If I am playing three tables and watching a tv programme with subtitles, I find that I have to fold some good hands to keep up with the story. Can anyone help?
Good hands can get you into big trouble, whereas subtitles just knacker your eyesight. I generally play far better when I’m not paying much attention to my cards.😁
This looks like a blindfolded woman. I am not sure how this helps? Perhaps its in the wrong thread? Did you wake up this this morning and decide to post a blindfolded woman somewhere? Did you just like the photo? Do you know this woman? What is it supposed to mean? Do you just pick out photos and post them at random? Did you like the colour of her t shirt? Is she meant to be advertising something?
You need me to explain ........... you're the only one asking.?
OK, for you only------------------- Women can Multi-task blindfolded.
I am absolutely flabbergasted that you would assume that this is the message that people are supposed to get, when looking at your photo of the blindfolded woman, without any text, or explanation. This would presume that there are other inhabitants of the planet you are on, when you are clearly the only one.
Good hands can get you into big trouble, whereas subtitles just knacker your eyesight. I generally play far better when I’m not paying much attention to my cards.😁
I generally play far better when I’m not paying much attention to my cards.😁
I am not sure how this helps?
Perhaps its in the wrong thread?
Did you wake up this this morning and decide to post a blindfolded woman somewhere?
Did you just like the photo?
Do you know this woman?
What is it supposed to mean?
Do you just pick out photos and post them at random?
Did you like the colour of her t shirt?
Is she meant to be advertising something?
OK, for you only------------------- Women can Multi-task blindfolded.
This would presume that there are other inhabitants of the planet you are on, when you are clearly the only one.
But a blindfolded woman would not be able to see the subtitles, or the tables?
Brilliant observation ......... you're good.
But you posted the photo on this thread.
In response to my request for advice, you posted a photo of a blindfolded woman, from whatever planet you are on?