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How good a laptop do I need so I can run 4 tables on Sky Poker smoothly?

RablenoRableno Member Posts: 2
Hi I know next to nothing about computer performance and was wondering if someone who does could help. I currently play Sky on a shonky laptop from 2014 and it is so laggy. (My internet is the best you can get just about).

I was thinking about buying a beasty laptop but how good does it need to be? What specs should I look for? What do other people play Sky on and how does it run? I am not a gamer (apart from cm 01/02) so dont need it for that.

Any help would be appreciated cheers.


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    Rableno said:

    Hi I know next to nothing about computer performance and was wondering if someone who does could help. I currently play Sky on a shonky laptop from 2014 and it is so laggy. (My internet is the best you can get just about).

    I was thinking about buying a beasty laptop but how good does it need to be? What specs should I look for? What do other people play Sky on and how does it run? I am not a gamer (apart from cm 01/02) so dont need it for that.

    Any help would be appreciated cheers.

    Sign Taribo West on a free transfer at the start of the game.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2019
    Rableno said:

    Hi I know next to nothing about computer performance and was wondering if someone who does could help. I currently play Sky on a shonky laptop from 2014 and it is so laggy. (My internet is the best you can get just about).

    I was thinking about buying a beasty laptop but how good does it need to be? What specs should I look for? What do other people play Sky on and how does it run? I am not a gamer (apart from cm 01/02) so dont need it for that.

    Any help would be appreciated cheers.

    *Insert standard spiel about increasing speeds by making sure you've got rid of any crappy freeware that the store puts on your computer at purchase here*


    Processors: I've got an Intel Core i3 processor in my laptop and not a whole lot of RAM, so it's useless for more than 1-2 tables on Sky, and I doubt chucking more RAM into it would do much either. So I feel your pain.

    I'd avoid anything with a Core i3 processor. No idea on other processors (e.g. AMD) as I have no experience using them, but again I'd probably avoid all the entry level **** out there, even if it's only for low-spec gaming use.

    My PC has a Core i7-3770k processor w/ 16GB RAM, and the limiting factor for how many tables I can play with that is the Sky software itself (which crashes at around 14-16 tables for a sustained period, crashing sooner if I go up to like 18-20 tables, which I believe is a known bug for mass multitablers on here) so if you want to play it safe then anything i7 will absolutely do the job. Might be overkill though.

    A Core i5 processor will probs be fine too, but I have no experience of it myself so can't say for certain.


    RAM: I have 16GB but that might be excessive for what you're using it for - I can run 12 tables on one monitor and have TV streaming on the second monitor no problem with this much RAM.

    That said, I personally wouldn't go anything less than 8GB (Assuming Windows 10), just to futureproof yourself somewhat (Insert jokes about Sky bringing out new software here) and give you some flexibility in what you can have running in the background at the same time as Sky. Having multiple sites' software open, YouTube/Spotify if you have music when playing, HUD if playing elsewhere, plus background stuff like antivirus and ofc the operating system itself all need a certain amount of RAM to run efficiently. Defo be prepared for the maximum you could need, rather than just getting the bare minimum RAM for what you think you need.

    Also if you're playing 4 tables now, I'd make sure you're prepared for the possibility that you might want to up that to maybe 6 tables in the future. Again, that's extra RAM you'll need for more tables, and more reason to avoid getting the bare minimum.

    I think 4GB or less you just end up running into the same lag issues you have now, just on a newer operating system.


    Graphics card: Meh, as long as it's suitable for the operating system and isn't cheap trash. You're not running anything that needs a good graphics card, really.


    Monitor resolution & size: 1366x768 runs 4 min sized tables with vertical overlap, and 6 tables with both vertical and a small amount of horizontal overlap. 1280x720 (AKA 720p) will be the same but more overlap. That's the bare minimum resolutions that I would (reluctantly) advise.

    1600x900 (900p) will comfortably run 6 tables with zero overlap, 8 tables with a small amount of horizontal overlap, and would be my choice in your spot as it gives you more space to play with should you want it. If nothing else, you can tile 4 tables at a slightly larger than minimum size if you wish. Anything more than 900p is unnecessary for what you've stated you want to use it for, and would just be a nice luxury to have.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    I have a bog standard 5yr old Acer with i5 processor and never had a problem.
    Mind you I only 4-6 table.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited May 2019
    Yeah I wouldn't bother with a core i3 processor, mine suffers with lag after a while of 6 tabling, although this is rectified by closing and re-opening the client during the 5 min break.

    EDIT: It does run 4 tables fine all night though. 6 seems to be the limit with my laptop
  • chrisdonkbchrisdonkb Member Posts: 133
    @Rableno I didn’t know much about this at all either but decided in September that I wanted a decent laptop that was pretty much just for poker. Just searched for ‘good laptops for poker’ and found some really good threads which gave me recommendations to suit different budgets and a bit of information as to which specs matter and which don’t. Should be easy enough to find but if you can’t I will try and have a look :)
  • The--DonThe--Don Member Posts: 393
    I have a Lenovo with an i3 processor which runs fine without lag but the fan is on and off which bugs me.

    So, I bought a Dell Inspiron with an i5 processor and it runs six tables with zero lag through the browsers. I haven't tried more and I haven't downloaded the client, which is always a way worse playing experience than using the client.
  • DozzaDozza Member Posts: 339
    Rableno said:

    Hi I know next to nothing about computer performance and was wondering if someone who does could help. I currently play Sky on a shonky laptop from 2014 and it is so laggy. (My internet is the best you can get just about).

    I was thinking about buying a beasty laptop but how good does it need to be? What specs should I look for? What do other people play Sky on and how does it run? I am not a gamer (apart from cm 01/02) so dont need it for that.

    Any help would be appreciated cheers.

    Sign Kim Kallstrom and Cherno Samba. Then sit back and relax B)
  • RablenoRableno Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the help guys.

    And thanks for the cm advice but I have already completed it ;)
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