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Was in a spot today. Wondering what other REGS think

StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
edited October 2018 in Poker Chat
I'll simplify it. Both opponents are neither tight nor aggressive.

It's a fairly standard spot, but I was surprised that I didn't know what to do. Think I am losing it. :=(

About 12 players left in UKOPS Main Event. I am probably about 10th in chips.

Button has 30BB's, Small Blind has 16BB's, I have 14BB's

Button min raises and Small Blind shoves, I have AJ suited.

I folded, was that too nitty? It's an easy shove if the small blind had folded obviously.

The button folded, so no idea if it was a good fold or not.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

It's kind of a standard spot, but not easy either.

Is there a NASH range for these situations? (When faced with not just a raise or a shove, but a raise then a shove) If so would love to have the link. It would need to have table position of the raise and of the shove, plus my table position, plus effective BB's, so may be too tricky for a chart.

VOTE for either "GOOD FOLD" or "YOU'RE A NIT", preferably with reasons.

I think my range should be AK, AQ and 99+ but that may be a bit nitty, not sure. Clearly in a game, the decision is so opponent specific, but these two players seemed solid, with no real bias either way, so lets assume they played it completely optimally.




  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365
    Without the BTN min raise Im calling a Small Blind shove with

    22+, A2s+, A2o+, K6s+, K9o+, Q9s+, QTo+, JTs

    It depends on the BTNs motive , is he trapping or is it a genuine steal.

    Im a losing MTT player though.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    I guess on Sky it's a fold where players are, overall, jamming to tight.

    So your fold seems reasonable. Is there no other info on villians apart from "neither tight nor aggressive"? Specific reads would help, eg is it the first time the SB has jammed with this stack, is it frequent etc.

  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    yeah ajs a call for me 77+ A10s+ Aqo+ something like that.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    Its a shove for me if not you could end up blinding out waiting for a hand that is only a little better than the one you have now
  • cpfc_2010cpfc_2010 Member Posts: 320
    I shove, and then moan to myself about how bad I am when he shows ak.

    It's borderline,(I fold A10) but think i'd hate myself for folding AJs, dunno what you're worried about though,everyone knows how you run in these spots.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,085
    It is close.

    On other sites a definite call, but on Sky, for me at least, a fold without reads, for the reasons Larson gave
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Sigh call I think... sometimes I call to light on this site though... fine on others
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited October 2018
    In spin ups vs a reg it would definitely be a call. In sky mtt's it gets a bit more dicey. Feels like people on average are a lot more tight than they should be on sky. It should be a call but I can understand folding vs population on this site. Definitely run it if cover him. Prob close enough that either way isn't too bad.
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