Wow What a day!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Ross, Penguin7 and all who cashed at SPT Luton.. Including an extremely noteworthy performance from our very own Mr Trevor Harris and a HUGE hug for the magnificent Dollie (My seat neighbour for the tournie) who hit a horrific Bubble. I just might love him more than I love Tikay. 
I would like to personally extend a MAHOOSIVE thank you to everyone to turned up and everyone I had the chance to play or speak with for making it a truly enjoyable and memorable experience.
A new blog in the making!!
It was a long 17hour day and I can quite honestly say I have never enjoyed myself more in a live tourney.
Another shining affirmation of what a warm, friendly and generous spirited community we have here at Sky Poker.
Sounds like it was a fab day at Luton. I will make it a priority to get to Nottingham for the final!
Was great fun all day and apologies to Rich, Lisa, Greg, Tina and especially Aaron for complete and utter luckboxing in the sng
thank you for a fantastic day
one comment can sky not buy there own poker chips
as playing with a rivals site is a little strange
Lisa & Trevor worked incredibly hard, playing, doing interviews, SNG's, all sorts, as the Presenters & Analysts at these things always do, big up to them all, "even" Rich, who went up to Luton after a very tough Total Player 3 hour Live how.
You can see a few photographs of Lisa & Co HERE
To TK the Main Man. Des, Richie, Claire, Anneka, Jayon, Richard and all of Niall's team at the G Casino, very well done to all.
Great to put faces to all the names once again, thanks for the Sky Poker players for making Luton a great Tournament.
Nuttytart well done for making 10th
Between about midday and 4am you were keeping yourself busy with non-stop, SNG's, the MTT, Indian Poker abominations, looking after Kitty, photo sessions, Celeb interviews, TP interviews, Analyst interviews, Player interviews (some of which rudely interrupted your SNG sessions, but I gallantly looked after your chips and ran then from 1200 up to 1250 in a matter of minutes).
Well done for surviving all that!
Trev was a star too, both in his result and top final table commentary.
*Smute unintentionally inserted(#)
#I had to slip one more in(%)