I recently invested in a new windows 10 laptop to replace the windows 7 version that has served me well for many years.
I’m finding at times that the new laptop is ‘lagging’ massively when playing on Sky Poker. For example, when getting all-in pre with an opponent, there’s often a delay of a good few seconds before literally all 5 community cards appear at once on screen. At other times, the timer has already counted halfway down before my hole cards appear on screen with the fold, call, raise buttons. I’ve not actually missed a hand yet but it seems only a matter of time.
I didn’t buy crazy expensive with the new laptop but not bargain basement either – HP with 8th generation Intel i5 processor with 8GB RAM. I’ve got superfast fibre broadband, sit within a few feet of my router, and have never had similar issues with either my old windows 7 laptop or newer windows 10 desktop.
Has anyone encountered (and resolved) similar issues? If any ‘techies’ out there can offer any pointers it would be much appreciated.
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Paging @mumsie & @noseybonk
Try this.
Click on start.
Type in
Click on
Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows
Go to the Advanced tab, click on change virtual memory
Select the C: drive and give yourself more memory for your programs to run.
Something like that anyway ^^^^^
Sometimes changing from the aero theme can fix lagging issues.
Other than that you'd need to post a screenshot of task manager sorted by cpu and ram usage and see what's hogging resources.
The first step should be to try and establish what the problem actually is.
Open "task manager" and look at the different tabs to see if either your RAM, CPU or HD is being maxed out, or close to it, when you are experiencing the problem.
(to open task manager right click on the start bar and choose task manager, or search it, or press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC)
Its also worth testing your internet speed. The sky software is notoriously bad at coping with a weak/slow connection
So, tried the VRAM fix without any noticeable improvement.
I've been monitoring task manager over past few days. RAM use is never over 40%. CPU is usually around 5% and peaks around 20%. Hard drive read/write is minimal.
I've done a broadband speed test which came out at 56Mbs.
Annoyingly the lagging still persists but seems to come and go intermittently during the course of a tournament.
In terms of internet speed, latency may be more important than your actual connection speed. You could monitor this while you play by opening a command prompt (search "cmd", or + , then type "cmd") and running the following command. "ping www.sky.com /t"
This will continually (every second or so) connect to sky.com and tell you how long it takes for a response, amongst other things. I tried running it on my computer and got response times between between 10ms and 45ms, with around 90% of the responses being under 15ms. When you are experiencing the problem, look and see if there is a patch of longer response times, or maybe just one of them.
Its likely the connection is the problem somehow, judging by what you have said about the task manager it doesn't seem like your computer is struggling at all.
Like so.
Did the 'ping' thing Saturday and got similar outcome with around 90% being about 14ms, Also had a few longer response times and also some "request timed out". Most of these were single events but occasionally they'd be 2 or 3 grouped together. It did appear that these coincided with lagging on some hands. Sorry Kapowblanz, that sentence is beyond my understanding of IT. That said, I did google it as suggested but from what I've read the "aero theme" is not a feature on windows 10???
It's worth a go and can't cause any harm.