Hi guys.
TIM CARTER HEADS UP CUP is remarkably now in it's 5th year, with some great players competing in the past, see hall of fame below:
2015: WINNER: @STAYOGO ------------ RUNNER UP:
@AJMILTON2017: WINNER: @ALVEZ11 ------------- RUNNER UP:
@LIMP2LOSE2018: WINNER: @RSPCA12 ------------- RUNNER UP:
I set this up in 2015 following the untimely death of my brother Tim, as something to remember him by, so I am very pleased that it is still going.
Who knows with the STARS acquisition it may be the last one, but lets hope not.
Fancy yourself as the 2019 winner? please make a donation, any amount of your choice to the charity (SHELTER) via the link below and then sign up on this thread.
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/MemoryOfTimCarter?utm_campaign=lc_frp_share_transaction_fundraiser_page_launched&utm_content=59269d11-d190-44a1-b9c5-1353ac9c1499&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postoffice&utm_term=1543792757077More details of the format etc will be provided whe we get to 16 runners, or the end of March, whichever is sooner.
The winner's name will be engraved on the main trophy and they will also receive a replica that they can keep.
My son (Limp2Lose) and I will also donate £50 each to the WINNER'S chosen charity.Please make your donations (
any amount of your choice) via the link above before signing up.
Thanks again for your continued support for this initiative, I hope we can get the 16 runners with a mixture of past contenders and hopefully some new blood too.
All the best!
P.S. Apologies to
@ALVEZ11 and
@RSPCA12 for not getting your trophies to you, I am hoping to get everyone together after the 2019 result and provide all trophies then.
Donation made.
We are collecting donations before it starts this time.
Here's the charity link when you get a chance. No rush though.
Thanks again for your support mate!
Thanks once again for your support.
Many thanks,
(PS...will sort donation out next week at start of month)
Hi guys.
Running a bit short on numbers this year. It would be great if you guys could support and/or spread the word.
We may need to do it with just 8 runners if we can't muster up the 16, but I am hoping we can get 16 with a bit of a push.
I would rather not play this year.
But if you continue to be short, ask me to reconsider at the last moment...
Much appreciated!
I'll see how things go over the next few days, but I may reduce this to just 8 runners as we are struggling to get the numbers, if so there would just be one spot left.
First come first served.
So the most anyone should lose would be £3.15
Best of 5 for the 1/4 final and semi final, then best of 9 for the final.
It should be a fun comp.
I will provide more precise details when we are up and running.