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TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
Don't usually come on here and have a pop at other players but I feel I have to comment upon what appears to be a general decline in standards by some players.

Now I'm not going to name names, yet. However as I only play in a limited number of tourneys with the same player pool you guys know who you are.

Don't slow roll others guys especially when you lol in the chatbox over it. Its not funny, not clever and is bad for the image of the game especially at lower stakes where there may be newbies.

Sky is a great place to play with an unusually friendly atmosphere and a welcoming ethos. If we can lose with dignity lets show some class when we win yeah.

Yours in poker



  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    On the whole I agree with this but certain players actually like to be slow rolled. @Jac35 enjoys it when it happens to him so I encourage players to do it to him.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Are we sure these guys are not just playing huge amount of tables?
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463
    Hey Matt/Edge

    I'm confused...definition below

    A slow roll in poker is where the player with the very best hand ("the nuts") makes a scene of calling a large final bet, adding unnecessary drama to the hand. One of the most frowned-upon moves in poker, slow rolling is likely to lose you respect and may even anger your opponents

    How can you slow roll a hand in the 7-8 seconds you have to call?

    OK if you leave it till the last second till you call I get it but surely there's no time for theatrics?? ( I can't type " Oh dear, what shall I do?" " Hmm, I really should call, pot committed etc etc " fast enough

    I call straight away as I'm more worried my internet will drop out any second!!

    I agree with the original post if it happens but all I ever see ( and do ) is NH and GL after being taken out with the nuts....maybe I've had more practice than most being taken out

    Very rarely do I see anyone Lol ing the losing player- again, maybe I play at too low a value

    The reason I stay with this platform is the fun chat and general good nature people show when playing

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    Itsover4u said:

    Are we sure these guys are not just playing huge amount of tables?

    Yeah that thought had occurred but on the last 3 occassions I've seen it, the villains timing went from 2/3 sec response to almost timing out before calling. The subsequent lol / lmao chatbox entries made it quite clear that the ploy was deliberate.

    I really dont care myself because I see it at least once a week in live games and if it happens to me I call the other player out.

    I just think it shows a lack of class but maybe I live in the past.


  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    I’ve always thought slowrolls are hilarious - wouldn’t do them heads up in a main but early on in a 2.20 deep stack? Quite funny.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    If it is between friends who consider it banter then I have no issue with it. Context is key with this kind of thing.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    Allan23 said:

    I’ve always thought slowrolls are hilarious - wouldn’t do them heads up in a main but early on in a 2.20 deep stack? Quite funny.

    So your'e saying that your ethics are governed by the size of the buy in and the state of the game?. That's nice to know.

    So is it ok for me to angle shoot in a £50 local comp but not the SPT or GUKPT etc.

    Or can I do it at the SPT but not the WSOP main event ?

  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Sometimes you just have to take a moment to count your fingers to work out if you have a straight or not
  • DoyleBrunDoyleBrun Member Posts: 1,296
    Had a player just call my bet on river with the nuts now that was weird.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    DoyleBrun said:

    Had a player just call my bet on river with the nuts now that was weird.

    Good job it wasn’t a live game
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    DoyleBrun said:

    Had a player just call my bet on river with the nuts now that was weird.

    Why didnt he raise with the nuts
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    I don’t see how you can compare slowrolling with angle shooting - one affects the action to come and another doesn’t. Of course buy in matters, slow rolling a friend in a 50p game is different to slow rolling a friend for 5k. I’ve never really considered slowrolling an ethical issue anyway tbh.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    Allan23 said:

    I don’t see how you can compare slowrolling with angle shooting - one affects the action to come and another doesn’t. Of course buy in matters, slow rolling a friend in a 50p game is different to slow rolling a friend for 5k. I’ve never really considered slowrolling an ethical issue anyway tbh.

    Hey each to their own.

    I would say that there is a comparison between angling and slowrolling as in the cardrooms I frequent, Genting, Grosvenor DTD both will get you a verbal blast from the table for a first infraction and a repeat of the same is likely to lead to a mis hap somewhere between the doors and your transport.

    As I said you can slowroll me all day long and I can hold my own when it comes to the chatbox. My point is we should be discouraging anything that could put new players off playing here.
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Yeah obviously it’s different live, and agree about encouraging new players here. If there’s a very obvious spewy new player who seems like he barely knows the rules then slowrolling would just be idiotic (provided they knew what slowrolling was). If there was a certain type of player (constantly in the chat box, rude etc) then slow rolling is a brilliant way to get the table laughing online
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
  • DoyleBrunDoyleBrun Member Posts: 1,296

    DoyleBrun said:

    Had a player just call my bet on river with the nuts now that was weird.

    Why didnt he raise with the nuts
    You tell me?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited May 2019
    One of the most satisfying things about online poker is getting slow roll revenge. It's happened to myself a number of times (surprising, I know) and I'll always make a note; something articulate along the lines of ''slowroll this pr1ck'' usually suffices.

    Always a joyous occasion when you can finally get them back, be that weeks, months or sometimes even years down the line.

    When I dabbled in DYMs a couple of years ago, it took about 2 months of playing the same player day in day out before the poker Gods finally afforded me the opportunity to get my revenge with a set over set cold deck. To say the villain in question (who I won't name but is a female who might have been in the Navy) went apeshit in the chatbox would be an understatement. Fun times and a whale never forgets or whatever that saying is.

    Yeah players shouldn't do it but I don't really think its much of an issue. Chances are a newbie might not even realise whats going on, depending on how 'newbie' they are.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    DoyleBrun said:

    DoyleBrun said:

    Had a player just call my bet on river with the nuts now that was weird.

    Why didnt he raise with the nuts
    You tell me?
    When that happens live the argument you usually get is

    "Well I know that He / She isn't putting another penny in the middle so I may as well just call"

    Maybe, but I would still consider it soft playing.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    You often see players flat calling with the nuts in the 2.20 deepys, I just assume they are new and not aware they had the nuts, saves you a worse spot anyway.

    As for slow rolling, unless somebody types lol or similar then you have to give them the benefit of the doubt as they might have a tonne of tables on the go or distracted by the wife.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    ive done it , when playing too many tables and playing drunk then sat there thinking wtf you doing eegit
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