The 1st round games took place last night & it all seemed to go pretty well.
There were, inevitably, some walkovers, & there were 2 games where neither player turned up.
Last night's winners are all guaranteed £25, & if they win tonight, they are guaranteed £50.
Below are the results of each game.
Match 1
@mattyf123 v
@jordz16Match 2
@billytheki v
@blue4lifeMatch 3
@bluesfiend v
@fredsgirlMatch 4
@texsid v
@RuttymanMatch 5
@madmick078 v
@aaronryd06Match 6
@chrish45 v
@sherry54Match 7
@tai-gar v
@ladronMatch 8
@ALAN_18 v
@W371ER1 v
@pizzaman92Match 10
@Ikelly v
@stanley408Match 11
@H3nry v
@boggoMatch 12
@billybobs v
@StayOrGoMatch 13
@storrie1 v
@pokerdude7Match 14
@raggy94 v
@shearer464 v
@JessieakMatch 16
@hazelwoo05 v
Match 17
@JTDiamond v
@ghakgMatch 18
@perry74 v
@burns0227Match 19
@splashies v
@Itsover4uMatch 20
@millsylad v
@LMAJODMatch 21
@who_me v
@fifi929Match 22
@Sara4373 v
@AKAscotty v
@DonttelmumMatch 24
@A_r_K v
@LenssonMatch 25
@stack_u v
@summonerMatch 26
@WeeWill78 v
@BUSHWAKMatch 27
@Catsnap v
@Allan23Match 28
@piker01 v
@nishgMatch 29
@brad19471 v
@darklady20Match 30
@bampfers v
@TamLMatch 31
@miniman88 v
@Easy_IanMatch 32
@satsuma40 v
Here's the draw for Round 2 tonight.
Same time, 7.45pm, so don't be late.
Those who lose tonight get £25, the winners are guaranteed a minimum of £50.
@jordz16 v @JTDiamond
@burns0227 v @billytheki
@bluesfiend v @Itsover4u
@texsid v @LMAJOD
@who_me v @madmick078
@chrish45 v @Sara4373
@tai-gar v @Donttelmum
@stack_u v @pizzaman92
@Ikelly v @BUSHWAK
@H3nry v @Catsnap
@piker01 v @billybobs
@pokerdude7 v @darklady20
@raggy94 v @bampfers
@Jessieak v @Easy_Ian
@mkgunner v @Ferruzo
REMINDER - tonight's matches start at 7.45pm.