RYDER CUP FIXTURE AND SCORE SHEET BELOW: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSHaDOD-szydVMJvJ6MoZ4GiPz19gacUKdNSg8hURM6APb05IenwkVwnjrp8HHL7D2z-c6t74A-ruYw/pubhtml@MAXALLY AND
@StayOrGo to select players A to H in "secret" and then reveal at same time.
ALL GAMES WILL BE £1.05 NLHE HEADS UP SPEED SNG---------------------------------------------------
REFEREE: @mumsie Hi guys. Teams are:
@MAXALLY @68Trebor @ALAN_18 @engy @JordyAA @MAXALLY @rabdeniro @rspca12 @SidV79 @TheEdge949 @thisltedu@waller02 THE SOUTH: CAPTAIN
@StayOrGo @Alvez11 @Essexphil @IrishRose @j3ono @kapowblamz @lfccarl @madprof @MISTY4ME @spearsy136@StayOrGo @Tikay10 @tomgoodun Please use thread below to sign up: (If I have missed anyone, please post on thread below)
I am thinking if we can actually get 14 players per team, that would be perfect, that way we have a couple of "reserves" for the singles in case players are unavailable.
It would be a logistical nightmare to do this in one day, so it would probably span about a month, but players will have more flexibility to arrange their own matches.
Thanks for picking me! Gl in Notts and in away till 12/10
I've just had a quick look at the spreadsheet..I forgot about result 25....