On an unrelated matter, anyone have a dummies guide to plo/plo8 I could borrow!
Find a great spot to shove, then remember that you can't and yell at the screen vowing never to play pot limit games ever again, until you inevitably end up playing them next UKOPS. That's my usual strategy for those events
Personally I prefer this schedule compared with previous UKOPS - think having some 55s that aren't turbos is a good move, and also having a turbo 11 each night. Prefer this to just having a random 55 turbo and 22 hyper each night. Others may disagree
On an unrelated matter, anyone have a dummies guide to plo/plo8 I could borrow!
Find a great spot to shove, then remember that you can't and yell at the screen vowing never to play pot limit games ever again, until you inevitably end up playing them next UKOPS. That's my usual strategy for those events
Personally I prefer this schedule compared with previous UKOPS - think having some 55s that aren't turbos is a good move, and also having a turbo 11 each night. Prefer this to just having a random 55 turbo and 22 hyper each night. Others may disagree
On an unrelated matter, anyone have a dummies guide to plo/plo8 I could borrow!
Personally I prefer this schedule compared with previous UKOPS - think having some 55s that aren't turbos is a good move, and also having a turbo 11 each night. Prefer this to just having a random 55 turbo and 22 hyper each night. Others may disagree