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Timing Tells - what do they tell us?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

As an out & out old school recreational, I've always ignored "timing tells" & have never read anything into them, or tried to use them. I really have no idea what means what or, more correctly, what it is supposed to mean, as presumably "reverse" timing tells exist too.

I suspect I am not alone in this.

So can any of you explain how timing tells work, how to best use them, & how to "read" them?

I have to add, I've seen them in use both Live & Online, but with mixed results. I suspect that in some cases, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing & if, say, I were to use them, it would have zero effect.


  • JJBinksJJBinks Member Posts: 440
    Think both have good tells online and live, would be confident to say they could change the outcome of a hand if it were not for timing tells.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2018
    Well you know me and my notes/abbreviations.

    and QCT are ones that I find very useful.

    This stands for players that have a tendency of either

    QCW (Checking Quickly when they have a weak holding/don't like flop - QUICK CHECK WEAK)


    QCT (Checking Quickly to Trap - QUICK CHECK TRAP)

    Of course good players will mix the two, or have consistent timings, but you'd be surprise how many players check quickly when they don't like the flop.

    For some, it's almost putting up the white flag, right there. For a few others, it can be a sign of a monster.



    P.S. Conversely, taking a long time to act, can represent either hesitation or wishing to appear hesitant. Players do have a tendency for one or the other in my experience. So it's all about knowing your opponent. Of course when you know them will, it gets into the meta game of he thinks, I think, he thinks this, so I'll do that. :=)

    My advise for recreational players, other than when just folding pre, try and be consistent with the amount of time you take. You could also try a quick check when out of position to an aggro player when you have a monster.
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