Best: A good community forum, supported by and listened to by people at Sky. Worst: The total reliance on BH tournaments with very few Deep Stack options available.
Best - Segregated UK/Irish player pool which brings numerous benefits including softer games, a healthier ecosystem, few (if any) bots and a friendly sense of community.
Worst - Extremely samey MTT schedule which is a bit pants if you're not a fan of shallow-stacked bounty hunters.
Best - Segregated UK/Irish player pool which brings numerous benefits including softer games, a healthier ecosystem, few (if any) bots and a friendly sense of community.
Worst - Extremely samey MTT schedule which is a bit pants if you're not a fan of shallow-stacked bounty hunters.
Worst: I do like the simplicity of the software (visual), but I would like to be able to adjust the pre set buttons and perhaps be able to change table colours
Best thing : The warm friendly chat on the rail
Worst: software could do with a lick of paint
Worst: The total reliance on BH tournaments with very few Deep Stack options available.
Worst - Withou doubt the software.
Worst- software needs updating
Worst - some different structure tourneys maybe some 8 max freezeouts etc
Worst - Extremely samey MTT schedule which is a bit pants if you're not a fan of shallow-stacked bounty hunters.
Worst thing ..... I wasn't mentioned as the best thing. Cough!
Worst-too many Bounty Hunters/lack of variety. Not Sky's fault-other types of game don't get the same numbers on here
Best AND worst-the forum
Worse thing "TK" T he Klock seems so fast and seeing it under the cards can be so distracting making it seem even faster
Best things, everything else.
Worst thing for me is the proliferation of bh
Worst thing not enough of WHY's thread.
Worst thing - No "Hot o Meter"
Worst: I do like the simplicity of the software (visual), but I would like to be able to adjust the pre set buttons and perhaps be able to change table colours
Worst: Software