Wonder what the graph looks like in say a year. I remember there was a graph doing the rounds of a guy that had a result in one of the big games, may have been $100k Sunday Million score. They then proceeded to lose it, I think playing HU hypers amongst other games.
Wonder what the graph looks like in say a year. I remember there was a graph doing the rounds of a guy that had a result in one of the big games, may have been $100k Sunday Million score. They then proceeded to lose it, I think playing HU hypers amongst other games.
Wonder what the graph looks like in say a year. I remember there was a graph doing the rounds of a guy that had a result in one of the big games, may have been $100k Sunday Million score. They then proceeded to lose it, I think playing HU hypers amongst other games.
Might have been this one......
Looks like he was still $15K up on the deal when he quit. That's the problem with timing, he probably felt awful when he finally stopped yet imagine if had not won the biggie but won the £15K in one hit instead, same end result but completely different psychologically I would imagine.
Wonder what the graph looks like in say a year. I remember there was a graph doing the rounds of a guy that had a result in one of the big games, may have been $100k Sunday Million score. They then proceeded to lose it, I think playing HU hypers amongst other games.
Might have been this one......
Looks like he was still $15K up on the deal when he quit. That's the problem with timing, he probably felt awful when he finally stopped yet imagine if had not won the biggie but won the £15K in one hit instead, same end result but completely different psychologically I would imagine.
Around 60k looks like he had a bit of coaching then went solo at 90k.
FFS. It never ends.