Evening all.
First of all, good luck to everyone left in the SPT final. Second, Hiya

I've been back part time for a while, testing my body out and to see if I can still do this thing. Turns out I can! Lots and lots has happened since I last posted a fair while ago. Body is, well, not quite better but good enough to at least 2 table, sometimes 3!! Soon I'll be up with DTM, not in the fashion stakes though!
I've made, and withdrawn enough to get my girls new bunk beds, fit them out with what they want and to buy myself a PS4. Something I've wanted for a bit. I've also managed to get into this weeks Sunday Major! Got to love Monday freerolls! I've not played one of these since Sky first started them and I've never done well in them so god knows whats going to happen! I'm also abroad, Sterling to be precise, so I'm not on my laptop. Not helpful to me but I'm going to give it a go and also try to live tweet about it.
@cuckfena if you want to listen in.
Run well all and see you on the tables soon
Far more importantly it’s great to hear that you’re well again.
Look forward to you posting regularly once more
Welcome back!
And see you at the tables soon no doubt.