Put interesting programmes on so late at night ?
Question time , a prime example . Why is this not on at like 8 pm ?
Haysie who is older than methusalah has to sleep for 3 days solid in order to watch it , I'm a little younger and only have to sleep for 24 hrs solid ...but still .
Disgruntled ......w.yorks
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I have it on good authority that post Brexit the new schedule goes something like -
1pm Crackerjack
2pm Question Time
3pm Rainbow
4pm Naked Attraction
5pm Watch with Mother
The host is excellent, and the contestants are Jeremy Kyle's dream
And these are GREAT BRITISH weirdos
Chooser - “ I like a man with a sense of humour, and polite”
Host - “ So now you have whittled it down to a choice of two, who will you choose for a date”?
Chooser - “ I’ll have the one with the biggest .... please.😊
In the interests of fairness between the sexes
Reverse the roles- same answer 😉
You think (my body) not so bad after all. The blokes must be standing there praying the little chap doesn't let them down. Is it below Zero in the Studio.
How they don't get excited when the girl steps out naked. Power of the mind.!
We need more tv progs like the radio show " The Archers" ....
We have an Archers fan? Glory be.
Nightly, or the Omnibus edition on Sunday?
Factoids : Been going since 1951 and over 18, 000 episodes .