@KOBAYASHI I've just got online after travelling across to Vegas, & it's now midnight here, which is 8am UK.
I've left a request for your Free Entry into tonight's Mini as agreed.
I don't know for sure if it will get picked up - 90% certain it will but not 100% - and if it's not I'll try again when I get up, which will be about 7am Vegas (mid-afternoon UK time).
Check the lobby though, all being well your name should appear. Probably.
UPDATE - the office have confirmed this will be sorted.
Good luck.
@jwrighty won the Mini with his Forum Comp Free entry, so you need to improve on that.
Enjoy Vegas
Unless there's some confusion here on my part, I can see you in the Lobby;
Ashtonite 2000 0
Bonehead 2000 0
chicknMelt 2000 0
cleverkev 2000 0
Gooner1961 2000 0
HAYSIE 2000 0
Makaka 2000 0
MynaFrett 2000 0
SCHOF78 2000 0
Westy0987 2000 0
wormboy40 2000 0
ynwa197525 2000 0
Sorry. I can't do anything about it in time for tonight I'm afraid, but of course Sky will honour your Free Entry.
Give me a night to try again please & I'll try & sort it correctly this time. Plenty of notice if poss please due to time difference.
Pretty sure I gave them the correct alias, but easy to see how the mistake arose.