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do you have the minerals!!!!!!

mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
i have played sky poker alot and noticed that somtimes you just have to call because the flush does come and the strights and the trips on the river well they seem to most of the time against me, proberly not that often but its seems like every f u c k i n g time lol ive watched alot of the sky poker clips were the pros explain what you should do and how you should play and maybe this is how it works in the real world when people respect a raise but no not on sky poker its like bingo everyone calls even if you raise 20 big blinds they still call with the 8 2 of diamonds ive done it my self so my advice is just get your chips in because u will only play the tournament for 2 hours and then hit the final table just to go all in with cards you would never of called with sky poker favours those that dare to win and have the minerals so i will see you soon with my 8 2 of diamonds against you pocket aces gd luck people


  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Everyone including regs please take this advice....

    I wanna be a millionaire so friggin bad
  • mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
    ha my 2 yr old would do you in a fight and on the table
  • mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2018
    oh my bad forgot a was talking to a pro jokes no such thing even if you do play all day every day your still a xxxx like the rest of us just get lucky but not enuff to call your self a pro
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    chill bro <3
  • mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
    lol i am chilled im freezing got no gas spent all my money on poker
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    mukta1818 said:

    lol i am chilled im freezing got no gas spent all my money on poker

    Close account. Responsible gambling.
  • mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
    close my account ? what and miss out on all the stupid f u c k i n g **** people do when they call a raise
  • johnjoe81johnjoe81 Member Posts: 709
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    mukta1818 said:

    ha my 2 yr old would do you in a fight and on the table

    It would be very irresponsible to let your child fight a grown man. I’m not a pro I probably play less than 12 hours a week..: the reason you lose is because you blame everything other than yourself
  • BlackpumaBlackpuma Member Posts: 203
    Reload, We lov you and your 8-2 all ins, Suited of course and hopefully shiny as well, Shiny ones do better in all ins :)
  • mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
    ha u sit there waiting for for ur ak aq aj and raise and still get called by a **** with 64 who flops 2 pair but ur convinced ur ahead still because who calls a raise with 64 this is my point theres no point trying to follow a set of rules and game play because nobody else does most of the tournaments ive played and finished top 3 ive played most hands as long a it wasnt a mad raise regardless of my hand and others do the same because we all see when we fold our **** cards we flop trips or a stright can anyone say there better than anyone else end of the day if someone hits the ace on the flop regardless of kicker hes going to call ur raise so dnt matter how gd or how u play the hand the divvy **** is blinded with his shiny ace the poker brat himself couldnt get one of these sky poker muppets to fold there ace and hes a "pro" lol i dnt blame anyone for my losing but when u hit top pair on the flop and raise all in and some daft **** calls because he has over cards with no flush no straight draw whos making the bad play here oh i forgot he has the shiny ones they defo win everytime its the law hahaha
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365
    ha, u sit there waiting for for ur ak aq aj and raise and still get called by a **** with 64 who flops 2 pair

    but ur convinced ur ahead still ,because who calls a raise with 64?

    This is my point ,theres no point trying to follow a set of rules and game play because nobody else does.

    most of the tournaments ive played and finished top 3 ive played most hands ,as long a it wasnt a mad raise, regardless of my hand and others do the same .Because we all see when we fold our **** cards we flop trips or a stright.

    Can anyone say there better than anyone else ,end of the day, if someone hits the ace on the flop regardless of kicker hes going to call ur raise .

    So dnt matter how gd or how u play the hand the divvy **** is blinded with his shiny ace .

    The poker brat himself couldnt get one of these sky poker muppets to fold there ace and hes a "pro" lol .

    I dnt blame anyone for my losing but when u hit top pair on the flop and raise all in and some daft **** calls because he has over cards with no flush no straight draw , whos making the bad play here?

    oh i forgot, he has the shiny ones ,they defo win everytime .

    its the law hahaha .

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    ''I dnt blame anyone for my losing but when u hit top pair on the flop and raise all in and some daft **** calls because he has over cards with no flush no straight draw , whos making the bad play here?''

    I think its clear whos making the bad play......
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    FFS. Poker forums... :D
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    I think Google Translate is broken.
  • mukta1818mukta1818 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2018
    oh u hit top pair and ur ment to check so some other XXXX hits his pair hmmm now it all makes sense hahaha donuts thers no skill involved when ur getting lucky as xxxx

    Post edited by Moderator. Please check your PM's.


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