A very good afternoon to those hardy readers who are still with me as I continue to review the Sky Poker UKOPS, supplemented by a modicum of general waffle & splurge to help keep you awake & abreast of current affairs.
If we lived in the USA, we would today be celebrating "
Buy a Doughnut Day".
Bet you think I made that up. Go on then, google it.

No need to thank me Mr Krispy Kreme.
OK, on to the poker.
There were 6 UKOPS events last night, with some fairly modest Guarantees, but the night got off to a flyer when the Rebuy Bounty Hunter smashed the Guarantee out of the park.
Not so much the evening's Main Event though, which got over the line with minutes to spare. It was a Freezeout, so there's your answer. Less & less folks on Sky Poker want Freezeouts these days, Bounty Hunters are all the rage.
The Mini did just fine though, it always does, but that's about "price points", and an £11 event appeals to a much wider audience than the £110 Main.
And there - from the POV of Sky Poker - the good news endeth, as the last 3 Events of the night all missed Guarantee. Nothing serious, just small beans really.
All things are relative, of course. Whilst Sky Poker sweat this renewal of UKOPS, which guarantees £400,000 over 64 events spread across 10 days, their newly adopted big brother, Pokerstars bring a whole new meaning to sweating a guarantee.
Imagine being responsible for this guarantee. Sheesh.
Even that is small change to 'Stars. How about $28 million in a day.
UKOPS 20, £22 entry, £5,000 Rebuy BH
Off we go then, and our first winner of the evening was @poker69 who was winning bounties for fun, & ended up with twice as much prize money as runner-up @LePonch.
Hotpot @Itsover4u ran 5th, watch out for him, I fancy he has a UKOPS win in sight.
6th went to an old friend of mine and a proud Welshman, @dewi-cool who has been playing poker longer than Doyle Brunson. Lovely chap, though a bit argumentative, like all elderly folks.
On the subject of argumentative senior citizens from Wales, the daddy of them all @HAYSIE was 24th. He'll insist he was 23rd, of course.
A whole bunch of the Usual Suspects were there or thereabouts including @Arrogant (7th), @LnarinOO (8th) @FeelGroggy (10th) @Scotty77 (14th) @miniman88 (19th) & @TheDart (24th).
I tried to find a photo of @HAYSIE without success, but I did find a chap who has the same surname & who is the absolute spit of him.
Anyone care to name him, including his excellent nickname?
One thing which may have affected numbers last night was the Spurs v Man City game from Wembley, which was also televised. Quite surprising to see top-class football being played on a pitch marked out for NFL.
For those who actually attended the game, well they must be loaded. Look at this.....
You gotta be kidding me? I looked up the ticket prices too, the cheapest was £69. So a Dad with two kids would be paying over £200 for his seats, £40 to park his motor, £25 for burgers & beers plus a bit of petrol money, call it £275.
Attendance was over 80,000, so that is £5.5 milly for starters.
UKOPS 21, £110 entry, £10,000 Freezeout
@Danny2309 from @walker0635, with our old friend @TheDart securing yet another nice cash in 4th.
@Froozle was 9th for what was his 5th cash of this UKOPS, though he has not won big. Yet.
@miniman88 ran 12th, @TommyD - who should have been at Wembley watching Spurs - 14th, @GSmith13 15th, whilst @HAYSIE bubbled. Bet he was happy.
@NChanning, aka Ambo the Armpit, was 22nd. Here he is doing his Harry Enfield impression.
I gather that, with WSOP-E drawing to a close, the 2018 WSOP Player of the Year award goes to Shaun Deeb.
A very popular winner, I'm quite sure. Think this is known as a forced smile;
First to congratulate him?
UKOPS 22, £11 entry, £3,000 Mini
Top of the pile was @freeatlast ahead of @AKAscotty and that man @Froozle again.
@Solack, who has one of those lovely shiny spinning gold stars on Sharky was 7th, with the other scotty - @scotty77 8th.
Was delighted to see @COFFEENCRM run deep, she's a lovely friend of mine.
Just to show that I can balance my photo ranges after that Shaun Deeb pic, here's the lady herself seen here smiling as always at SPT Brighton a month or two back;
When it comes to false sense of entitlement, some poker players really take the biscuit.
I was perusing a thread on 2+2 about poker staking, and came across this purler. For context, this part of the discussion was about some poker players who had been "dropped" by their staker.
"....players that are staked to be able to feed their kids, you are actually taking away money from families....."
Just when you think you've seen it all, along comes something that takes your breath away.
UKOPS 23, £22 entry, £4,000 BH
I'm sorry to admit I don't know too many of these finalists, but well done to the winner @tissyloo - a wonderful alias if ever I saw one - with @dai-dull 2nd and @KingHurley 3rd.
8th place went to @A1 which, if correct, has to be the shortest alias I've ever seen on Sky Poker. If that was a car registration, it'd be worth a fortune.
Was terrific to see @lolufold make a deep run in 9th. He's been with Sky Poker, on & off, since Day 1, and even this photo must be 7 or 8 years old when he was part of Sky Poker School.
A pair of UKOPS multi-cashers were in 17th & 18th, @Froozle and @MAXALLY.
A rare mis-step this time for @miniman88 down in 178th. Don't worry about him, he'll win plenty.
The newspapers have devoted acres and acres of space to the Leicester helicopter tragedy, in which 5 souls lost their lives, & it's all terribly sad.
Meanwhile, yesterday a brand new Boeing 737 Max disappeared off the coast of Indonesia and has yet to be found. There were 189 on board, all of whom are presumed dead.
Did that get acres of space? Absolutely not, it got a few paragraphs at most in the press.
None of the passengers were famous, or billionaires, or owned a football club, they were just regular folks like you & me.
It's a very odd and uncomfortable thing the way the Press prioritise these things.
UKOPS 24, £55 entry, £4,000 Turbo BH
Step aside Dad, really chuffed to see @Limp2Lose take this one down. He's been knocking on the UKOPS door for a while now, so this must have tasted sweet.
Here's the winner alongside what looks to me like a very proud Dad.
Good news too in that @beefheart1 ran 3rd.
Why good news?
Well he finished 2nd in Sunday's High Roller, and I was so busy gushing on and on about the winner - justifiably - that I forgot to mention @beefheart1. Inexcusable really, & my apologies to him. My mortification was increased when he posted this cracking observation, which is oh-so-true in so many ways.
"It's remarkable to think of all the slices of luck you need to get this deep in such an event. I flopped a nut flush v set of kings and held to get an early double up and then tripled up all in with a turned flush to get to 45k and the early chip lead. I then rivered the nut flush v set of deuces when already all in to get up to 100k, beat AK with AQ, and won several flips to eliminate short stacks and win about £1,500 in bounties alone. You have to stay humble when you realise that run good is crucial to make a deep run".
When, every day it seems, we see these guys on the Forum banging on about a few bad beats whilst failing to even notice the other side of the coin, it's pretty frustrating, but at least some players get it. Well done Captain.
Meanwhile, @mattprawn who I hope we'll see at SPT Manchester ran 5th, @FeelGroggy 8th, @Doooobs 12th with @TheSaw 14th.
Finally, is this a scary photo? It's our winner, @Limp2Lose. Wonder if he wears his hoodie & sunnies when playing online?
As we are name-checking winners, how about this?
Last week saw the EGR Sports Betting & Gaming Industry Awards, which is the big industry bash held annually.
Not a bad night for SB&G.
The Serious Suits all went down to London for Awards Night, & it looks like they had a ball. And don't ask me their names - think I'd struggle to put names to more than a handful of these, but all the Top Brass were invited.
Can anyone spot @Sky_SamT there? Nope, nor me. Probably at the bar.
UKOPS 25, £22 entry, £2,000 Hyper BH
@wineli took this one down to close the evening, ahead of @lundie and @Morris707 who seems to have been prominent in so many of these.
@Solack was 5th - good night for him - with @tsarina 7th and @wynne1938 8th.
A blast from the past in the shape of @GREGHOGG was 15th, just ahead a gaggle of hotshots in @splashies @MattBates @StayOrGo @Sharki0 @rspca12 and @Nutter5932.
Not a bad night overall, shame a few Guarantees missed, but that apart it all went pretty well.
We go again tonight, with the headliner being another High Roller. If this one does half as well as the one on Sunday, there'll be no complaints.
UKOPS 26 Bounty Hunter 7:00pm £22 £4,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 27 High Roller Freezeout* 7:30pm £220 £15,000 15 10,000
UKOPS 28 Bounty Hunter* 8:00pm £110 £15,000 12 10,000
UKOPS 29 Mini Bounty Hunter* 8:30pm £11 £3,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 30 Bounty Hunter 9:00pm £22 £4,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 31 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10:00pm £55 £4,000 7 5,000
UKOPS 32 Hyper Rebuy Bounty Hunter 11:00pm £22 £2,000 5 2,000 (With 4,000 add-on)
Great work again really enjoying your daily posts which must take a great deal of time and effort to put together. Just like poker, you have to put in the hours for the end product...