Come on SkyJAMES what's the numbers they're bound to be accessible if not to you, to some other employee of this wonderful corporation.
And that's from an employee advocating the plain stupid.
Where's the figures I requested?