Just wondering what people consider as the best content on YouTube as far as Mtt study is concerned is please.
I watch a lot of Doug Polk and enjoy his stuff but he does tend to overthink some fairly standard spots (unless I'm just under thinking them?)
Lex Veldhuis is a funny guy but I find a lot of his content rather arrogant. He seems to like showing how good he is rather than giving advice.
Raiseyouredge's content can be a struggle as he is often streaming 10+ plus tables making it quite hard to follow, he speaks really slow too and sounds a bit like Arnie.
Any other recommendations please?
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I am prepared to admit I'm in Love with him.
Edit: Think I've found it. The $5000 big game review with Bencb??
Just a few suggestions from some of my poker related Youtube subscriptions - I will say though, if you find Doug and Lex arrogant, there's a fair chance a few of these guys might rub you up the wrong way too
Bencb's voice still really grates on me but he sure knows his onions so learning to live with it.
Thanks for the links mate