Poker News has published Part 1 of "Before the Game", which seems to be a story, in his own words, of Neil Channing's gambling career.
Interesting read.'s a very rare photo of Ambo wearing his smart shirt.
Here's part two of the Channing "Before the Game" article.
Great read from "NC retweeted" as he is known on FB! lol
Prob the 2nd person I'd like to see on "This is your life"......
"When a poker player decides to lend another poker player money, they do so with the inherent risk that it might not be paid back"
Maybe it's just a Vegas thing?
Maybe it's just a Vegas thing?
Not reallly..
In REAL life there is a saying " Lend money..lose a friend"
His second career was as an international arms dealer, specialising in sales to Arab countries
Let's face it-NO-ONE in their right mind is going to fail to pay him back!