Morning all.
Last night was the 2nd of the 4 Big Game "Final" tables, with £6,000 in play.
These 6 took their seats at 8pm, each with £1,000 in front of them, and they had a 2 hour time limit. Once it got to 10pm, that was it, the table closed & they got to keep what they had left. If anything.
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Quite a lively table, & the game had barely started when @Sharki0 & @A_r_K got it all in.
Sharki0 had K-K, while A_r_K had the A-K, & Sharki0 steeled himself. No ace, no ace.
No ace fell, & no flush came, but the A-K won, as the board ran out (something like) 2-3-3-4-5 to give A_r_K the wheel. So A-r_K was sitting on around £2k now.
Shortly after that, @alancarr12 was never folding A-Q in this sort of game, but @A_r_K had the A-K again.
Neither hand improved, so @alancarr12 was busto & @A_r_K was up to around £3,000 now.
At this point, @railtard11 typed in the chatbox a message to @A_r_K....
"You are busting them 2 by 2"
Took me a few moments before I got it.......
So @railtard11 & @A_r_K, in adjacent seats, were playing pretty aggro, whilst @jedinemo and @MRBLEWPIE were both playing pretty snug. It was pretty hard for them to find "spots" as Team Aggro were applying pressure.
I have often watched @MRBLEWPIE play PLO, & he knows his way around a PLO table, but I've not seen him play too much NLH cash. He was doing OK, & eventually found the Kings, which held, against A_r_K's QJ on a Q high board.
@railtard had a big accident, which I missed, & was down to £300 or so.
Eventually, he got a full 2XUp v @A_r_K with J-J v 6-6, with the Jacks holding.
When the clock struck 10 (do clocks still strike?) here were the standings;
@A_r_K £3,078
@jedinemo £1,501
@railtard11 £533
@alancarr12 £0
@Sharki0 £0