hi im pretty new to poker but just wondering how people deal with luck?
I get that it swings both ways but I made a final table earlier with just two of us left. I had 30k him had 3k but even though I got him against me with worse hands he manged to get lucky 4 times and when I said nice luck he came back and said 50/50 and laughed. What's 50/50?
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Hi @Zobro
50/50 is normally a "coin flip" when both sides are (roughly) even money.
Most normally seen with hands like A-K v Q-Q, though it's much the same with any two overcards v a pocket pair, for example K-10 v 6-6.
These hands are known as "flips" or 50/50 shots.
As a general rule, if both players got it all-in here holding A-K & Q-Q, both have played correctly, & the rest is down to luck.
You are most welcome @Zobro.
I see you won an Omaha Hi-Li Tournament here yesterday - well done. Was that your first MTT win?
Yes it was, I like the game even though I’ve not been playing long.
May as well leave it there, others with the same question may see it.
It also shows you won your first MTT last night, something to be proud of I'd say. Bet it felt great.
Out of interest which book did you get?
I learned the game the expensive way, trial and error,but also some great advice and help on this forum and “in game “ from the plopped community.
Glad you are enjoying it and well played on your first win.
What made you choose Zobro as an alias?
These two?
It’s a mix of mine and parters names.