Now that the dust has settled on SPT Glasgow.....
.....I won 2 seats to the SPT - played day 1b - didn’t need my 2nd buy-in.
I’m sure there will be others in a similar situation. I understand that ‘unused’ seats can be rolled over to a future SPT event, so before the passage of time plays tricks on the memory, just wondered how this will be acknowledged by Sky, e.g. will I get an email confirmation or will a list of affected individuals just be posted on the forum at some point soon? (either works for me).
(and, despite being held during the Scottish monsoon season, thanks to all on the Sky Poker team, plus Doug and his dealers, for another excellent live event).
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Sorry, I made a note to reply to this & then (insert excuse as applicable).
The Office have a Log of all these seats, but I don't know what plans they have (if any) to confirm individually to those with seats "in hand".
I'll find out, & I'll also get them to confirm that you have an unused seat at your disposal.
Or even better, if 1 SPT seat could be transferred for 2 x £110.00 UKOPS seats.
I know there's most likely different budgets for UKOPS and SPT's, however the above easily solves the issue of unused seats, it is also immediate, straight forward and simple.
Fair question.
I understand that those with unused SPT seats will get an e-Mail from Sky Poker in due course.
I flagged this question up again last night purely because of the post of @Larson7 on this thread yesterday, which I thought was worth consideration.
Wasn't sure whether your post this morning was as a follow up to the original question or a response to @Larson7's comments - but either way, thank you.
My post was in answer to yours, as I had promised to reply. I was not able to get the answer until this morning (I was MIA yesterday), so replied once I knew the situation.
Apologies for resurrecting this topic but as we're now a month on from Glasgow, I'm afraid to say that no email has been forthcoming from the Sky Poker team.
I appreciate that the next 'normal' SPT event is some time away, however the Grand Final is not far off and it was mentioned on another thread that unused Glasgow SPT seats could be used towards the Grand final buy-in.
I'm hoping to qualify via satellite without reverting to this option but it would be a comfort to have an acknowledgement that there's £220 in the 'kitty' should I (and others?) decide to go down this route
I understand the e-mails will be sent in the next day or so, certainly before the end of the week.
Apologies for the delay.
I got confirmation today for this very same subject as also have some Glasgow tokens still in the kitty which can be used at the Grand Final or any SPT in 2019. Guessing your confirmation, in theory, shouldn't be too far behind if they are working through them.
BTW - Thank you to SkyJames for advising
Yes, just to confirm, the e-Mails were sent out this afternoon by @Sky__James
I also received the email confirmation yesterday.