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UKOPS Day 5, who won what? TOWIE time.

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682
edited April 2019 in Poker Chat
Very interesting night last night, so we'll crack on, but first the Overlay Report.

After Friday's Overlay City, and with the glorious weather yesterday, there were glum faces galore heading into last night's UKOPS Day 5 renewal. And just when you least expect it, it turned out pretty well, with 6 of the 7 covering, & just the Main missing.

UKOPS 29, G'tee £3,000, made £3,160

UKOPS 30, G'tee £1,500, made £1,820

UKOPS 31, G'tee £15,000, made £13,900

UKOPS 32, G'tee £3,000, made £3,650

UKOPS 33, G'tee £4,000, made £4,150

UKOPS 34, G'tee £2,000, made £2,250

UKOPS 35, G'tee £4,000, made £4,100

Think Sky Poker will Take That. Could this be the magic at last?


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 29, £3,000 BH, 7pm

    The cliche "lightning strikes twice" crops up here as @Essexphil romped to his 2nd win of this UKOPS, adding this to UKOPS 19 which he took down on Thursday. That's an elite club, it's been done a few times, but it's pretty rare, so congrats to my fellow Fat Club member.

    The alias of 4th placed AlanBond stirred memories of the real Alan Bond, who was, or so it seemed, an immensely successful Australian businessman, & something of a tall poppy. Then the wheels came off big time, he went bankrupt, & ended up serving 4 years in clink for fraud, & then died a year or two back from heart failure. What a story.

    Since @Wacko90 won his Vegas package, he can't stop cashing. Good to see, he's one of those rarities in poker who does not have a single enemy or detractor.

    @Essexphil 474000 1 £430.55 + £167.13 Head Prizes 7

    @BLUESTONES 0 2 £258.33 + £91.86 Head Prizes 9

    @varneyarmy 0 3 £158 + £70.25 Head Prizes 4

    @AlanBond 0 4 £124.03 + £48.39 Head Prizes 4

    @Wacko90 0 7 £73.79 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @darrenadd7 0 8 £58.46 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    This man is on a roll too, can't stop cashing, he obly returned to Sky Poker MTT's yesterday after a 2 month break, ran 2nd in Friday's Main & thrn had a good run at this one. An 85% ROI says it all.

    @ChIpSiSbK 0 9 £43.92 + £65.75 Head Prizes 6

    Been a few deep runs by Alan, too.

    @MAXALLY 0 10 £43.92 + £34.22 Head Prizes 4

    I failed to mention a fine effort by @waller02 yesterday, so I thought I'd try & make amends today. Probably could have chosen a better day tbh.

    @waller02 0 157 0

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 30, £1,500 PLO8 BH, 7.30pm

    Never was a win more deserved, @eon1961 has dominated the Sky Poker PLO8 DYM scene for years, racking up 30,000 of them & turning a nice profit too. In fact I was & still am, according to Sharky, his "Most Frequent Opponent, as we have shared DYM tables almost 7,000 times, of which he probably got the better of me at least 6,000 times. We both share the same "Field Address" against our name, "Ilkeston", and I've lost count of how many times some (not very) bright spark has suggested that because we live in the same town we must be colluding. In fact I've not lived in Ilkeston for 8 years, but why let the facts get in in the way of a bad loser on the rant? Gotta love dem boys.

    And look who was 2nd - @Essexphil again. So 2 wins & a 2nd already. Seems like TOWIE.

    Can't stop mentioning 5th placed @ChIpSiSbK, he's making up for lost time it seems.

    @eon1961 364000 1 £263.90 + £154.98 Head Prizes 7

    @Essexphil 0 2 £172.90 + £56.29 Head Prizes 4

    @luckme002 0 3 £106.92 + £55.50 Head Prizes 4

    @dryiceja27 0 4 £86.45 + £39.38 Head Prizes 4

    @ChIpSiSbK 0 5 £70.53 + £69.39 Head Prizes 8

    @barneyk 0 6 £59.15 + £32.81 Head Prizes 3

    Plenty of familiar names close up, including @FeelGroggy @engy @HENDRIK62 & @NChanning, who is having a half-decent UKOPS.

    @FeelGroggy 0 8 £40.95 + £20.63 Head Prizes 2

    @engy 0 9 £31.85 + £16.88 Head Prizes 2

    @HENDRIK62 0 10 £27.30 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @NChanning 0 11 £37.50 Head Prizes 5

    More familiar names who came up just shy...

    @tomgoodun 0 19 £15 Head Prizes 2

    @kapowblamz 0 20 £49.84 Head Prizes 6

    @Super_Oli 0 21 £41.26 Head Prizes 5

    @Wacko90 0 22 0

    @MikeyW94 0 23 0

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 31, £15,000 BH Main Event 8pm

    Until I mentioned the burning questions about his alias yesterday, I had never heard of @ibetmyho28 , but he has popped up again already, winning the Main event, a UKOPS Bracelet, & a modicum of fame & glory. Inside 24 hours his reported profit on Sharky has doubled. Well play Ho bloke.

    @BooBooTheB continues his quest for the Total Player honours with a fine 2nd, beating off Melty in 3rd, with @Makaka , of whom I know nothing, securing his umpteenth cash of the series.

    @ItsOver4U, fresh from a win on Friday, made another Final too.

    @ibetmyho28 1390000 1 £2249.97 + £874.80 Head Prizes 8

    @BooBooTheB 0 2 £1372.53 + £369.64 Head Prizes 6

    @chicknMelt 0 3 £845.25 + £294.98 Head Prizes 5

    @Makaka 0 4 £680.23 + £151.32 Head Prizes 3

    @Itsover4u 0 5 £579.60 + £75 Head Prizes 2

    @ryan1976 0 6 £499.10 + £268.50 Head Prizes

    And here he is again....

    @ChIpSiSbK 0 22 £37.50 Head Prizes 1

    Finally, @HAYSIE must have had a bad day on the Brexit threads, coming home virtually last.

    @HAYSIE 0 117 0

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 32, £3,000 BH Mini 8.30pm

    It was always highly likely that @cpfc_2010 would take down at least one UKOPS, & he got the ball rolling last night. His profits are edging towards £60,000 on Sharky now.

    @sophie1805 was 2nd, & if that was not his/her best result ever I'll be very surprised.

    In 3rd @Khizzy10 seems to be a Sky Poker MTT newbie, with just 10 games to his credit, all in the last week. Good stuff Khizzy.

    @Rhysybhoy (4th) has played just 8 MTT's in 3 years, & this was the first for 2 years.

    6th placed @neenio is highly profitable, rated at 82 & with £60,000 of profit, but this was only his 2nd appearance in the current UKOPS.

    @cpfc_2010 2190000 1 £456.25 + £65.37 Head Prizes 10

    @sophie1805 0 2 £255.50 + £48.16 Head Prizes 9

    @Khizzy10 0 3 £150.75 + £54.87 Head Prizes 9

    @Rhysybhoy 0 4 £119.54 + £40.08 Head Prizes 12

    @Jag727 0 5 £100.38 + £29.42 Head Prizes 7

    @neenio 0 6 £81.21 + £18.64 Head Prizes 4

    @Wacko90 was the FT Bubble. About time he tasted disappointment.

    @Wacko90 0 7 £62.96 + £16.24 Head Prizes 5

    Bet @MynaFrett was disappointed to come up just short in 12th, but no matter, that's a solid result.

    @MynaFrett 0 12 £19.16 + £25.58 Head Prizes 5

    Good to see @Kidgrimsby, a special friend of both mine & Sky Poker, can still cut the mustard.

    @kidgrimsby 0 17 £13.51 + £15.09 Head Prizes 3

    @HENDRIK62 who fancies himself as a golfer, shot 15 over par.

    @HENDRIK62 0 498 0

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 33, £4,000 BH 9pm

    I wish I knew something about the winner, he has been cashing endlessly, but his Sharky is locked, which is quite unusual for what seems to me to be a big winner. Well done him, anyway. He was sitting 3rd in Total Player after Day 5, maybe even higher now, so I might yet get to meet him & know him in Vegas.

    @StayOrGo was 7th in Total Player after Day 4, so this will do him no harm at all. A good man, proper good man, who works tirelessly for Charity & the Community here.

    @devil_tear was also doling well in TP, 6th after Day 4. Think I first met him in Punta Cana a few years back, really interesting & bright chap, with a lovely lady on his arm.

    @Curt360x27 was having, I think, his first UKOPS cash of the series, which is as surprise, as he's a bit of a hotshot.

    @Makaka 415000 1 £601.75 + £325.06 Head Prizes 6

    @StayOrGo 0 2 £394.25 + £213.58 Head Prizes 7

    @PRO3000 0 3 £243.81 + £191.60 Head Prizes 7

    @devil_tear 0 4 £197.12 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2

    @jambeyang 0 5 £160.81 + £51.56 Head Prizes 2

    @Curt360x27 0 6 £134.88 + £43.36 Head Prizes 2

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 34, £2,000 Turbo BH 9.30pm

    Fabulous result for the 59 rated @S2H_19, and I was chuffed to see @edrich in 2nd, a nicer man you could never wish to meet.

    In yesterday's write up we gave mention to @MARK277 who had the misfortune to find himself Heads Up against the beast that is @railtard11 in the Mega Stack, & almost inevitably ended up 2nd. He came on the thread & wrote this;

    "WOOHOO finally managed to make it onto one of the updates"

    Well another WHOHOO is in order, as he made another Final, & edged ever closer towards his target of making his Sharky profitable. Keep it going Mark, you are on a roll now & you can do it.

    @S2H_19 675000 1 £302.18 + £109.15 Head Prizes 8

    @edrich 0 2 £180.34 + £32.52 Head Prizes 5

    @swagman_oz 0 3 £107.55 + £66.47 Head Prizes 9

    @kevg14 0 4 £84.60 + £65.67 Head Prizes 7

    @AAQQKKJJ 0 5 £72 + £50.63 Head Prizes 8

    @MARK277 0 6 £60.30 + £45.81 Head Prizes 8

    Good run by @PKRPar, who has been volunteering, as several others have, to help out with the Forum Comps. I don't ask these guys (& gals) to help, & don't pay them, they just do it. And that's why Sky Poker is a special place.

    @PKRPar 0 13 £15.75 + £23.75 Head Prizes 5

    Decent effort by 2 more Forum faves, too, @tomgoodun & @Duesenberg

    @tomgoodun 0 21 £12.38 + £12.42 Head Prizes 2

    @Duesenberg 0 22 £11.25 + £13.13 Head Prizes 3

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    UKOPS 35, £4,000 Turbo BH 10pm

    The traditional closer to all UKOPS nights went to old-timer & one time Sky Poker TV Analyst @scotty77.

    2nd was the omnipresent @loololollo with @jonnyrkd 3rd, @graham710 4th & @Hoff92 5th.

    Can't keep a good man down it seems, & here's @Essexphil again, doing his TOWIE thing.

    @scotty77 410000 1 £594.50 + £219.74 Head Prizes 3

    @loololollo 0 2 £389.50 + £184.27 Head Prizes 5

    @jonnyrkd 0 3 £240.88 + £174.98 Head Prizes 5

    @graham710 0 4 £194.75 + £99.61 Head Prizes 4

    @Hoff92 0 5 £158.88 + £203.02 Head Prizes 7

    @Essexphil 0 6 £133.25 + £60.94 Head Prizes 3

    Ambo @NChanning had another good run, just ahead of Sock Bloke @LARSON7

    @NChanning 0 7 £112.75 + £75 Head Prizes 3

    @LARSON7 0 8 £92.25 + £126.57 Head Prizes 6

    And here's Ho Bloke again.

    @ibetmyho28 0 10 £61.50 + £146.48 Head Prizes 6

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682


    BIG night, not just a £25,000 £530 High Roller, but a £30,000 Main, too.

    9:00 UKOPS 36 Bounty Hunter £10,000 £33 12 5,000

    19:30 UKOPS 37 Super High Roller £25,000 £530 15 10,000

    20:00 UKOPS 38 MAIN EVENT £30,000 £110 15 10,000

    20:30 UKOPS 39 Mini £4,000 £11 10 3,000

    21:00 UKOPS 40 Bounty Hunter £4,000 £22 10 3,000

    21:30 UKOPS 41 Turbo Bounty Hunter £2,000 £11 7 3,000

    22:00 UKOPS 42 Turbo Bounty Hunter £4,000 £55 7 5,000

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682
    edited April 2019
    Reserved for Total Player Leaderboard which I'll post as soon as it is available. There's that word "soon" again.......

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682

    So that's it for another day, & only 2 more to do & then I'm done, which I'm quite relieved about. Don't suppose I'm alone in thinking that either.

    Was pleasantly surprised to see that yesterday's Report had the best "24 hour Views" of all of them, no idea why though.

    Now I'm off to watch a great day's sporting action on TV - the snooker, SuperBikes from Silverstone, Everton v Man U, Cardiff v Liverpool. What a time to be alive.

  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    Thank You very much for the kind words.
    We all miss you at the plo8 tables.
  • miniman88miniman88 Member Posts: 134
    I honestly must be on the worst run in the history of profitable sky regs. As sad as it is I had a dream I binked the main last night haha, time to see if life really is a simulation or not.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    miniman88 said:

    I honestly must be on the worst run in the history of profitable sky regs. As sad as it is I had a dream I binked the main last night haha, time to see if life really is a simulation or not.

    So, had to have a quick nosey at your Scope after this @miniman88 , expecting to see the mother of all downswings...

    No falling off the cliff visible here, just a gentle plateau :) Breakeven for a few more than a thousand MTT over a few months is not so bad in the games you're playing. Probably feels like a lifetime given how you absolutely crushed it (approximately) £30,000 profit from 4000 games with an average buy-in of £15 is ridiculous and puts you in a relatively unique band of players.
    Chin up crusher. I'm sure the wheels haven't fallen off and you'll be peaking again presently. gl for the remainder of UKOPS.

    Speaking of crushers congratulations to @Essexphil , absolutely smashing it :o

    Also @Tikay10 . As it happens I was actually chatting to @Makaka at the tables yesterday (great player, nice guy) I said something along the lines of aren't you tempted to unlock your Scope to see how pretty your graph is?... don't know if he was just humouring me but he said he would...
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    miniman88 said:

    I honestly must be on the worst run in the history of profitable sky regs. As sad as it is I had a dream I binked the main last night haha, time to see if life really is a simulation or not.

    I am sure loads of regs will try to compete with you on that one.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Great write ups as per thanks , congrats to all the winners and those who cashed, I was so out of my depth playing in this series, guess I’ll have to stick to the £2 tournaments ( Wonder who won the £2 deep stack last night 😊)
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,084
    Great write-ups as usual, Mr K, TOWIF himself-The Only Way is Fold.

    Can honestly say that I look forward to the write-ups every day, especially if I have had some luck the previous day. Thanks also to @MynaFrett, above.

    So-up to 2nd (or "First of the Losers"), and desperate to go to Vegas. Think I might play a few UKOPS today and tomorrow. Bring. It. On. GL all.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682
    eon1961 said:

    Thank You very much for the kind words.
    We all miss you at the plo8 tables.


    Thanks mate. I miss you guys, too.

    Don't be surprised if I turn up soon & get back on it.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682
    miniman88 said:

    I honestly must be on the worst run in the history of profitable sky regs. As sad as it is I had a dream I binked the main last night haha, time to see if life really is a simulation or not.


    After that, I just know you are going to won one tonight. I shall qoute your post, too. ;)

    GL tonight mate.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682
    MynaFrett said:

    miniman88 said:

    I honestly must be on the worst run in the history of profitable sky regs. As sad as it is I had a dream I binked the main last night haha, time to see if life really is a simulation or not.

    So, had to have a quick nosey at your Scope after this @miniman88 , expecting to see the mother of all downswings...

    No falling off the cliff visible here, just a gentle plateau :) Breakeven for a few more than a thousand MTT over a few months is not so bad in the games you're playing. Probably feels like a lifetime given how you absolutely crushed it (approximately) £30,000 profit from 4000 games with an average buy-in of £15 is ridiculous and puts you in a relatively unique band of players.
    Chin up crusher. I'm sure the wheels haven't fallen off and you'll be peaking again presently. gl for the remainder of UKOPS.

    Speaking of crushers congratulations to @Essexphil , absolutely smashing it :o

    Also @Tikay10 . As it happens I was actually chatting to @Makaka at the tables yesterday (great player, nice guy) I said something along the lines of aren't you tempted to unlock your Scope to see how pretty your graph is?... don't know if he was just humouring me but he said he would...

    Well he has not so so yet. We live in hope.

    PS - next time you chat to him, tell him to get himself on the Forum.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,682
    Essexphil said:

    Great write-ups as usual, Mr K, TOWIF himself-The Only Way is Fold.

    Can honestly say that I look forward to the write-ups every day, especially if I have had some luck the previous day. Thanks also to @MynaFrett, above.

    So-up to 2nd (or "First of the Losers"), and desperate to go to Vegas. Think I might play a few UKOPS today and tomorrow. Bring. It. On. GL all.


    Thanks mate, & gl in the remaining 2 days. Win the Package & we could have an OAP's night out in Vegas.
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