Hi Guys/Girls,
I don't post here much, but have been playing on Sky Poker for around 6 years now, playing a mix of tournaments, SnG's, cash - mostly micro stakes games. I guess I can say there has been some improvement in my play during that time, although it has been very slow improvement and nothing to shout about! Hence still playing micro stakes

I'm putting this down to not foccussing my efforts on one particular type of game, and not studying the game enough. So this year, I've decided to focus on cash games and put some time in to studying and fixing my leaks. Is there any material out there that any of your good selves would recommend that specifically relates to micro stakes cash games? i.e books, videos etc. I know there are some very good generic poker books out there although I'm looking for some content that will help me improve in the area that I am playing. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Oh and another of my new years resolutions is to get involved in the Sky Poker community more, so here I am!

) Wishing you all well on the tables.
Hi Timmy,
Would be great to see you posting more often.
Pretty sure you'll get some helpful replies to your post, but you may need to wait a day or two.
If nobody replies, I'll nudge a few guys who I know will help.
These are 2 cash streamers on twitch with decent reputations, they also have previous videos where there's just hours of free content from winning players. Win/win imo.
Youtube wise there's some higher stakes stuff but Charlie Carrell is offering some good microstakes content,
Definitely agree with @Allan23 & @FeelGroggy that books are probably NOT the best way forward. Poker evolves & changes, no sooner is a book published than it is out of date.
I suppose Super System might be an exception, & certainly "Mental Game of Poker" is worthwhile.
Good luck @Timmy712, & if you have any more questions, fire away.