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Danny Negraneu sets Twitter on fire. Again. (Warning, contains profanities).

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

Danny is very Marmite, I happen to admire him, but many don't, & I completely get that.

Pretty sure he'll have gained a few more haters though after it seems he lost his rag on Twitter last night.

Here's the cliffs, not that they really matter;

Daniel posted a (now deleted) tweet about certain player traits being "cancer". He received a lot of backlash.

Dara O'Kearny wrote a blog post criticizing Daniel for this, among other things. The thumbnail image was Daniel's infamous blackface snafu.

Daniel called it a hatchet job and dismissed Dara as a troll.

Later, Dara and his co-host David Lappin won a GPI award for best podcast. On the broadcast, Daniel was visibly disgusted and said "ewww".

Daniel went on Twitter and made vague passive-aggressive comments (as he often does), questioning the winner selection process.

Later, Daniel went on his own podcast and said that Dara and David are just trolls, and that he has an inside GPI source that says their win is not legitimate.

The Chip Race Podast twitter account says it doesn't want the award if Daniel's "rigged" claims are true, tagging PokerStars and GPI.

David tweets something similar, tagging Eric Danis to inform him that Daniel has accused him of impropriety.

Daniel gets very angry and resorts to more name calling


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited April 2019
    And what did Little Danny Tweet?

    First, this;

    I never said sophisticated. It isn’t.

    It’s standard basic trolling and you are absolutely a troll.

    More accurately, a sanctimonious “wa*ker” is the term I believe you people use.

    Soon followed by this;

    Your obsession with me is f*cking bizarre dude.

    Whine, ****, and cry all you want, I’m not going anywhere.

    Get a life you fuc*ing loser. It’s pathetic.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited April 2019
    Now Danny is the Ambo for the world's biggest poker site & FWIW, the step-parents of SB&G & Sky Poker.

    And the customer is always right. Right?

    Certainly, the rule here in SB&G is, & always has been - "we are customer-obsessed".

    And so if anyone in Sky Poker or Sky Bet said that, it'd be a Yellow Card for sure, maybe even a Straight Red. It would.

    But here's the thing, which Danny has to bear, & to a far lesser degree, we do too, here at Sky Poker. (Because, generally, folks are much more polite here).

    Customers can & often are as rude as they like on Twitter, & on Forums like this, when things go wrong. You only have to read this Forum, or Twitter, when a Freeroll goes pete tong, or a few MTT's fall over, or Bet have a problem, as they do about once every year or so, to see the level of vitriol aimed at Sky Poker or Sky Bet. Rude, or what? You bet it is. Over at Stars, magnify that by a zillion.

    And yet if the Ambo, Staffer, or Forum Bloke replied in kind, there'd be **** to pay, those who are being so rude would be up in arms.

    You can't say that to me.

    Things have got a bit out of kilter & one-sided I think. If folks wanna be outrageously rude to a Business or it's Representative, surely they must expect a bit back from time to time?

    So if you were Mr PokerStars, what would you say to Danny Negreanu today?

    Well said Danny, or on yer bike, son?
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    Trolls and reactions , very topical .
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    Negreanu is a narcissistic moron.

    He's apparently a spokesperson for poker players across the world. He hates poker player traits tho....

    His main goal is to continue to be a brand ambassador for PS and I imagine he would stomp all over anyone at all to maintain that.

    He reminds me of Tom Cruise in that they both obviously think they are transcendental.

    He reminds me of a chihuahua too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    Negreanu is a narcissistic moron.

    He's apparently a spokesperson for poker players across the world. He hates poker player traits tho....

    His main goal is to continue to be a brand ambassador for PS and I imagine he would stomp all over anyone at all to maintain that.

    He reminds me of Tom Cruise in that they both obviously think they are transcendental.

    He reminds me of a chihuahua too.

    Given how much he presumably earns, I think many in his shoes would do the same, surely?

    PS - Do I sense - just reading between the lines, like - that you are not a Danny fan?

  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655
    Actually a while back I was a fan-ish. He personally advised me with an issue I had when he was in one of those life self help groups(apparently a cult) and I was thankful for that.

    I'm just not sure why he's a spokesperson for poker players when he hates poker players...
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    I have followed this from the start with DN , Dara and David Lappin , the two hosts of poker podcast @thechiprace . DN has IMO got this all wrong, as a poker ambassador
    he should be above spitting the dummy out, speak up about why/how the award was rigged in his opinion,and refrain from labeling others as "you people " .
    Or should that read EEEYYWWW ppl .
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    I have followed this from the start with DN , Dara and David Lappin , the two hosts of poker podcast @thechiprace . DN has IMO got this all wrong, as a poker ambassador
    he should be above spitting the dummy out, speak up about why/how the award was rigged in his opinion,and refrain from labeling others as "you people " .
    Or should that read EEEYYWWW ppl .

    Have to say, "you people" is not the way to address folks.

    We had a poster on here - think he's moved on now - but in various debates he always referred to everyone as "you lot". I mean, if you want to win a debate, first you need to face the same way, & win the hearts & minds. "You lot", & "you people" is not exactly going to win any Diplomacy awards is it?

    Hope you lot you & The Dame are well.
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    I don't see much merit in a sort of end of year awards ceremony for poker tbf - a year isn't very long for say live poker and anyone could bink a tourney or 2 and be "player of the year".

    The "streamer of the year" nominees were a total joke, really showing how out of touch GPI are and how little they care about their own awards (Jason Somerville being one of the 4 on the list despite streaming about twice since 2015, Jaime Staples and Jeff Gross two sort of popularish (at the time) Stars pros, then a worthy winner in Lex). No real twitch grinders like Matt Staples or AllinPav who put in proper work.

    Would that carelessness extend to "rigged" awards? Who knows, don't think anyone should really care!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    Allan23 said:

    I don't see much merit in a sort of end of year awards ceremony for poker tbf - a year isn't very long for say live poker and anyone could bink a tourney or 2 and be "player of the year".

    The "streamer of the year" nominees were a total joke, really showing how out of touch GPI are and how little they care about their own awards (Jason Somerville being one of the 4 on the list despite streaming about twice since 2015, Jaime Staples and Jeff Gross two sort of popularish (at the time) Stars pros, then a worthy winner in Lex). No real twitch grinders like Matt Staples or AllinPav who put in proper work.

    Would that carelessness extend to "rigged" awards? Who knows, don't think anyone should really care!

    Excellent Post.

    Think I agree with most of that, especially as to Lex.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    Thing is Daniel can dish it out but he cant take it. Then he spits the dummy and kicks off. It seems as though he loves putting out tweets that will start a fire and if you dont agree with his view then the dummy starts coming out. David and Dara have their fingers on the pulse of poker and know what's going on. Daniel hasnt had his finger on the pulse for years and seems from his tweets he doesnt like recs and its are cancer. I took umbrage to that and told him he could have chosen a different word. But it seems it fell on deaf ears. It's his opinion and he is trying to force it down peoples throats without having a proper discussion about it.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189


    Have to say, I utterly abhor the use of the term "cancer" in a poker context. Those using it lightly have no idea of how offensive it can come across to some. Exactly the same as, for example, "retard" "spazz" & the like. It's not done intentionally though, they just don't think it through.

    Also worth pointing out that as far as I am aware, Dara is a top top bloke & I don't believe for a second he would be party or privy to any jiggery-pokery with the voting process.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    I love Dara and David and the rest of the families. Have yet to meet #MrsDoke but have met David's partner Saron and their son Hunter on numerous occasions and I am proud to call them all friends.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    I come to this from a very biased point of view. I have huge respect for the chip race guys and have listened to them since the beginning although my break from poker took me away that respect never faded. Ive seen how they have treated people first hand especially someone whos helped them behind the scenes of the chip race.

    At the same time I am a fan of DN on the table I do think off the table he can be abit hard to listen to. I know a few people shared the voting of the podcast on facebook but I wouldn't have though thats against the rules or any jigger-pokery.

    That said I do think that there is some traits that some poker players have are untasteful, but that can go into any walk of life.
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    Tikay10 said:

    I have followed this from the start with DN , Dara and David Lappin , the two hosts of poker podcast @thechiprace . DN has IMO got this all wrong, as a poker ambassador
    he should be above spitting the dummy out, speak up about why/how the award was rigged in his opinion,and refrain from labeling others as "you people " .
    Or should that read EEEYYWWW ppl .

    Have to say, "you people" is not the way to address folks.

    We had a poster on here - think he's moved on now - but in various debates he always referred to everyone as "you lot". I mean, if you want to win a debate, first you need to face the same way, & win the hearts & minds. "You lot", & "you people" is not exactly going to win any Diplomacy awards is it?

    Hope you lot you & The Dame are well.
    Yes both well and hope you are the same. Off to Dublin soon for the Irish Open, Dame won a nice she does, hoping to get a seat before we leave.
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