What's your view on folks vaping in, say, a poker room?
Up here at the SPT Glasgow, despite signs saying NO VAPING, Management seems fairly relaxed about it, & lots of folks are merrily puffing away. It does not bother me one way or the other, but what's your view - should vaping be allowed in a place such as a poker room?
I don't know much about vaping & the like, but it's mostly those big devices which create huge clouds, rather than little e-cigs.

Why should fire alarms have to be set at a lower level so that these people don't have to go outside or use a method that doesn't impact on others?
Now I just mtl which is mouth to lung vaping, the same way people smoke real cigarettes. Liquid lasts longer, better throat hit, and its less invasive.
My wife and I both vape. The smell doesn't linger on clothes, or on fabrics around the house. I vape in the car and there is never a residual odour.
You can't argue that because I vape, I can't smell it either. I never used to do it after giving up smoking for years but my wife did and I could never smell it around the house.
I could smell it briefly when she was vaping but within seconds, the smell had gone. I can see how someone doing it right next to you could be annoying and they should definitely be more considerate in those instances but no way will your clothes stink of it.
I could never give the tabs up and had asthma,constant colds and chest infections and constantly coughed and was breathless my health was poor overall.
Now I have no asthma or cough and regularly cycle.
Not saying that vaping is good for me but I feel reborn healthwise and would recommend them to any smoker.
On the original topic there is a big debate about about using them in public and the big cloud brigade don't help the cause.
I have been told to stop using it in a grandstand at Silverstone,football matches and once when outside with nobody within 100yards of me at an outdoor event.
The jobsworth yellow jacket brigade love vapers lol.
I cant stand the smell of cigs now and am fed up being moved to the 'smoking areas' if I want to vape rant over
It wouldn't really cost anything much to put a vaping area indoors I guess, it doesn't have to be a room that is totally seeled off, maybe just a corner of the room where it's Ok and have a screen or something to partially block it off.
Only about 14% of people smoke these days but in Glasgow it definitely felt like closer to 25%.