In yet another move to move away from the Big Boys & appeal more to recreational players, PokerStars are reducing time banks by up to 55%. This is effective Monday 5th February.
Here's the PokerNews article;
Mines a Pint of nice Lager..... hopefully you'll be in Manchester this weekend
Sky poker player pool with stars software would be very good, maybe players from uk/Ireland could jump between each pool but cant see that happening. At very low limits having a table cap would be good to give recreational players a chance to win Also make it harder for staking groups to operate as they churn out so many pretty good players and read at times rumours of them sharing player data which seems wrong, some even have analysts to work out population tendencies and feed that back to the players in the group.
"Poker Tracker" is an example, see;
Basically, it retrieves, stores & shows all the information on the play that you & your opponents make, & it measures every conceivable stat, such as VPIP, does your opponent fold to flop & turn bets, position, and how profitable you & they are at any given seat on the table relative to the button. (e.g., it demonstrates that almost all of us are unprofitable when we play a hand from the Small Blind).
The nosebleed guys all use it, recreational players not so much.
Essentially, rather than use your eyes & wits to play poker, you become a data analyst.
This is what players get to see in real time;