Morning all.
Last night was the 9th of 10 in the current UKOPS Series, and for many, it was the "getting out stakes" after a tough week or so, whilst others were baking in the warm glow of some decent results or a good win.
For Sky Poker, the Series has been, for the most part, successful, but of course the longer an Online series continues, the more bankroll fatigue becomes a problem.
Worked out OK last night, with 4 of the 6 events covering Guarantee, with just 2 small misses, & the software behaved itself, as it has all week. Were Sky Poker ever worried? Nah, not a bit.
One of poker's great mysteries is why PLO is not more popular, but it is, & I suppose it will always remain so.
Don't think there has ever been a PLO or PLO8 in a UKOPS that has battered Guarantee, and this was no exception, it missed by a goodly way despite a modest Guarantee.
What is interesting is that it attracts a lot of players who generally only play NLH, & despite the fact they struggle with the different ranges required, sheer controlled aggression often seems to be enough to get the job done, as we shall see.
Amongst those running deep last night were @TommyD (8th) & @miniman88 (10th), & I'm pretty sure neither of them would class themselves as PLO gurus.
I suppose it might just be my confirmation bias too, but every time I look at UKOPS results @miniman88 seems to be in evidence at the sharp end. Last night in UKOPS he had 9/91, 52/479, 9/147, & 10/68, and in non-UKOPS stuff he added 9/50 & 3/79. I'd die to be good enough to get such consistent results. Well not "die" exactly, but you get my drift.
In the Final, a big "well done" to @pompeynic (6th), who achieved the rare feat of finalling both the PLO8 & PLO this week. His football team - Portsmouth presumably - won too, so a good day for him.
Next to bust was @varneyarmy, & then in 4th another example of a NLH player who, with controlled aggression, does well in PLO, @Sharki0.
Terrific result for @tomgoodun (3rd), who modestly claims he's not too hot at the pokers, despite which he keeps popping up with good results.
Runner-up was @JARV1.
The winner? Well it's that NLH player with aggression thing again, as NLH hotpot @FeelGroggy, recent winner of the Sky Poker Sunday Major, booked the win. He also completed the PLO8/PLO final table double, having finished 6th in the PLO8 earlier in the week.
Tellingly, @FeelGroggy wrote this overnight as to his UKOPS results
"I've got the same amount of points in 2 omaha tournaments (13) as I have in 55 hold em ones (14). Yet i have little idea of what I'm doing in omaha and play hold em for living"
With results like that, I wish I had little idea of what I was doing in Omaha.
Oh, wait.....
Yesterday I suggested that in the Rugby, South Africa at odds against was a good bet. It lost. I'm so bad.
But...... did you see that crunching tackle by Farrell right at the end?
Jeez. If they were footballers they'd be doing that thing where they stamp the turf with their hand, "look look I'm really hurt", as if you'd do that if you were really injured.
Instead, both of them just dusted themselves off, got up & got on with it. I daresay they had a word or two mind. And then, after the game, a beer or two. Proper men, them.
Here's the tackle.
UKOPS 53, £110 entry, £15,000 BH
Deep runs by @NIHIGHGUN (22nd), @SoLack (21st), @GSmith13 (15th) and that man @miniman88 again in 9th. Confirmation bias ftw.
In the final, first to bust was @Tuxxs, then @peiratis88, then @RyanC7 who is a solid winner on Sky Poker.
Third was @4fingersAA, with @clubs96 in the runner-up berth.
Winner, who gets himself a UKOPS bracelet, was @THEROCK573, who has been with Sky Poker over 10 years now, & has yet to have a losing year. Some record, that. It's all luck of course.
There was a story in the news about a chap from Ireland who covered his body in tattoos as a way of coping with the suffering of his very sick daughter, which seems a bit odd, but hey, if it works, good luck to him.
It's quite the thing these days to have tattoos, many footballers have their arms covered in the things.
When people really get the tattoo bug though, I find it uncomfortable to look at them, especially if they are female. I absolutely defend their right to do what they wish with their body, just as I defend my right to feel slightly uncomfortable when I look at them.
Oddly, I have 2 pals who are covered in tattoos, & I'm 100% fine with them both.
Guess it's an age thing.
UKOPS 54, £11 entry, Mini BH Rebuy
As expected, a huge field for this, & minor cashes included @thisltedu, @AKAscotty, @MacMonster, @MAXALLY and @Toffeeandy.
In the final, good efforts by @longshotmp, @giggsy280, @patch75 and @Special101 who filled berths 6th to 3rd respectively.
1st & 2nd was a real Team Aggro clash, as @GSmith13 and Danny, @Itsover4u traded blows, with Danny coming out on top. He made a very nice remark about these updates yesterday, so I arranged for the boom switch to be turned on. Take note, losers.
Over in the States, Enable won the Breeders Cup Turf last night, which tells us 3 things;
1) An interrupted preparation & a light season can be a good thing. She never made her seasonal debut until September, then won the Arc (2nd year on the bounce) & now the Breeders Cup.
2) Breeding is all. Her grand-dad is Galielo, & her great-granddad is Northern Dancer. It don't get better than that. As the old saying goes, if you want the best, breed from the best.
3) Her value as a broodmare is astronomical, there's not enough money in the world to buy her, & that applies to her offspring, too.
UKOPS 55, £22 entry, £4,000 BH
Small returns - but returns - for @Curt360x27, @MAXALLY, & @scotty77.
Last 2 tables but no final for @Froozle, @Itsover4u and @Szu, who has had a decent UKOPS.
In 6th was @brucey93, then @ibrown74, @Jexaa with @Juwwi 3rd and @stozzaa runner-up.
Special mention has to go to the winner though, @gac123, who in this UKOPS has now had a 3rd, a 2nd & two wins. Remarkably, the 2 wins were on successive nights & both in the same 9pm tournament, contested by 158 & 167 runners respectively. If there were a Leaderboard - & unforch there's not this time - @gac123 would probably be leading it. Tremendous performance, very well done. What price the 3-timer tonight?
And here's the thing. If one of them - God forbid - fell, would you be sympathetic to them, or just think "well he/she deserved it"?
I almost hope it's a clever bit of photoshop or whatever the video equivalent is.
I just wish they would quit doing this stuff.
UKOPS 56, £55 entry, Turbo BH
Some still say poker is mostly luck, but the same players cash repeatedly, so that idea can be safely kicked into touch.
Repeat cashes last night in this hot affair included @MrTucker, @Froozle, @rspca12, @Arrogant, @Lightwood, @Curt360x27 and @peiratis88.
Last 2 tables - but not last table - included @heellloooo, @StayOrGo, @PBKR (who won last Saturday's Main), and @Morris707.
In the Final, it was @sjl1973, then @scotty77, @jamboisgod with @kalin68.
So, to beat that lot, hats off to the top two, @IrishRose & @GREGHOGG.
Rose was bidding for win #2 this UKOPS, but came up just shy, even so, a tremendous effort by the young lady.
And the winner, @GREGHOGG, aka Hoggers? Wow, I'm so pleased for him.
He's been here for ever, & came to Vegas on the first ever Sky Poker Viva Las Vegas all the way back in 2008. I'm sure Greg won't mind me saying that he's had some ups & downs in life since then, & life has been a bit challenging from time to time. He's back now though. Oh yes.
Greg Hogg's Vegas trip to play the 2008 WSOP Main ended badly in a series of horrible bad beats.
None were this bad though, from the very same tournament;
UKOPS 57, £22 entry, £2,000 Hyper BH
Cashes here for @tsarina and, almost inevitably, @miniman88, with @echobelly the FT bubble.
@Arrogant made the final - briefly - & next out was @myjokras00.
It was the umpteenth UKOPS cash for both @MrTucker (4th) and @railtard11 (3rd).
Runner-up was @A5743DC, with the win going to @LiamRynn who has amassed a very tidy profit over a 13,500 game sample in just 2 years here, but I believe this was his or her first UKOPS win.
Playing tonight's UKOPS main?
If so, please read this;
The author of that thread, @StayOrGo, does a ton of Charity work here, so please support him.
This iteration of UKOPS ends tonight, and appropriately as we approach November 5th, it ends with a bang. Here's the line-up;
UKOPS 58 Bounty Hunter 7:00pm £22 £4,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 59 Super High Roller* 7:30pm £530 £25,000 15 10,000
UKOPS 60 Main Event* 8:00pm £110 £40,000 15 10,000
UKOPS 61 Mega Mini Bounty Hunter* 8:30pm £11 £10,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 62 Bounty Hunter** 9:00pm £22 £4,000 10 3,000
UKOPS 63 Turbo Bounty Hunter** 10:00pm £55 £4,000 7 5,000
UKOPS 64 Hyper Bounty Hunter 11:00pm £22 £2,000 5 3,000
For a room the size of Sky Poker, a £25,000 followed by a £40,000 is real scary stuff.
GL to all of you tonight. Including Sky Poker.
Not that I am currently aware, no.
I believe full details of Mini UKOPS will be announced in a day or two, so I guess we'll know then.
I managed to sat into the main, so hoping to be included in your blog tomorrow as a final table member haha