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Xmas UKOPS - Day 1 review

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

A very good morning afternoon to you all. How was Crimble? I always think it looks better in the rear-view mirror personally.

Xmas UKOPS began yesterday, so we'll take a light-hearted look at the who, what & when, and in an effort to mix it up a little, we'll throw in some non UKOPS & even non-poker stuff from 2018 as we go along.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Overlay Report

    8 events last night, of which 5 covered Guarantee, & 3 missed, though the misses were not by much, just flesh wounds really.

    Worst performer of the evening was the PLO Bounty Hunter, which needed 25% more entries to get over the line. A PLO Bounty Hunter? Good Lord, what a weird cocktail that must be. PLO is the best poker format by far, but mixing it with a Bounty Hunter just seems so wrong. Some things, individually beautiful, should never be mixed.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 1, £2,000 Bounty Hunter, £11 entry

    Way back in September, a chap on Sky Poker with the alias @peter27 started a thread called "Diary of a Determined Player".

    It charted his efforts to improve his game, to become a winning player.

    For the last 4 months, he has been asking poker hand related questions, & more experienced players have been helping him out with their views. It's been quite hard going, as the author of the Diary is quite a stubborn sort, & inclined to push back when he does not agree. Once he gets it though, he thanks everyone & moves on.

    He reset his Sharky stats back in September, too, & has been in small loss ever since.

    Last night he won the opening UKOPS, & it was no fluke, he was prominent from a long way out, took a beat or two, but kept going. Sharkscope now shows him as a profitable player.

    Take a bow, @peter27.

    His Diary is here, & it's a great example of how a Poker Forum should work, & reminds us how fortunate we are to have a Forum;

    Very well done Peter, that must mean a great deal to you.

    Here's the Final Table finishing order;

    @peter27 573000 1 £282.15 + £94.17 Head Prizes 8

    @Dontfoldaa 0 2 £170.34 + £43.33 Head Prizes 7

    @bigstack75 0 3 £102.93 + £61.66 Head Prizes 7

    @kalooki8 0 4 £80.99 + £43.51 Head Prizes 8

    @Makaka 0 5 £68.97 + £45.53 Head Prizes 7

    @MrJinks 0 6 £57.48 + £26.77 Head Prizes 4

    Bragging rights for "most heads taken" were shared by @Mattsmum & @nagrom who both took 9 heads in finishing 8th & 13th respectively.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Most repulsive sports photo of 2018? No contest.

    Take a bow, Serena Williams, as she demonstrates the belief that players are bigger than the game, & the officials who run it.

    If the umpire had spoken to her the way she spoke to him, & pointed his finger at her, she would have gone loopy, & quite right too.

    I'd have given her a life-ban from the sport. Who needs that sort of behaviour?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 2, £2,000 PLO Bounty Hunter, £22 entry

    With 55 entries, @jakescol managed to take 3 heads & still only finish 36th, which takes some doing.

    @Itsover4u managed 2 heads in 24th, a spot behind the head-less @feelgroggy who, iirc, won a UKOPS Omaha affair recently.

    In 21st was @kevtwat23. What a lovely name that is. Kev, I mean.

    @TommyD, @Essexphil, @GSmith13 & @Sharki0 all finished in a heap, with long-time leader @dontpot ending up 10th.

    8th went to @PhilAny2_Q, with @MAXALLY the final table bubbler in 7th.

    Here's how the Final finished;

    @unbpower 324000 1 £440.30 + £148.81 Head Prizes 9

    @luvBWFC 0 2 £261.80 + £66.78 Head Prizes 5

    @Hotwheals 0 3 £178.50 + £70.31 Head Prizes 5

    @pfcstrain 0 4 £130.90 + £52.98 Head Prizes 6

    @vysn 0 5 £95.20 + £49.22 Head Prizes 6

    @IcBear25 0 6 £83.30 + £123.75 Head Prizes 11

    Winner @unbpower is no stranger to winning UKOPS, he's been here for yonks & does very well for himself.

    Runner-up @luvBWFC does very well for himself too.

    Nice to see @Hotwheals (3rd) do well, he's a very good PLO8 & PLO player, and his alias is his nickname for his wheelchair. Top top bloke.

    Most head-prizes? That went to @IcBear25, with an impressive 11.

    Finally, I must make special mention of the self-styled "Champ" of PLO & PLO8, @ajmilton. A fine effort by him in 51st place. Of 55 entries.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Until recently the term "Deal or no deal" gave us memories of this chap, who is, shall we say, hard to like;


    Brexit changed all that, & now we think of Theresa May.

    Politics aside, it's hard not to admire her sheer resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. The EU comprises 28 States, so she is up against 27 others in trying to secure a deal. Additionally, half of Great Britain voted "Remain", so she is bound to disappoint half the nation whatever she does.

    For me, she deserves a Knighthood in the New Years Honours List, arise Sir Theresa May. At least she still has a sense of humour, & as we can see.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 3, £4,000 Bounty Hunter, £22 entry

    @HANSON was first to depart, soon to be followed by none other than @lolufold.

    "Most heads" was split three ways, between @lerky, @mousedog22 & @scotty77, each of whom snagged 10 bounties.

    The ever argumentative Welshman @HAYSIE ran 23rd, just behind @Froozle, @I8HPalace & @TommyD, with @mattprawn the final table bubble boy.

    The Final finished like this;

    @miniman88 810000 1 £931.95 + £368.02 Head Prizes 7

    @sudstah 0 2 £559.17 + £62.82 Head Prizes 3

    @scotty77 0 3 £342 + £260.07 Head Prizes 10

    @K_1rving 0 4 £268.47 + £229.64 Head Prizes 8

    @TheBookOli 0 5 £229.14 + £145.60 Head Prizes 8

    @mousedog22 0 6 £192.89 + £170.64 Head Prizes 10

    For a long time, it looked like @Scotty77 would take this down, but he came up just short in the end. Here's the man himself, wearing what appears to be an unfortunate Xmas present from his Granny.


    Congrats to the winner, the very impressive & profitable @miniman88.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Some photos are just too good, & if this does not bring a smile to your face, nothing will.

    And Giant Cow's name? Knickers. Obviously.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 4, £15,000 Bounty Hunter Main Event, £110 entry

    151 uniques plus 29 re-entries for this, and surprisingly early departures for @StayOrGo (143rd) & @TheDart (141st).

    Most head prizes went to @jmj541 with 10.

    Good efforts by @Lightwood (33rd), @scotty77 (26th), @nagrom (23rd), @MattBates (22nd), @miniman88 (16th) & @Bromley04 (14th). Here's @Bromley04 after winning SPT Leeds all the way back in 2011.


    Adam Bromley & his wife Natalie are Burnley FC supporters, & are looking forward to watching Championship football next season.

    Here's how the Final panned out;

    @Makaka 1800000 1 £2452.50 + £1012.05 Head Prizes 9

    @peiratis88 0 2 £1471.50 + £281.89 Head Prizes 3

    @fairymagic 0 3 £900 + £555.75 Head Prizes 7

    @PhilAny2_Q 0 4 £706.50 + £131.26 Head Prizes 3

    @easyjet67 0 5 £603 + £513.26 Head Prizes 7

    @rspca12 0 6 £507.60 + £362.11 Head Prizes 7

    Good effort by Dog Bloke in 6th, seen here in the spotlight at a Live event in Liverpool;


    I am not familiar with the runner-up, @peiratis88, though it sounds like a complication of appendicitis.

    Winner @MAKAKA has had a splendid year here at Sky Poker, with one of those wonderful Sharky graphs that just keeps going up & up, but I'm pretty sure this was his biggest win so far, & as a bonus, he gets a UKOPS Bracelet too. Well done @MAKAKA.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    How about this for an amazing photograph?


    It was taken in Venezuala, & no prizes for guessing that's a chicken in the foreground.

    And the pile of money? That's 14,600,000 bolivars, the local currency. And that is what it cost to buy that chicken. 14.6 million bolivars.

    Sound a lot for a chicken? Well the $ equivalent is exactly $2.22.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 5, £5,000 Bounty Hunter Mini Event, £11 entry

    As expected, the biggest field of the night for this, with 510 uniques & 180 re-entries.

    Most head prizes was shared between -LEON- (14th) & @lammin (2nd).

    Aston Villa fan @68Trebor was 29th, @TEDSON 27th, @bert2126th, @ItsOver4U 22nd, a spot behind @DustoLucko.

    Top 6?

    @jacklord 2070000 1 £862.50 + £123.97 Head Prizes 7

    @lammin 0 2 £483 + £106.46 Head Prizes 13

    @aronluca 0 3 £284.97 + £29.69 Head Prizes 3

    @PUPPASMURF 0 4 £225.97 + £62.23 Head Prizes 5

    @jimjazz153 0 5 £189.75 + £35.16 Head Prizes 6

    @LnarinOO 0 6 £153.53 + £50.07 Head Prizes 8

    Well done all, especially the winner, taking his first ever UKOPS win.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Peas in a pod?

    These are North Korea cheerleaders, doing their thing at the Winter Olympics.

    If I said they all looked alike, that'd be politically incorrect these days. So I won't.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited December 2018

    UKOPS 6, £4,000 Bounty Hunter, £22 entry

    Most head prizes (10) was shared between @TEDSON (7th) & @ynwa02 (3rd), the latter, presumably, being a Liverpool fan. MBN to be a Liverpool fan these days as they sit 6 points clear at the top the table.

    Another decent effort by @mattsmum (14th) & @ItsOver4U (12th).

    A 2nd final of the evening for @peiratis88 in 6th, and well done to @Limp2Lose, aka Gary/George in 4th.

    Great to see @TommyD take this down. He's a big Spurs fan, & what a Christmas they have had, winning 6-2 away & 5-0 at home. Well not "home" exactly, as they are currently homeless, but you know what I mean.

    Here's Tommy enjoying himself. Love the shirt, Tommy.


    Here's the Final table;

    @TommyD 552000 1 £588.60 + £194.47 Head Prizes 6

    @cyberdog 0 2 £353.16 + £83.55 Head Prizes 5

    @ynwa02 0 3 £216 + £124.24 Head Prizes 10

    @Limp2Lose 0 4 £169.56 + £28.70 Head Prizes 2

    @CBuk 0 5 £144.72 + £101.58 Head Prizes 9

    @peiratis88 0 6 £121.82 + £48.75 Head Prizes 6

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    The leaders of South & North Korea exchange an awkward handshake at the border.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 7, £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter, £55 entry

    @Gambelo took most head prizes, with 8, not bad from a field of 72.

    Small cashes again for @miniman88 (22nd), @ItsOver4U (16th) & @LmfaoAllin (11th), with 10th spot going to @TimmyRaRa. Here's Timmy.


    Here's the full final table;

    @baDbEAteN 410000 1 £594.50 + £398.53 Head Prizes 7

    @jubb 0 2 £389.50 + £171.38 Head Prizes 6

    @Gambelo 0 3 £240.88 + £198.04 Head Prizes 8

    @ZIPPY146 0 4 £194.75 + £60.92 Head Prizes 1

    @PokerLAADD 0 5 £158.88 + £168.76 Head Prizes 7

    @jonnyrkd 0 6 £133.25 + £93.75 Head Prizes 5

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    It all ended badly for "The Special One" but I hope he'll be back soon, he's definitely good for the game.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    UKOPS 8, £2,000 Hyper Bounty Hunter, £22 entry

    Remarkably, 4 players shared top billing in "Heads Taken", all with 8 heads, so well done @bar4004, @billysport, @midnightma & @wineli.

    I bumped into the ever cheerful @TIMBER at the SPT Grand Final recently, but I doubt he was smiling last night after he was felled in 124th spot, (of 125).

    Decent final this, with @feelgroggy running 6th, another fine effort by @wineli, @goodgirluk coming up 1 spot shy of the win, & @bar4004 getting a deserved first place.

    @bar4004 375000 1 £349.38 + £196.63 Head Prizes 8
    @goodgirluk 0 2 £213.12 + £57.19 Head Prizes 4
    @wineli 0 3 £131.25 + £83.21 Head Prizes 8
    @Cymraeg_T 0 4 £105.62 + £66.56 Head Prizes 7
    @billysport 0 5 £90 + £96.70 Head Prizes 8
    @FeelGroggy 0 6 £77.50 + £39.39 Head Prizes 4

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Tonight? No less than 9 (NINE) events, & it all kicks off at 4pm.

    16.00 UKOPS 09 Bounty Hunter £2,000 £11 10 3000

    18.00 UKOPS 10 Freezeout £2,000 £22 10 3000

    19.00 UKOPS 11 Deepstack £2,000 £22 10 5000

    19.30 UKOPS 12 PLO8 £2,000 £22 10 4000 Unlimited

    20.00 UKOPS 13 Bounty Hunter £20,000 £110 12 10000 Unlimited

    20.30 UKOPS 14 Mini Bounty Hunter £5,000 £11 10 3000 Unlimited

    21.00 UKOPS 15 Bounty Hunter £4,000 £22 10 3000 1

    22.00 UKOPS 16 Turbo Bounty Hunter £4,000 £55 7 5000 1

    23.00 UKOPS 17 Hyper Bounty Hunter £2,000 £22 5 3000

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    That's it for Day 1, back tomorrow with more results, & another collection of memories from 2018. I do hope you enjoyed at least some of that waffle & nonsense.

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Great reading as per ., had the great Matt Bates on my table in the main so my chance of a cash was diminished somewhat 😊, he outplayed everyone on my table, he runs pretty well too 😉.Fab player and true gent.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    great write ups , am trying to sat into some now
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