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  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    @PKRPar Will be around a fair amount this week. If you tell me what times you'll be around and maybe I can find you or you can find me sometime (preferably when I'm not multi-tabling a load of games)
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    @FeelGroggy can play pretty much all of tonight or Sunday morning if that is any good? :)
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    Think I'm gonna go for high leader-board finish for the Vegas promo so non peak times when games sparcer be better. I generally sleep in till 1.30 2ish and then play. so maybe around then be good
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261

    Think I'm gonna go for high leader-board finish for the Vegas promo so non peak times when games sparcer be better. I generally sleep in till 1.30 2ish and then play. so maybe around then be good

    No worries dude. I think the other semi final hasn't been played yet so no rush :) GL in Vegas hunting.
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    hi @thisltedu I will around all day today and after 5pm tom.
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    I can play tonight Chris. is 8.30 OK?
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    Or 9.00 Chris. @rspca12
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    y 9pm is gd
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    Great I'll reg at 9.00.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited March 2019
    thisltedu said:

    Great I'll reg at 9.00.

    Cracking match this should be!

    Best of five again.

    Best of luck to you both, will be railing when I can. Although I have a lot of tables going.
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    We're on.
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    Well played Chris @rspca12 Worthy winner 3 - 1. Good luck in the final.
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    @PKRPar I intend to be on tomorrow morning/ early afternoon. Hit me up at the tables if your about.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited March 2019

    @PKRPar I intend to be on tomorrow morning/ early afternoon. Hit me up at the tables if your about.

    @FeelGroggy @PKRPar hopefully you will get this arranged soon. Please post on here when you intend to play so that people can rail.

    Also @rspca12 Chris, congrats on reaching the final, yet again! Good luck to the defending champ!

    Any chance you can do the same as last year and video it? Would also be great if your opponent (whomever that may be) can do the same, so we can see both sides of the story. It could be useful for guys to see how you top pro's think)

    P.S. @Tikay10 I know you are a "grammar" man, am I right to use "whomever" above, or should it be "whoever" Looking online, I think I got it wrong, as it is a "he"not "him", suggesting whoever would have been correct.

    So should it be, whoever in the above, but whomever if I were to say, "Chris will have a tough match against whomever the other finalist is." Is that a correct use of whomever?

    Thanks in advance for the grammar lesson. :=)

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    StayOrGo said:

    @PKRPar I intend to be on tomorrow morning/ early afternoon. Hit me up at the tables if your about.

    @FeelGroggy @PKRPar hopefully you will get this arranged soon. Please post on here when you intend to play so that people can rail.

    Also @rspca12 Chris, congrats on reaching the final, yet again! Good luck to the defending champ!

    Any chance you can do the same as last year and video it? Would also be great if your opponent (whomever that may be) can do the same, so we can see both sides of the story. It could be useful for guys to see how you top pro's think)

    P.S. @Tikay10 I know you are a "grammar" man, am I right to use "whomever" above, or should it be "whoever" Looking online, I think I got it wrong, as it is a "he"not "him", suggesting whoever would have been correct.

    So should it be, whoever in the above, but whomever if I were to say, "Chris will have a tough match against whomever the other finalist is." Is that a correct use of whomever?

    Thanks in advance for the grammar lesson. :=)

    I'd be asking Chris for the grammar lesson....or whoever he ends up playing
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    @FeelGroggy I’ll be online tomorrow night at any point if that assists? Or Thursday after 10 :)
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    @PKRPar Yeah I'll be on we can try and squeeze it in.
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    If you around within the next hourish and can reply on here I'm game, otherwise some time tonight maybe
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    At work just now mate but will be on tonight :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    StayOrGo said:

    @PKRPar I intend to be on tomorrow morning/ early afternoon. Hit me up at the tables if your about.

    @FeelGroggy @PKRPar hopefully you will get this arranged soon. Please post on here when you intend to play so that people can rail.

    Also @rspca12 Chris, congrats on reaching the final, yet again! Good luck to the defending champ!

    Any chance you can do the same as last year and video it? Would also be great if your opponent (whomever that may be) can do the same, so we can see both sides of the story. It could be useful for guys to see how you top pro's think)

    P.S. @Tikay10 I know you are a "grammar" man, am I right to use "whomever" above, or should it be "whoever" Looking online, I think I got it wrong, as it is a "he"not "him", suggesting whoever would have been correct.

    So should it be, whoever in the above, but whomever if I were to say, "Chris will have a tough match against whomever the other finalist is." Is that a correct use of whomever?

    Thanks in advance for the grammar lesson. :=)

    Hi Graham @StayOrGo

    With questions like that, you'll give me a bad rep for being a grammar pedant. And in truth, I am, even though I'm not great myself, but I try to hide my angst at awful grammar. Some things I see on here derive me nuts, but I have to bite my tongue.

    Anyway, whoever/whomever.

    That's quite an awkward one. As a rule of thumb, if it looks right, it probably is. In this case, I was struggling to explain it clearly, so I enlisted the aid of Dr Google;

    Whoever is a subjective pronoun: It describes an unknown person who performs an action. Take this example from Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself by G. Edward White: “Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball.” Here, the pronoun performs the action wants, so whoever is the correct choice.

    The pronoun whomever is the objective case of whoever. This means whomever can only be used either with a preposition (e.g. to, for, or about) or with a verb (an action word) that requires a direct object. Take, for example, “She plays her guitar for whomever.” The use of the preposition for indicates that whomever is necessary here.
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