@Tikay10 Had the problem with the UKOPS HR SAT not running due to insufficient runners.
As it was cancelled refunds were not applied.
I believe the following all need £48.00 refunds:

FYI, I believe it was impossible to buy direct into the sat, which is probably why it didn't get the numbers.
I know there is the problem of people regging playing the sat and then un-regging, but shouldn't direct buy in be available somehow?
Not to worry anyway, just so you are aware.
If this does not auto-sort itself, I'll get it passed to the Team first thing on Wednesday.
This is being looked at, will get back to you later once it's been clarified.
This is a recognised "bug" that always happens to satellite qualifiers when the target tournament is cancelled.
They have to be addressed manually I believe.
I was previously reassured that they don't get "missed" and are addressed the following morning when it happens, although I have found, that "typically" a reminder is needed.
Thanks for your help.
It's not been forgotten Graham, but they were a bit short of bodies in the office this morning for one reason or another.
Everyone will get properly sorted though.
I am fairly sure mine hasn't been paid, but it's not always clear with the way funds in and funds out are recorded for satellites.
Anyhow, as TK says, I am sure it will all get sorted. Thanks for the feedback.
Acc History>
Win/loss summary>
log in>
then banking history you can see if any manual Adjustment to your account has been made.
Everybody who qualified for the semi was refunded the £48 automatically when it was cancelled. Graham your refund will show as being credited at 21:45:08 on 9/4/19. Let me know if there is a problem.
Also, in reply to this;
"FYI, I believe it was impossible to buy direct into the sat, which is probably why it didn't get the numbers.
I know there is the problem of people regging playing the sat and then un-regging, but shouldn't direct buy in be available somehow?"
That's not correct - players were able to buy-in from 30 minutes prior to it starting. To help further, I believe that 30 minutes has now been extended.
It's a little confusing, for me anyway.
Could you please explain how I see the transaction times. I can see them for the last 10 transactions on the home page, but not for older ones.
Like I said, apologies if I am wrong, but I can't see this 21.45.08 transaction for £48.00 that you refer to.
@jubb @CxE1 did you guys get refunded. If you did it's probably me, but I can't see it.
select account history
Step 1 select Poker
Step 2 select your chosen time period
Step 3 Ensure " show detailed search options" box is selected
click search ...will show all poker transactions between specified time period (i.e more than 10 ) and will include time of transaction
Just double checked its working ^^^^ and this is what it will/should look like ..using chrome browser btw