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Wright or wrong you decide??

MrCoxyMrCoxy Member Posts: 234
edited February 2019 in Poker Chat
So i was in a £2.20 DYM in the very late stages with still 5 players left. I have 3 big blinds left. Im the second to act and have been dealt 3 2 off. My intention is to shove here and hope everyone folds and take down the blinds! So i get called by AK but i hit a two on the turn and knocked him out! To say he was not very happy was a bit of an understatement! Think he now has me down as the worst player in the history of the game, One of the other players at the table who limped in every single hand didnt get a single bit of abuse so one can only asume that this is the done thing now. Anyway will post the hand and let you decide wether i was wright or wrong!!!
GraveltraxSmall blind300.00300.001925.00
wrongjohn1Big blind600.00900.001990.00
Your hole cards
  • 3
  • 2
WhizzewkyUnmatched bet175.004610.00175.00
  • 3
  • 2
  • K
  • A
  • 7
  • 5
  • J
  • 3
  • 5
MrCoxyWinTwo Pairs, 5s and 3s4610.004610.00


  • JJBinksJJBinks Member Posts: 440
    Wrong in I don't like the shove, but right in I like that you knocked them out.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    Definitely wrong. I know you only have 3 bb, but what's the odds you get dealt better than 3 high the next had when you're in the bb?

    Also, when you're in the bb, the rest of the table has to act before you make your decision. Granted you lose fold equity if you're shoved on, but hey, chances are you are calling them with better than 3 high!
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    Sorry, just seen you weren't UTG, but I think my points are still valid.
  • MrCoxyMrCoxy Member Posts: 234
    No UTG had folded. Yes we all know its a bad hand but is it not more about the situation rather than the hand itself!! If i get it through ive added 900 to my stack! If i get called then so be it but from my point of view id rather be the one shoving than being forced to call all in the next hand.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    MrCoxy said:

    No UTG had folded. Yes we all know its a bad hand but is it not more about the situation rather than the hand itself!! If i get it through ive added 900 to my stack! If i get called then so be it but from my point of view id rather be the one shoving than being forced to call all in the next hand.

    Yes, I get that. That's why I described the situation.....

    You shove 3 high with 3 players still to act, vs waiting for another hand you get to see (for free) which is bound to be better than 3 high. You can still decide to shove next hand without it costing you chips beforehand.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    I think it’s totally fine
    Re the comments about its only 3 high. I think that’s irrelevant. We’re obv not looking to get calls. If they all fold, then brilliant and if they call then we’re still not in terrible shape v opponents hand.

    Anyone who calls is calling for their dym. Looking at the players left to act, I don’t expect them to call light and we get this through so often.

    I prefer the 32 to A2 or A3.
    When we are called with A2 or A3 we’re in terrible shape and likely to be drawing to 3 outs against either a pair or a better ace
  • MrCoxyMrCoxy Member Posts: 234
    Finally someone on the same page as me lol!!!! As i said before i think the hand really does not matter its all about the situation your in, id rather be the person doing the shoving than the calling!!!
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,085
    It is wrong.
    You can make a case for this UTG, but never UTG plus one.
    Ask yourself this. Would you rather try and get past 4 people with 3 2 off, or 5 people with any two cards?
    Shove next hand, not this one.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    MrCoxy said:

    Finally someone on the same page as me lol!!!! As i said before i think the hand really does not matter its all about the situation your in, id rather be the person doing the shoving than the calling!!!

    I assume jac was a few beers deep when he agreed with you!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Not sure @Jac35 has any clue what he's talking about tbh.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Tikay10 said:

    Not sure @Jac35 has any clue what he's talking about tbh.


    Stone sober now and i still feel the same 😊
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,822
    I'm not a DYM expert, but surely this is a fold & wait for something (surely?) better next hand.
  • MrCoxyMrCoxy Member Posts: 234
    OK i'll hold my hands up......I have no idea what im doing lol
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    We can wait and wait though, I think I prefer a shove here than UTG where everyone absolutely knows your shoving any two
  • MOR7Y44MOR7Y44 Member Posts: 6
    Wright or Right?
  • WhizzewkyWhizzewky Member Posts: 34
    MrCoxy said:

    No UTG had folded. Yes we all know its a bad hand but is it not more about the situation rather than the hand itself!! If i get it through ive added 900 to my stack! If i get called then so be it but from my point of view id rather be the one shoving than being forced to call all in the next hand.

    MrCoxy said:

    No UTG had folded. Yes we all know its a bad hand but is it not more about the situation rather than the hand itself!! If i get it through ive added 900 to my stack! If i get called then so be it but from my point of view id rather be the one shoving than being forced to call all in the next hand.

    Just seen this! I remember it well. I play several thousand dym's a month. I'm a grinder, a nit..i rarely mix it up. I see all kinds of wonderful excuses for playing a hand! This is right up there with the best of them so thank you for showing it mr.coxy:)

    You are giving this example as if it's the 1st time in your life you've ever made this move...i'm not only a nit etc. i also study every player over several hundred games
    there are more than several i would fold ak too in this situation, even in a low stake dym. However you are in the list that i have played more than 200 games against and imo a very average player. I do vent my frustration at players who continually suck out,it's part of my make up. I'd give a £1,000 to stop it and become an eon or a Tikay at the tables. It's not even you i'm frustrated at it's all players of your ilk who randomly put hands like this up and say ''am i right or wrong'' and jac35 making a case for it,just makes me want to fire up more tables:) On a personal note i have no malice towards you or any other player on Sky....I love banter (sometimes edgy banter) If you make plays like that a considerable amount of times and keep sucking out i will comment on it! I genuinely hope your poker improves, it's a wonderful experience for me playing on a table where i'm the value:)

    Best wishes

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    I <3 Whizzy.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Morning 😊
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    oioi, Grumps is up early.

  • MrCoxyMrCoxy Member Posts: 234
    aparently the sky poker forum is a friendly place.... clearly not
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