Hi all,
This is most likely because I am very over tired and therefore feeling quite sentimental (or maybe it's the whiskey

), but as I have noticed a few negative posts recently, and run into a few ranting folk on the chat, I just wanted to say that I have found Skypoker to be an amazingly friendly and supportive site.
I have no idea if the site is rigged (it certainly feels like it when my trusty 2H 9S gets cracked again) or if there really is some shadow conspiracy involving all the decent players (I'm convinced there must be as 99.9999% of the time I call an all in shove with 22 they have something better!) but personally I am genuinely surprised how helpful and nice most of the people are round these parts are, and how keen so many people are to help improve others. I have even had a few PM's offering assistance, although I suspect they just want my bankroll back on their table

So cheers everyone and I'm off to bed
p.s if you have recently told me I'm a donkey with a horseshoe up my butt and even my mother hates me then obviously this isn't addressed to you.

Although you are sadly right