Yeah it looks like I graph/story I saw a few years ago about a guy binking in a tournament then playing £5k husngs and giving it all back pretty quick.
If I won 150k I would probably Jack poker in , I say that now but thinking about it I couldn't retire with that kind of money and poker is a hobby so would more than likely carry on with a 1k roll and be sensible
People have a tournament bink and then can think they are the next best thing in poker without realising how much luck they had to get their result. I can imagine you can feel unlucky in a game like HU SNG and before you know it you have knocked in a decent amount of money. Being realistic about your ability and the games you can beat is a skill itself.
Similar story to Bommel222 who finished 2nd in the guiness world record tournament to win $30000 back on $1 then lost it all to the cash game community in a matter of days with some insane game selection.
As several of you correctly guessed, this guy, a smallball player, ran 2nd in the Sunday Million back in 2011 for $148,000, then immediately started playing $5k HU SNG's.
He could not have game selected worse - they were waiting for him, & he soon knocked it all in.
It did not take long before he was busto, & back to playing FPP satellites.
yours in mirth
As several of you correctly guessed, this guy, a smallball player, ran 2nd in the Sunday Million back in 2011 for $148,000, then immediately started playing $5k HU SNG's.
He could not have game selected worse - they were waiting for him, & he soon knocked it all in.
It did not take long before he was busto, & back to playing FPP satellites.
He plays the best poker all the time. Honest.